All Media
Forms which webworks may take
Not a genre but a genre modifier, indicating webworks which are original in result, while more or less including, combining, and modifying media by others.
Print Mindful Mini-Comics directly from the web. Satisfaction absolutely not guaranteed; printing is tricky.
a type of Text
Freestyle or rhyming poetic endeavors, lyrics intended to be accompanied by music, or verse as the subject of prose.
a type of Illustration
Storytelling webworks employing graphic illustrative symbols and expressive text.
a type of Moving Pictures
Graphical webworks which seem to move but are not video (commonly GIFs).
a type of Moving Pictures
Motion pictures generated from drawings or by computer rather than live footage, although the category may include stop-action of live scenes, or a mix of live and animated. It's complicated. Generally longer than an animagraphic, usually including sound.
a type of Moving Pictures
Digital moving picture webworks, with or without sound, but not animagraphics.