Displaying 1 - 30 of 40
Sources: 60minutes, GOPrapidresponse, GOPICYMI, rnc, WildBillForAmerica, Massteaparty
Video by Others added on 2013 Oct 29
Subjects: Benghazi, Homeland Security, Obamacare, small business, TSA
Subjects: Benghazi, Homeland Security, Obamacare, small business, TSA
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Sources: GOPrapidresponse, YbkkW-221ySHllLLhD8YCA, markdice, PajamasMedia, rnc, WildBillForAmerica, RightSightings, NewsBusted, WashingtonFreeBeacon, cgreene34
Video, Video by Others added on 2013 Oct 16
Subjects: gun rights, Impeach Obama, Kathleen Sebelius, patriotism, preparedness, Sheila Jackson Lee, threat, tyranny, US Constitution, welfare
Subjects: gun rights, Impeach Obama, Kathleen Sebelius, patriotism, preparedness, Sheila Jackson Lee, threat, tyranny, US Constitution, welfare
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Sources: rnc, GOPrapidresponse, PajamasMedia, stripeschannel, mrcolionnoir, RightSightings
Video, Video by Others added on 2013 Oct 3
Subjects: climate, Dr. Benjamin Carson, heroes, IRS, Nancy Pelosi, Obamacare, Second Amendment, WW2
Subjects: climate, Dr. Benjamin Carson, heroes, IRS, Nancy Pelosi, Obamacare, Second Amendment, WW2
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Sources: WildBillForAmerica, cgreene34, rnc, mrcolionnoir, PajamasMedia, youtube, illuminatitv, TEDtalksDirector
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Sources: NRAVideos, WildBillForAmerica, patriotpost, GOPICYMI, PajamasMedia, mrcolionnoir, rnc, Y4AzYrzHZpzOSueZto4c5A, RightSightings
Video, Video by Others added on 2013 Sep 18
Subjects: generosity, Joe Biden, Obamacare, Oklahoma, Second Amendment
Subjects: generosity, Joe Biden, Obamacare, Oklahoma, Second Amendment
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Sources: thejudgechannel, who2tv, AmericanCrossroads, StevenCrowder, hillsdalecollege, GOPrapidresponse, NewsBusted, NRAVideos, mrcolionnoir, PajamasMedia, rnc, InstituteForJustice, themrsuslov, ReasonTV, WildBillForAmerica, CFPEcon101, jacksonforlg, catoinstitutevideo, RightSightings
Video by Others added on 2013 Jul 2
Subjects: Anthony Weiner, Benghazi, border security, Boston Marathon 2013, civility, Declaration of Independence, Eric Holder, George Zimmerman, Hillary Clinton, Libya, Nancy Pelosi, news, Sarah Palin, self-defense
Subjects: Anthony Weiner, Benghazi, border security, Boston Marathon 2013, civility, Declaration of Independence, Eric Holder, George Zimmerman, Hillary Clinton, Libya, Nancy Pelosi, news, Sarah Palin, self-defense
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Sources: GOPrapidresponse, StevenCrowder, NewsBusted, PajamasMedia, ReaganFoundation, UETVNews, TexasMilitaryForces, WildBillForAmerica, rnc, LaughingAtLiberals, mrcolionnoir, IOTW2009, NRAVideos, xdm45acp, RightSightings, RepJimBridenstine, thepatriotnurse, joegerarden, politicalturkey, charliespiering, TwitchyVideo
Video by Others added on 2013 Jun 6
Subjects: Allen West, Benghazi, Big Brother, Chris Christie, climate, Eric Holder, history, honor, Maxine Waters, Normandy, Ted Cruz, Trey Gowdy
Subjects: Allen West, Benghazi, Big Brother, Chris Christie, climate, Eric Holder, history, honor, Maxine Waters, Normandy, Ted Cruz, Trey Gowdy
Comments open
