foreign policy
"'Strategic Patience': The #TwoWeeks of foreign policy."
Heh. Good one, Andy.
Morning, Glories!
I seen to have nothing worth saying this morning.
But that's never stopped me before.
( Just establishing my telepresence. )
No, wait, I do have something.
Kerry: Foreign Policy Not 'Spinning Out of Control' (Drudge Headline)
Isn't this one of those "if you have to say it" things?
Mr. Jesus, or appropriate subordinates handling written requests:
I am unaccustomed to such missives. Forgive any impropriety or inappropriateness.
obama's worst legacy of all in foreign policy is that he legitimized the Muslim Brotherhood on the international stage and that cat is not going back into any bag.
Subjects: business, fail, foreign policy, gun rights, Harry Reid, Impeach Obama, liberty, patriotism, self-defense
Subjects: Eric Holder, foreign policy, Greg Gutfeld, Hillary Clinton, Iran, Jay Carney, Jerusalem, Joe Biden, John Kerry, legalization, Marco Rubio, marijuana, Mars, Michelle Malkin, NASA, Netanyahu, North Korea, Occupy Wall Street, Osama bin Laden, prohibition, socialism, Susan Rice, Timothy Geithner, Trifecta, unions, War in the Middle East
Subjects: Barack Obama, Canada, foreign policy, freedom, Impeach Obama, Islam, Israel, jihad, Libertarians, Middle East, Newt Gingrich, North Korea, rage, Russia, Sharia, Stevie Wonder, tyranny, withdrawal
Subjects: Allen West, Benghazi, Chris Christie, economy, Election 2012, foreign policy, growing up, Impeach Obama, Mitt Romney, Syria, terrorism
Subjects: cancer, China, foreign policy, George McGovern, Harry Reid, Impeach Obama, John Kerry, Marco Rubio, Mitt Romney, Obamacare
Subjects: Charles Krauthammer, education, Election 2012, foreign policy, heroes, Islam, Joe Biden, Michelle Malkin, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Ronald Reagan, Tea Party
Subjects: Benghazi, Big Bird, blogs, foreign policy, Impeach Obama, Iran, Israel, Jay Carney, Joe Biden, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Susan Rice, terrorism, Trey Gowdy
Subjects: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Benghazi, Big Bird, Chicago, economy, family, foreign policy, Jay Carney, Mitt Romney, Obamacare, terrorism, Trifecta
At the 2003 annual banquet of the Arab American Action Network, in a toast to Chicago professor and PLO spokesman Rashid Khalidi, he described Israel's actions as "genocide against the Palestinian people." (Supposedly on the tape withheld by the LA Times.)
I'm so glad he's evolved so far in his appreciation of Israel.
"The president’s eye is set on numbers that have little to do with battlefield strategy and everything to do with his reelection hopes."
Subjects: Barack Obama, US military, foreign policy, Afghanistan
My first time posting here and initial offering
Could any thinking person miss the timing vis-à-vis the US election?
Subjects: Barack Obama, US military, Afghanistan, foreign policy, Islam