Progressive energy policy under the leadership of the smarter than us elite.
I read, but can't now find, that a previous Airbus crew almost passed out during flight from "bad air," a malfunctioning fresh air system.
Brian Bodissey, Gates of Vienna, spoke to the terrorism question.
"A320 pilots association is saying crash was most likely caused by, quote, 'pilot incapacitation'!
"...any one who serves especially in a combat zone dealing with heavy dangerous equipment or people whether they are actually Military or Civilian helpers put their lives at risk and I tip my hat t
Subjects: airplane, architecture, beavers, cats, dogs, numbers, sleep, solar system
Subjects: aberrant psychosis, accident, airplane, alcohol, automobile, Bartlesville, bicycle, Bill Clinton, birth certificate, Breitbart Lives, Chris Christie, Communism, Dale Evans, disastrophe, Donald Trump, economy, Election 2012, fail, gangs, George W Bush, Hillary Clinton, Impeach Obama, Israel, Joe Biden, John Boehner, Kansas, LaughingStock Media, marijuana, Michelle Obama, Mitt Romney, Mullendore Murder, music video, Newt Gingrich, Obama ate dog, Obamacare, Oklahoma, parody, Paul Ryan, politics, prohibition, proper province of government, racism, rail, Ron Paul, Roy Rogers, Rush Limbaugh, SCoaMF, superheroes and supervillains, Supreme Court of the United States, tax, tornadoes, US Senate, US Vice-President, weather, Woolaroc
Automobile crash test, trains versus everything, airplane crash compilation.
Warning: some near escapes, but some horrific apparent injuries and fatalities.
Getting from here to there by traveling through the air
First report I managed to get about the crash, they talked about the dumping of the fuel, the evidence that they had ejected low & late, their injuries and I knew what those guys probably did.
Like flying in a virtual country club.
Safe Holiday Flying, America! Is a veritable cult of crotch-gropers and child-molesters is operating by federal mandate in America's airports?
BARTLESVILLE — Valter Dellanebbia wants to make the skies friendly and affordable for younger aviation enthusiasts... “We are trying to bring young people back to aviation,” Dellanebbia said as he showed off a Jabiru J-230 LSA model... This is made in Tennessee and the engine is from Australia. We wanted to make aviation affordable. You can buy one of these aircraft for one-tenth the price of others." .. For those looking to buy aircraft, the Jabiru model in Bartlesville carries a price tag of about $100,000. .. If the price is too steep, don’t worry. Dellanebbia has models available from $50,000 on up....
Tense times continue.
On Sunday night, on a flight from Dulles in the Washington, D.C., area to Tampa, Florida, a passenger's comment to a crew member resulted in nine passengers being removed from the plane. No word on what the comment was.