Sources: PajamasMedia, patcondell, NewsBusted, WildBillForAmerica, GOPrapidresponse, markdice, rnc, ReasonTV, VeritasVisuals, NRAVideos, GOPICYMI, IOTW2009, JewishNewsOne, Whateverhappentocomm, catoinstitutevideo, mrcolionnoir, thepatriotnurse, TwitchyVideo
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Sources: GOPrapidresponse, footbawler1, rnc, patcondell, NewsBusted, Thetruthdamit, WildBillForAmerica, JewishNewsOne, PajamasMedia, mrcolionnoir, RightSightings, RepVirginiaFoxx, floydb310, ReasonTV, DailyEnglishNews, WashingtonFreeBeacon, Dutchnoble, RepMikeKelly, NRAVideos, thepatriotnurse
Video by Others added on 2013 May 18
Subjects: Alfonzo Rachel, Benghazi, Boston Marathon 2013, energy, Eric Holder, gun rights, Impeach Obama, preparedness, Sgt Schultz (John Bonner), US military
Subjects: Alfonzo Rachel, Benghazi, Boston Marathon 2013, energy, Eric Holder, gun rights, Impeach Obama, preparedness, Sgt Schultz (John Bonner), US military
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Sources: NRAVideos, mrcolionnoir, NewsBusted, ReasonTV, rnc, youtube, Whateverhappentocomm, collegehumor, WildBillForAmerica, YouHotNews, RightSightings, JewishNewsOne, GOPrapidresponse
Video by Others added on 2013 May 6
Subjects: gun rights, humor, Islam, medical marijuana, news, terrorism, Terry McAuliffe, War in the Middle East
Subjects: gun rights, humor, Islam, medical marijuana, news, terrorism, Terry McAuliffe, War in the Middle East
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Sources: rnc, Whateverhappentocomm, WildBillForAmerica, GOPrapidresponse, JewishNewsOne, mrcolionnoir, ReasonTV, NewsBusted, thepatriotnurse, PajamasMedia, NRAVideos
Video by Others added on 2013 May 1
Subjects: 2001-9-11, abortion, Benghazi, Big Nanny, democracy, gun rights, Impeach Obama, Jay Carney, Progressives Playbook, news, patriotism, rage, self-defense, terrorism, Trifecta, US Civil War, War in the Middle East
Subjects: 2001-9-11, abortion, Benghazi, Big Nanny, democracy, gun rights, Impeach Obama, Jay Carney, Progressives Playbook, news, patriotism, rage, self-defense, terrorism, Trifecta, US Civil War, War in the Middle East
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Sources: JewishNewsOne, rnc, mrcolionnoir, Thetruthdamit, PajamasMedia, NRAVideos, kjrhtv, Whateverhappentocomm, catoinstitutevideo
Video, Video by Others added on 2013 Apr 12
Subjects: Communism, economics, gun rights, Impeach Obama, Israel, space travel, tornadoes, War in the Middle East, WW2
Subjects: Communism, economics, gun rights, Impeach Obama, Israel, space travel, tornadoes, War in the Middle East, WW2
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Sources: JewishNewsOne, rnc, WildBillForAmerica, GOPICYMI, NewsBusted, NRAVideos, RightSightings, thealexjoneschannel, PajamasMedia
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Sources: GOPrapidresponse, patcondell, WildBillForAmerica, NewsBusted, Whateverhappentocomm, VeritasVisuals, PajamasMedia, rnc, GOPICYMI, RightSightings
Video, Video by Others added on 2013 Apr 3
Subjects: Barack Obama, gun rights, Islam, news, North Korea, US military
Subjects: Barack Obama, gun rights, Islam, news, North Korea, US military
