Election 2016
Just thought of something else to be #ThankfulFor...
The person a heartbeat away from the Presidency is Mike Pence, not that miserable gnome Hillz ran with.
Hey guys! Hey guys! Hey guys! Hey guys!
You know what today is, don't you? Huh? Huh?
That's right!
It's another day that Hillary Clinton is not President.
Great post!
[i]Journalists Retell Their Election Night Horror Stories
‘People were throwing up. People were on the floor crying’[/i]
Can’t… stop… giggling…
Just when did JJ start the countdown? Wondering what m-words were in the first one...!
Sooooo long ago, it seems, and yet, we are here now!!
Spoiler: the "0 days left" photo is already up at mindful webworker's site, along with the photos from days 1-7.
Oh, man, I can see how this will turn out.
Florida, and some rust-belt states, they'll all turn out for Hillary. Trump has no path to the electoral college win.
Forgive me for posting one of my own videos? It's short.
There was a disturbance after the Wisconsin EC vote.
The two Christmas musical selections: Not a dig at the post author, but, did you notice how dumb it is to post a VIDEO which is just a photo (or a series of stills) when all you really want is the
Electors vote Trump; Hilarity Ensues
I couldn't help myself. Okay, I could, but why should I?
cth: It didn’t exactly go in the toilet though, right? It went into the economy. I mean, they purchase goods and services with that money, don’t they?
One oft-noted characteristic of the Evil Ones is how you can tell what they're up to by what they accuse others of doing - projection. Yes, there is indeed a coup attempt going on, as they claim.
Imagine taking $1,000,000 and just flushing it down the toilet!
Imagine a whole bunch of people doing that with $1M or more!
Just mentioned and linked this in a comment on an earlier thread, then I get up to this post and find out you already posted it hours earlier. Funny.
On the recount failure in PA...
Ashley Judd's: I think if we learned anything this election is that the media is a dying beast.
And, we hope, their Democratic party with them.
Posted by: mindful webworker - still giggling at December 04, 2016 12:13 AM (lwpdV)
Got me with the ending.
Evening, folks!
Rushed into production just for your edutainment, while I work on a longer version:
Hitler finds out the recount fails, short version #1
Just read elsewhere: "Stein campaign WITHDRAWS PA campaign suit at of 5 pm today."
Hillary Clinton will never be President of the United States.
That by-county Election Map of 2016? Find the largest "red" (hate the reversed colors!) area smack in the middle of the country. Now, approximate the middle of that big red puddle.
½ Not-first comment:
Subjects: blogs, Election 2016, humor, LaughingStock Media
SMFH: ...Videos like this helped shame black folks.
Good evening, y'all.
Le Post: Its been a week since the presidential election. The smirks and schadenboners are starting to fade....
NaCly Dog: Remember, Hillary Clinton will never be President of these United States.
* chortling uncontrollably *
Read the post. Nice work, MH.
Uncontrollable grinning & giggling: Day 6
Chiming in out of nowhere...
I think it proves just how much America is a post-sexist nation that we had the first woman candidate for President to FAIL based on character, not gender.
Aha - Since I was asking about it, here what I found
Great bunch of posters. Also, the first by-county map I've seen. Been looking for one. If you know where I can get one for real, let me know.
Been looking for a county-by-county map of the election.
Too early?