Male and Female He created them, and they will forever be incomprehensible to one another. Cats Charlie and Ony demonstrate.
Those three blind mice better watch out! Tales of our pets.
As for sitting or stepping on pets, they don't even have to be camouflaged.
Our black cat seeks black surfaces to lie on, like the insulated tote bag that's all black. All you can see sometimes are those yellow eyes. Which is a strange thing to see on a tote bag.
Don't know how that little bird got in the house this morning, but it was fun, first awakening Milady to the sound of the chase, then following the bird around, as it smashed into mirrors and close
Black kitty is apparently the Designated Annoyer this morning. Hard to type with her in my lap demanding petting.
* rumble rumble rumble rumble CRASH *
I jump out of bed, grab flashlight, wander through house. "What has some cat done now?
Pistol Pete, the resident Vic over at PoliNation, notes that yesterday was GWB's 68th birthday.
Posted by: mindful webworker - cat-a-lyst at May 19, 2014 06:47 AM (MQyRp)
She's training you well.
The black cat is a yellow-eyed short-hair female; the black dragon in the How to Train cartoon was probably modeled on a cat just like this one.
From the Middle of America!
It's Caturday Niiiiight!
Subjects: cats, Charlie (cat), Dude (cat), Halloween, Max (cat), Ony
I've found I can't bring it. So I cobble it up and fake it. For discerning morons:
Has her eye on something.