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Sources: VeritasVisuals, rnc, WildBillForAmerica, RightSightings, JewishNewsOne, IOTW2009, PajamasMedia, thealexjoneschannel, SailingManuel, thepatriotnurse
Video, Video by Others added on 2013 Mar 6
Subjects: economics, Hugo Chavez, locusts, preparedness, psychotherapy, self-defense
Subjects: economics, Hugo Chavez, locusts, preparedness, psychotherapy, self-defense
Comments open
Sources: secureamericanow, rnc, IOTW2009, CrossroadsGPSPress, WashingtonFreeBeacon, jbranstetter04, NRAVideos, thealexjoneschannel, GOPICYMI, RightSightings, PajamasMedia, ReasonTV, catoinstitutevideo, JewishNewsOne, thepatriotnurse, Aaron1912
Video, Video by Others added on 2013 Feb 22
Subjects: Alex Jones, Bill Clinton, Chuck Hagel, Disney, Greg Gutfeld, gun rights, Homeland Security, Joe Biden, John McCain, Marco Rubio, Missouri, Netanyahu, patriotism
Subjects: Alex Jones, Bill Clinton, Chuck Hagel, Disney, Greg Gutfeld, gun rights, Homeland Security, Joe Biden, John McCain, Marco Rubio, Missouri, Netanyahu, patriotism
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Sources: SenatorMarcoRubio, YouHotNews, SenatorRandPaul, RightSightings, PajamasMedia, catoinstitutevideo, rnc, NRAVideos, ReasonTV, lsudvm, FreedomsLighthouse, SenTedCruz, tpmtv, hypercube69, harrythomasinfo, mikewndy, CampusReform, vcsventuracountystar
Video, Video by Others added on 2013 Feb 13
Subjects: debt, Dr. Benjamin Carson, Impeach Obama, Marco Rubio, Mexico, Rand Paul, Republicans and Democrats, Second Amendment, Stalin, Tea Party, Ted Cruz, Trifecta, tyranny, United States of America, water
Subjects: debt, Dr. Benjamin Carson, Impeach Obama, Marco Rubio, Mexico, Rand Paul, Republicans and Democrats, Second Amendment, Stalin, Tea Party, Ted Cruz, Trifecta, tyranny, United States of America, water
Comments open
Sources: WildBillForAmerica, PajamasMedia, RedAlertPolitics, clashdaily, IOTW2009, ReasonTV, RightSightings, GOPrapidresponse, rnc, GOPICYMI, NewsBusted, zentv247, AssociatedPress, wordbool2, thegunslingerchannel, toppernews49, debbycrouchwhite, thealexjoneschannel, Whateverhappentocomm, houseconference, charliespiering
Video, Video by Others added on 2013 Feb 11
Subjects: Benghazi, Chris Kyle, First Amendment, Gene Sperling, gun rights, human right, Impeach Obama, Joe Biden, John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi, Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, Second Amendment, Valentine, Valerie Jarrett
Subjects: Benghazi, Chris Kyle, First Amendment, Gene Sperling, gun rights, human right, Impeach Obama, Joe Biden, John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi, Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, Second Amendment, Valentine, Valerie Jarrett
Comments open
Sources: AssociatedPress, PajamasMedia, NewsBusted, RealFreedom1776, thepatriotnurse, Whateverhappentocomm, GOPrapidresponse, RightSightings, rnc, InstituteForJustice, thealexjoneschannel, ThinkOutsideTheTV, IOTW2009
Video, Video by Others added on 2013 Jan 30
Subjects: beer, Benghazi, Chicago, Chuck Hagel, drones, Fourth Amendment, Greg Gutfeld, gun rights, Hillary Clinton, Homeland Security, ice cream, Jay Carney, John Kerry, justice, Republicans, Sandy Hook, tornadoes, violence, Whole Foods
