Displaying 1 - 6 of 6
Sources: GOPrapidresponse, footbawler1, rnc, patcondell, NewsBusted, Thetruthdamit, WildBillForAmerica, JewishNewsOne, PajamasMedia, mrcolionnoir, RightSightings, RepVirginiaFoxx, floydb310, ReasonTV, DailyEnglishNews, WashingtonFreeBeacon, Dutchnoble, RepMikeKelly, NRAVideos, thepatriotnurse
Video by Others added on 2013 May 18
Subjects: Alfonzo Rachel, Benghazi, Boston Marathon 2013, energy, Eric Holder, gun rights, Impeach Obama, preparedness, Sgt Schultz (John Bonner), US military
Subjects: Alfonzo Rachel, Benghazi, Boston Marathon 2013, energy, Eric Holder, gun rights, Impeach Obama, preparedness, Sgt Schultz (John Bonner), US military
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Sources: JewishNewsOne, rnc, mrcolionnoir, Thetruthdamit, PajamasMedia, NRAVideos, kjrhtv, Whateverhappentocomm, catoinstitutevideo
Video, Video by Others added on 2013 Apr 12
Subjects: Communism, economics, gun rights, Impeach Obama, Israel, space travel, tornadoes, War in the Middle East, WW2
Subjects: Communism, economics, gun rights, Impeach Obama, Israel, space travel, tornadoes, War in the Middle East, WW2
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Sources: JPLnews, RightSightings, JewishNewsOne, PajamasMedia, ReasonTV, Thetruthdamit, WildBillForAmerica, thealexjoneschannel
Video, Video by Others added on 2012 Dec 12
Subjects: Communism, fundamentalism, Greg Gutfeld, history, hypocrisy, Islam, NASA, prohibition, Santa Claus, science fiction, space exploration, Texas, weird
Subjects: Communism, fundamentalism, Greg Gutfeld, history, hypocrisy, Islam, NASA, prohibition, Santa Claus, science fiction, space exploration, Texas, weird
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Sources: PajamasMedia, ReasonTV, illuminatitv, Thetruthdamit, RightSightings, JewishNewsOne, WildBillForAmerica
Video by Others added on 2012 Dec 10
Subjects: Allen West, balance, city, economy, European politics, Impeach Obama, John Boehner, Oklahoma, race, Tulsa, United States of America, War in the Middle East
Subjects: Allen West, balance, city, economy, European politics, Impeach Obama, John Boehner, Oklahoma, race, Tulsa, United States of America, War in the Middle East
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Sources: JewishNewsOne, PajamasMedia, thealexjoneschannel, Thetruthdamit, ReasonTV, RightSightings, Whateverhappentocomm
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Sources: JewishNewsOne, Thetruthdamit, Jonswifty, ppsimmons, RightSightings, NewsPoliticsNow3, ReasonTV, catoinstitutevideo
Video by Others added on 2012 Dec 1
Subjects: Barack Obama, Canada, foreign policy, freedom, Impeach Obama, Islam, Israel, jihad, Libertarians, Middle East, Newt Gingrich, North Korea, rage, Russia, Sharia, Stevie Wonder, tyranny, withdrawal
Subjects: Barack Obama, Canada, foreign policy, freedom, Impeach Obama, Islam, Israel, jihad, Libertarians, Middle East, Newt Gingrich, North Korea, rage, Russia, Sharia, Stevie Wonder, tyranny, withdrawal
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