science fiction
This "true story" wouldn't involve mind-altering substances, would it? Nice work.
Chiming in late on the SF TV comments -
...aliens discovering just how good it is to have humans along on their ships...
Why, that's right out of my Invulnerable story!
me, re 5th Element: by breaking an ashtray
Or water glass. Whatever.
...a more accurate term would be "crony socialism"...
Yes. I cringe every time I hear the term "crony capitalism." Such an oxymoronic phrasing.
Last week, I mentioned I was re-reading The Time Traveler's Wife. Finished it on Friday.
2nd of 2
naturalfake: ..."Behold the Man" ... I wasn't shocked so much as sort of depressed by the display of pure vitriol and hate by Moorcock....
Speaking of time-travel science fiction, which I haven't yet but will soon (SWIDT?)...
Brown Line: one point describing "acres of parking" around Wrigley Field: oy veh!
Perhaps he was thinking of Cominsky [sic]?
mindful - Thank you for the review "The Time Traveller's Wife". I'll be sure to put it on my queue.
Oh, forgot to mention a very personal aspect of re-reading Time Traveler's Wife - the main "present time" and place for the story is North side of Chicago, in the early 1990s.
At our daughter's for dinner earlier this month, I sat down near her bookcase and picked up a copy of The Time Traveler's Wife. Been a while since I first read it, and I found myself immedia
MrScribbler: I really dug the first part of Man in the High Castle. It was one of those can't-put-the-book-down reads. And then it all went to hell.
Village Idiot's Apprentice: "so where is the Japanese Trade Minister now?"
I'm just gonna go with "Da Fuqua" when describing the ending.
Back from finishing First Men in the Moon.
Wells certainly had fun exercising his vivid imagination in creating his lunar universe!
otho: The Rise Of The Machines...
Anna Puma: Which one? Colossus or Skynet?
Watched about half of The Day the Earth Stood Still tonight. (The original.) Have seen it so often, I have it all basically memorized. So I thought. But, we started watching it and...
Of all my Christmas gifted books, as I predicted, I started with HG Wells's First Men in the Moon.
Willowed last thread...
Anna Puma: "A little SciFi 'cheer' to start the New Year. A quick little story I just posted."
Well! That was... abupt!
Anna Puma: "A little SciFi 'cheer' to start the New Year. A quick little story I just posted."
Well! That was... abupt!
Speaking of SF-ish flix (which Avatar isn't), Milady and I finished watching The Martian tonight. Satisfying enough - well portrayed.
J.J. Sefton: NICE!!!
Thanks. My daughter has repeatedly said, pretty dark for my usual fare, but seemed like a necessary resolution.
I read Isaac Asimov's Foundation trilogy back when I was in high school.
Morning, Glories. Permission to re-board the USS AoS?
A comic repeat (Apr 2014) re changing history, just for BttF day.
Re books for young'n's, IIRC, Asimov early in his career did a series of books for kids, which should be good straight-up SF.
... and worms and silverfish and...
oh... um... hi...
[grinding of gears]
I guess picking here & now would be out of bounds?
Some webwork hooks are just irresistably baited.
This long post conveniently broken up into readable bite sizes as if I'd been commenting all along...
"Intentionally Crashed Into the Far Side of the Moon"