Subjects: beer, Benghazi, Chicago, Chuck Hagel, drones, Fourth Amendment, Greg Gutfeld, gun rights, Hillary Clinton, Homeland Security, ice cream, Jay Carney, John Kerry, justice, Republicans, Sandy Hook, tornadoes, violence, Whole Foods
Comments open
Sources: PajamasMedia, BadLipReading, GOPICYMI, thealexjoneschannel, WildBillForAmerica, GOPrapidresponse, Whateverhappentocomm, IOTW2009, rnc, JewishNewsOne, RightSightings, thepatriotnurse, ReasonTV, catoinstitutevideo
Video, Video by Others added on 2013 Jan 23
Subjects: alcohol, Benghazi, Big Nanny, cats, China, Christianity, Colorado, devil, Dianne Feinstein, Election 2016, energy, evil, fail, family, film, Frank Zappa, Greg Gutfeld, gun rights, Hillary Clinton, Israel, Janet Reno, Libertarians, Mitt Romney, school, Susan Rice, Tea Party, Texas, Trifecta, tyranny, US military, US President, Victoria Jackson
Subjects: alcohol, Benghazi, Big Nanny, cats, China, Christianity, Colorado, devil, Dianne Feinstein, Election 2016, energy, evil, fail, family, film, Frank Zappa, Greg Gutfeld, gun rights, Hillary Clinton, Israel, Janet Reno, Libertarians, Mitt Romney, school, Susan Rice, Tea Party, Texas, Trifecta, tyranny, US military, US President, Victoria Jackson
Comments open
Sources: benhess, rightscoop, RomneyComms, GOPICYMI, PajamasMedia, mittromney, Whateverhappentocomm, NewsBusted, GOPrapidresponse, AmericanCrossroads, rnc
Video by Others added on 2012 Nov 2
Subjects: Al Gore, Benghazi, Bill Clinton, China, Chris Christie, Colorado, Election 2012, Halloween, Hillary Clinton, Impeach Obama, Michael Moore, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, satire, snails, squirrel, Trifecta
Subjects: Al Gore, Benghazi, Bill Clinton, China, Chris Christie, Colorado, Election 2012, Halloween, Hillary Clinton, Impeach Obama, Michael Moore, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, satire, snails, squirrel, Trifecta
Comments open
Sources: joeandkristy, madisonmcqueen, jackohoft, WashingtonFreeBeacon, charliespiering, Love4Utah, TheNRCC, AforP, mittromney, AmericanCrossroads, billwhittlechannel, SinclairNews, rnc, lazydavid, RichardTisei, GOPrapidresponse, RodMcNeill27
Video by Others added on 2012 Nov 2
Subjects: Allen West, Benghazi, Bill Clinton, Canada, Clint Eastwood, economy, Impeach Obama, Joe Biden, Mia Love, Michelle Obama, Mitt Romney, Paul Harvey, Ron Paul, US military
Subjects: Allen West, Benghazi, Bill Clinton, Canada, Clint Eastwood, economy, Impeach Obama, Joe Biden, Mia Love, Michelle Obama, Mitt Romney, Paul Harvey, Ron Paul, US military
Comments open
Sources: AllenCarter21, WashingtonFreeBeacon, mittromney, StevenCrowder, PajamasMedia, RestoreOurFuture, rnc, ryan4congress, ChrisChaney15, WomenUnitedPac, PSHAMI, jackohoft, TideLaundry, SpecialOpsSpeaks, charliespiering, thevisualedge, FgBTu_PZidFKkoSD54DJCw, madisonmcqueen
Video by Others added on 2012 Nov 1
Subjects: abortion, Alfonzo Rachel, Andrew Klavan, Benghazi, Bill Clinton, Clint Eastwood, Election 2012, Impeach Obama, Joe Biden, Mia Love, Mitt Romney, Paul Harvey
Subjects: abortion, Alfonzo Rachel, Andrew Klavan, Benghazi, Bill Clinton, Clint Eastwood, Election 2012, Impeach Obama, Joe Biden, Mia Love, Mitt Romney, Paul Harvey
Comments open
Sources: TheMouthPeace, AmericanCrossroads, InstituteForJustice, mittromney, NewsBusted, PajamasMedia, rnc, RomneyComms, xdm45acp, stopgeorge, ppsimmons, amy2x, WildBillForAmerica
