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Sources: JewishNewsOne, StevenCrowder, ReasonTV, TheNewYorkTimes, RightSightings, WildBillForAmerica, InstituteForJustice, Whateverhappentocomm, thepatriotnurse, NewsBusted, gregalabama
Video by Others added on 2012 Nov 15
Subjects: Benghazi, Chicago, defense, education, family, Greg Gutfeld, health, Impeach Obama, Israel, jihad, liberty, medical marijuana, Michelle Malkin, Netanyahu, Obamacare, Oklahoma, PETA, police, Ron Paul, Sharia, Susan Rice, terror, United States of America, War in the Middle East
Subjects: Benghazi, Chicago, defense, education, family, Greg Gutfeld, health, Impeach Obama, Israel, jihad, liberty, medical marijuana, Michelle Malkin, Netanyahu, Obamacare, Oklahoma, PETA, police, Ron Paul, Sharia, Susan Rice, terror, United States of America, War in the Middle East
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Sources: TheNewYorkTimes, FOPmzL4q32vvmBTz8m6IiA, 7m9C1J8wVb7HugSlq_-hWw, BenghaziTruth, mittromney, TheYGNet, GOPrapidresponse, jackohoft, meredithdake, YAFTV, GOPICYMI, CrossroadsGPSPress, charliespiering, TheNRCC, documentaries2010
Video by Others added on 2012 Oct 26
Subjects: Allen West, Benghazi, Chris Christie, economy, Election 2012, foreign policy, growing up, Impeach Obama, Mitt Romney, Syria, terrorism
Subjects: Allen West, Benghazi, Chris Christie, economy, Election 2012, foreign policy, growing up, Impeach Obama, Mitt Romney, Syria, terrorism
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