
Webworks and Offsite Comments,
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Jess Dixon in his flying automobile
Transport Future

It's a real flying car. Quad-copter tech looks cool. I'll take two.

Video by Others added on 2022 Oct 15
Subjects: flying car, China
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Biden's Buddy
Radical Incline

This gang is after more than your lucky dime. They want total power.

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Mind starting to zombie-ize. Some parting shots:

Read all… Subjects: added on 2016 Jun 21
Subjects: China, good, self-defense

So, what's the over/under that there will be armed conflict in the Middle East this year?

/snrkd so hard I hurt myself

Read all… Subjects: added on 2016 Jun 19
Subjects: China, Middle East, terrorism

United States of America responds by claiming entire Western Hemisphere is ours, because North America and South America have got America in the name!

Read all… Subjects: added on 2015 Sep 15
Subjects: China

willow: "uh, just getting a spot of coffee"

willow: "i see another thread is up."

Read all… Subjects: added on 2015 May 17
Subjects: China, socialism

Say, here's two items from the blog-heap today (Emphasis added in both items):

Read all… Subjects: added on 2015 Mar 3
Subjects: China, US military

M'man Jim tells it like it is:

Read all… Subjects: added on 2014 Nov 12
Subjects: Jim Inhofe, Impeach Obama, China, climate

Red China flooding US with near perfect fake drivers licenses --- h/t Drudge again

Read all… Subjects: added on 2014 Sep 23
Subjects: China, citizenship

YOU CAN'T FOOL ME TWICE. Where's the REAL ONT tonight? C'mon, folks, clue me in. Wha's th' password? Wha's th' sicrit you-are-ell?

Pthhhhtthhthtppththhh. -Rosemary Lahmbert

Read all… Subjects: added on 2014 Sep 4
Subjects: China

There couldn't be a better time for China to take over Viet Nam and Korea, North at least.

Read all… Subjects: added on 2014 May 18
Subjects: China, North Korea, Viet Nam

chefwes: Reid's China connections have been discussed here. In the comments! Also up top on Drudge, or was yesterday.

Read all… Subjects: added on 2014 Apr 13
Subjects: China, Harry Reid, Nevada

Vic's got nothin? Whattabout you, Drudge?

Read all… Subjects: added on 2014 Apr 11
Subjects: Benghazi, China, Christianity, immigration, news, TSA

Milady told me she heard this on Mark Levin at 6, then we caught it on repeat driving home.

Who's the chairman of the Chinese Communist Party, Levin asks the LIV caller.

Read all… Subjects: added on 2014 Mar 25
Subjects: China, Mark Levin, trolls

As New Caliphate declares war on Sino-Soviet Alliance, Obama-Jarrett administration instructs US military to turn over nuke control to Caliphate

Read all… Subjects: added on 2014 Mar 23
Subjects: China, Impeach Obama, Islam, Russia, US military, Valerie Jarrett

This must already have been noted, but...


Drudge headline while Mrs Obama & the gals are there.

Read all… Subjects: added on 2014 Mar 23
Subjects: Big Brother, China, Drudge Report, Michelle Obama

"It's even more rare to have the opportunity to travel with three generations — with my daughters, and with my mother..." who is now world-famous for single-handedly destroying relations with China

Read all… Subjects: added on 2014 Mar 23
Subjects: China, Michelle Obama

1978 – U.S. President Jimmy Carter announces that the United States will recognize the People's Republic of China and sever diplomatic relations with Taiwan

Read all… Subjects: added on 2013 Dec 15
Subjects: China, Jimmy Carter

"... a few million Chinese soldiers, if it came to it. ..."

Which side? They might want to protect their American 'investment'! :/

Read all… Subjects: added on 2013 Dec 9
Subjects: China, US Constitution
China and US Def Mins handshake
Radical Incline

The legacy of Nixon goes to China: Saber-rattling in South-East Asia.

Text, Video by Others added on 2013 Nov 24
Subjects: China, military, nuclear, threat
Comments open

China To Phase Out Labor Camps And It's One Child Policy
(Just as Obama plans to phase labor camps in and...)

Read all… Subjects: added on 2013 Nov 16
Subjects: China, Homeland Security, TSA

The smart people are sure we commoners have too many choices. -gurgle

Read all… Subjects: added on 2013 Oct 17
Subjects: Chicago, China, liberty, tyranny

BEIJING – A 13-month-old child was fatally crushed by a car containing Chinese officials after they went to collect a fine from the parents for breaching the country's one-child policy, according t

Read all… Subjects: added on 2013 Feb 5
Subjects: China, family
