birth certificate
O's Bdy? His birth certificate
(c/o Pistol Pete on PoliNation, c/o Earl of Taint)
Subjects: birth certificate, Hillary Clinton, Impeach Obama, Jeb Bush
Subjects: birth certificate, Colorado, Impeach Obama, Iran, Jesus, marijuana, Michelle Obama, Obamacare, Rush Limbaugh, sex, stoned, unions, US military
Subjects: Ben Stein, birth certificate, China, Christmas, education, energy, family, food, Impeach Obama, Iran, Islam, Jay Carney, Jerusalem, Jesus, Mayan, Mitt Romney, Nancy Pelosi, Osama bin Laden, Rachel Carlson, Roman, Susan Rice, Texas, War in the Middle East
Subjects: Afghanistan, Alfonzo Rachel, Benghazi, Bill Clinton, birth certificate, children, Christmas, culture, economy, Election 2012, family, food, gun rights, Herman Cain, Hillary Clinton, Impeach Obama, Iran, Michelle Malkin, Michelle Obama, Mitt Romney, Paul McCartney, proper province of government
"I am hoping that the psychologist who assessed Terry will read [Larkin's biography]. If he does, he will no longer ask why Lt. Col. Lakin did what he did, but rather why others who had sworn to defend the Constitution — Congress included — did not do the same."
Cashill nails it, doesn't he? The real tragedy isn't the one man who took his oath seriously and stood by the Constitution. Larkin is a hero, not a tragic figure, because he did the right thing and kept his honor, regardless of what he suffered for doing so.
Subjects: Terry Larkin, birth certificate, Barack Obama, honor, US military
Subjects: aberrant psychosis, accident, airplane, alcohol, automobile, Bartlesville, bicycle, Bill Clinton, birth certificate, Breitbart Lives, Chris Christie, Communism, Dale Evans, disastrophe, Donald Trump, economy, Election 2012, fail, gangs, George W Bush, Hillary Clinton, Impeach Obama, Israel, Joe Biden, John Boehner, Kansas, LaughingStock Media, marijuana, Michelle Obama, Mitt Romney, Mullendore Murder, music video, Newt Gingrich, Obama ate dog, Obamacare, Oklahoma, parody, Paul Ryan, politics, prohibition, proper province of government, racism, rail, Ron Paul, Roy Rogers, Rush Limbaugh, SCoaMF, superheroes and supervillains, Supreme Court of the United States, tax, tornadoes, US Senate, US Vice-President, weather, Woolaroc
One of my Republican-State Senators voted Nay. Hope I hear why on the morning talk shows Monday. The other abstained. Maybe he's back in rehab?
Subjects: Barack Obama, Frank Marshall Davis, birth certificate
Is Obama’s grandfather's good friend, and Barry's Communist Mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, the father of the President? Hmmmm.
Subjects: Barack Obama, Frank Marshall Davis, conspiracy, birth certificate, US President, Jimi Hendrix, Joe Biden
Congress cannot even impeach him because, not being the actual President, he cannot be "removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors"
Subjects: Barack Obama, US Constitution, US President, law, birth certificate
The game is afoot, Watson! The propaganda game for Obama, that is.
Subjects: Barack Obama, birth certificate, US President, US Constitution, law
They know the Constitutionalists will (already did) rip this forgery to shreds, but the blind Obamabots will take this as solid and indisputable proof — just as they did before it was ever released.
Subjects: Barack Obama, birth certificate, US President, US Constitution, law
They know the Constitutionalists will (already did) rip this forgery to shreds, but the blind Obamabots will take this as solid and indisputable proof — just as they did before it was ever released
Subjects: Barack Obama, birth certificate, US President, US Constitution, law
Who does he think he's fooling? Not the Constitutionalists!
Subjects: Barack Obama, birth certificate, US President, US Constitution, law
Isn't that a remarkable coincidence such a big propaganda push happens just one day before the document's miraculous appearance!?!
Subjects: Barack Obama, US President, birth certificate, eligibility, CNN, CBS, Fox News, US Constitution, correction
PROOF: CNN interviewed a number of sources
Subjects: Barack Obama, US President, birth certificate, eligibility, CNN, Dan Rather
Oh, look! An actual outright “birthers are all racists” column! Isn’t that quaint!
Subjects: US President, Barack Obama, birth certificate, racism, Leonard Pitts Jr, Progressives Playbook
Oh, look! An actual outright "birthers are all racists" column! Isn't that quaint!
Subjects: birth certificate, racism, Leonard Pitts Jr, Whoopi Goldberg, Donald Trump, Helen Keller, Progressives Playbook, logic
Been watching the birth-certificate mystery ripple out since it was just a rock first tossed in the pond, and it's always been a hoot and a half. Now, Mainsteam Medea and the Supremes and the Enigma in Chief hisself have all alluded tuit! It just won't go away!
Subjects: Barack Obama, US President, birth certificate, Supreme Court of the United States, eligibility