Video, Video by Others added on 2012 Oct 31
Subjects: Alfonzo Rachel, Chicago, city, Dan Rather, democracy, Election 2012, Fluke, heart, Impeach Obama, Jesus, John McCain, kidnapping, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, pizza, Trifecta
Subjects: Alfonzo Rachel, Chicago, city, Dan Rather, democracy, Election 2012, Fluke, heart, Impeach Obama, Jesus, John McCain, kidnapping, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, pizza, Trifecta
Comments open
Sources: CharlieDanielsVideos, GOPrapidresponse, Eduardo89rp, OPSECTeam, jackohoft, PajamasMedia, RevealPolitics, WinningOurFuture, rnc, ESactionfund, BlessGodforever, GaryLBauer, Electad, mittromney, DefendPaulRyan, cqblogger, IWVoices
Video by Others added on 2012 Oct 31
Subjects: Benghazi, democracy, Election 2012, Joe Biden, Mitt Romney, Osama bin Laden, Paul Ryan, Ronald Reagan
Subjects: Benghazi, democracy, Election 2012, Joe Biden, Mitt Romney, Osama bin Laden, Paul Ryan, Ronald Reagan
Comments open
Sources: DirtyPoliticsVids, jackohoft, NRAVideos, AmericanCrossroads, rnc, mittromney, GOPICYMI, RevealPolitics, GOPrapidresponse, youtube, MakeAmericaStrong, RestoreOurFuture, PajamasMedia
Video by Others added on 2012 Oct 26
Subjects: Big Bird, China, Donald Trump, economy, Election 2012, gun rights, Impeach Obama, Joe Biden, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan
Subjects: Big Bird, China, Donald Trump, economy, Election 2012, gun rights, Impeach Obama, Joe Biden, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan
Comments open
Sources: NobamaApp, GOPICYMI, GOPrapidresponse, mittromney, NewsBusted, PajamasMedia, rnc, RomneyComms, Whateverhappentocomm
Video by Others added on 2012 Oct 26
Subjects: Benghazi, Big Bird, democracy, Donald Trump, Election 2012, Fluke, Glenn Beck, Iran, Israel, Jesse Jackson, Joe Biden, Mitt Romney, Obamacare, Paul Ryan, South Korea
Subjects: Benghazi, Big Bird, democracy, Donald Trump, Election 2012, Fluke, Glenn Beck, Iran, Israel, Jesse Jackson, Joe Biden, Mitt Romney, Obamacare, Paul Ryan, South Korea
Comments open
Sources: charliespiering, cnn, GOPrapidresponse, jackohoft, concernedwomen, meredithdake, rnc, mittromney
Video by Others added on 2012 Oct 19
Subjects: Bill Clinton, education, Election 2012, food, Harry Reid, humor, Impeach Obama, Iran, Iraq, Joe Biden, Michelle Obama, Mitt Romney, Republicans and Democrats
Subjects: Bill Clinton, education, Election 2012, food, Harry Reid, humor, Impeach Obama, Iran, Iraq, Joe Biden, Michelle Obama, Mitt Romney, Republicans and Democrats
Comments open
Sources: cnn, GOPICYMI, Whateverhappentocomm, PajamasMedia, RomneyComms, mittromney, rnc, NewsBusted
Video by Others added on 2012 Oct 19
Subjects: afterlife, airport, Benghazi, Bill Clinton, blogs, climate, economics, education, Election 2012, family, food, humor, Impeach Obama, Joe Biden, Michelle Obama, Mitt Romney, Nancy Pelosi, Paul Ryan, Republicans and Democrats, science, Trifecta
Subjects: afterlife, airport, Benghazi, Bill Clinton, blogs, climate, economics, education, Election 2012, family, food, humor, Impeach Obama, Joe Biden, Michelle Obama, Mitt Romney, Nancy Pelosi, Paul Ryan, Republicans and Democrats, science, Trifecta
Comments open