Displaying 1 - 10 of 10
Sources: trumblele, bartby, HerBunk, truemoveh, mygenopportunity, houseofsunny, thejmanprepper, PajamasMedia, GOPrapidresponse, InstituteForJustice, WildBillForAmerica, mrcolionnoir, NRAVideos
Video, Video by Others added on 2013 Sep 27
Subjects: Big Brother, Egypt, LaughingStock Media, Obamacare, Syria, Vlad Putin
Subjects: Big Brother, Egypt, LaughingStock Media, Obamacare, Syria, Vlad Putin
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Sources: LaughingAtLiberals, GOPrapidresponse, patcondell, WildBillForAmerica, NewsBusted, mrcolionnoir, InstituteForJustice
Video by Others added on 2013 Jul 16
Subjects: Benghazi, First Amendment, gun rights, Harry Reid, news, threat
Subjects: Benghazi, First Amendment, gun rights, Harry Reid, news, threat
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Sources: thejudgechannel, who2tv, AmericanCrossroads, StevenCrowder, hillsdalecollege, GOPrapidresponse, NewsBusted, NRAVideos, mrcolionnoir, PajamasMedia, rnc, InstituteForJustice, themrsuslov, ReasonTV, WildBillForAmerica, CFPEcon101, jacksonforlg, catoinstitutevideo, RightSightings
Video by Others added on 2013 Jul 2
Subjects: Anthony Weiner, Benghazi, border security, Boston Marathon 2013, civility, Declaration of Independence, Eric Holder, George Zimmerman, Hillary Clinton, Libya, Nancy Pelosi, news, Sarah Palin, self-defense
Subjects: Anthony Weiner, Benghazi, border security, Boston Marathon 2013, civility, Declaration of Independence, Eric Holder, George Zimmerman, Hillary Clinton, Libya, Nancy Pelosi, news, Sarah Palin, self-defense
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Sources: IOTW2009, mrcolionnoir, WildBillForAmerica, GOPICYMI, illuminatitv, InstituteForJustice, PajamasMedia
Video, Video by Others added on 2013 Apr 10
Subjects: Big Nanny, education, gun rights, homosexuality, Impeach Obama, Joe Foss, race
Subjects: Big Nanny, education, gun rights, homosexuality, Impeach Obama, Joe Foss, race
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Sources: AssociatedPress, PajamasMedia, NewsBusted, RealFreedom1776, thepatriotnurse, Whateverhappentocomm, GOPrapidresponse, RightSightings, rnc, InstituteForJustice, thealexjoneschannel, ThinkOutsideTheTV, IOTW2009
Video, Video by Others added on 2013 Jan 30
Subjects: beer, Benghazi, Chicago, Chuck Hagel, drones, Fourth Amendment, Greg Gutfeld, gun rights, Hillary Clinton, Homeland Security, ice cream, Jay Carney, John Kerry, justice, Republicans, Sandy Hook, tornadoes, violence, Whole Foods
Subjects: beer, Benghazi, Chicago, Chuck Hagel, drones, Fourth Amendment, Greg Gutfeld, gun rights, Hillary Clinton, Homeland Security, ice cream, Jay Carney, John Kerry, justice, Republicans, Sandy Hook, tornadoes, violence, Whole Foods
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Sources: JewishNewsOne, StevenCrowder, ReasonTV, TheNewYorkTimes, RightSightings, WildBillForAmerica, InstituteForJustice, Whateverhappentocomm, thepatriotnurse, NewsBusted, gregalabama
Video by Others added on 2012 Nov 15
Subjects: Benghazi, Chicago, defense, education, family, Greg Gutfeld, health, Impeach Obama, Israel, jihad, liberty, medical marijuana, Michelle Malkin, Netanyahu, Obamacare, Oklahoma, PETA, police, Ron Paul, Sharia, Susan Rice, terror, United States of America, War in the Middle East
Subjects: Benghazi, Chicago, defense, education, family, Greg Gutfeld, health, Impeach Obama, Israel, jihad, liberty, medical marijuana, Michelle Malkin, Netanyahu, Obamacare, Oklahoma, PETA, police, Ron Paul, Sharia, Susan Rice, terror, United States of America, War in the Middle East
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Sources: RussiaToday, jackohoft, PajamasMedia, Souria2011archives, WildBillForAmerica, Whateverhappentocomm, sarahnettoo, xdm45acp, charliespiering, ReasonTV, InstituteForJustice, RightSightings, catoinstitutevideo, securefreedom
Video by Others added on 2012 Nov 14
Subjects: abortion, Allen West, Ann Coulter, Benghazi, betrayal, Chicago, education, family, FBI, First Amendment, Greg Gutfeld, jihad, Joe Biden, John McCain, Mitt Romney, murder, Nancy Pelosi, Obamacare, Petraeus, race, Sarah Palin, Sharia, Trifecta, War in the Middle East, Watchmen
Subjects: abortion, Allen West, Ann Coulter, Benghazi, betrayal, Chicago, education, family, FBI, First Amendment, Greg Gutfeld, jihad, Joe Biden, John McCain, Mitt Romney, murder, Nancy Pelosi, Obamacare, Petraeus, race, Sarah Palin, Sharia, Trifecta, War in the Middle East, Watchmen
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Sources: Whateverhappentocomm, PajamasMedia, RightSightings, InstituteForJustice, NewsBusted, 80s4VA, AssociatedPress, pmpowell001
Video by Others added on 2012 Nov 8
Subjects: Afghanistan, Alfonzo Rachel, Benghazi, Bill Clinton, birth certificate, children, Christmas, culture, economy, Election 2012, family, food, gun rights, Herman Cain, Hillary Clinton, Impeach Obama, Iran, Michelle Malkin, Michelle Obama, Mitt Romney, Paul McCartney, proper province of government
Subjects: Afghanistan, Alfonzo Rachel, Benghazi, Bill Clinton, birth certificate, children, Christmas, culture, economy, Election 2012, family, food, gun rights, Herman Cain, Hillary Clinton, Impeach Obama, Iran, Michelle Malkin, Michelle Obama, Mitt Romney, Paul McCartney, proper province of government
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Sources: TheMouthPeace, AmericanCrossroads, InstituteForJustice, mittromney, NewsBusted, PajamasMedia, rnc, RomneyComms, xdm45acp, stopgeorge, ppsimmons, amy2x, WildBillForAmerica
Video, Video by Others added on 2012 Oct 31
Subjects: Alfonzo Rachel, Chicago, city, Dan Rather, democracy, Election 2012, Fluke, heart, Impeach Obama, Jesus, John McCain, kidnapping, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, pizza, Trifecta
Subjects: Alfonzo Rachel, Chicago, city, Dan Rather, democracy, Election 2012, Fluke, heart, Impeach Obama, Jesus, John McCain, kidnapping, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, pizza, Trifecta
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Sources: Whateverhappentocomm, RomneyComms, GOPICYMI, mittromney, PajamasMedia, rnc, GOPrapidresponse, AmericanCrossroads, InstituteForJustice
Video by Others added on 2012 Oct 17
Subjects: abortion, Alfonzo Rachel, Benghazi, democracy, Election 2012, Fourth Amendment, Hillary Clinton, Impeach Obama, Joe Biden, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, rights, Trifecta, unions
Subjects: abortion, Alfonzo Rachel, Benghazi, democracy, Election 2012, Fourth Amendment, Hillary Clinton, Impeach Obama, Joe Biden, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, rights, Trifecta, unions
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