Remy's TSA Contest Entry
"It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God."
Mark, quoted back always by blaster
Fun Fack
Vic's got nothin? Whattabout you, Drudge?
Subjects: Benghazi, China, Christianity, immigration, news, TSA
"They are now saying there were 4 suspect individuals on that plane that disappeared yesterday en route to Peking...."
Others could require that everybody fly naked and handcuffed to the seats. - Obnoxious A-hole
A militia doesn't ask, "Who?" when the cry goes up that "The regulars are coming!"
China To Phase Out Labor Camps And It's One Child Policy
(Just as Obama plans to phase labor camps in and...)
The lone gunman at LAX doesn't fit the expressed tactics of the various right wing crazies I've thus far read. -Bigby's Boxing Gloves
LAX gunman article:
Subjects: Benghazi, Homeland Security, Obamacare, small business, TSA
Posted by: Baldy
Oh, and in closing, just FYI, Congress is dissolved, and the armed forces will be dissolved just as fast as I can transfer all their stuff to the TSA.
Subjects: Benghazi, Big Nanny, border security, Chuck Hagel, coffee, drones, economics, family, FBI, Greg Gutfeld, gun rights, Hillary Clinton, Impeach Obama, John Kerry, news, politics, revolution, sex, terrorism, Trifecta, TSA, war
Subjects: Allen West, Benghazi, Christmas, Communism, Egypt, Eric Holder, family, Greg Gutfeld, gun rights, Hillary Clinton, Impeach Obama, Israel, Jay Carney, Jesus, John Kerry, Michelle Malkin, Santa Claus, Sharia, squirrel, Susan Rice, Syria, The View, Trifecta, TSA, War in the Middle East
Having many things better to do this scorching Saturday morning, instead I have been reading the overnight.
Subjects: transport, TSA, human right, proper province of government, coffee
It's being permitted, even encouraged, passively, and actively. From the top.
Subjects: border security, jihad, attack, threat, Tancredo, Green Wave, Ann Barnhardt, TSA, Fast and Furious
The more I've thought about this, the more I'm disgusted with the WEENIES of the Texas senate