Chi #658: "Good morning, mindful."
Howdy, Chi. More like about to be good night for me - been another long, crazy day.
Late night greetings from the middle of the country.
This great country, which can be made greater again.
Not just willful ignorance. Malice.
Shot Live of the WTC from the NYU DORM
Semper In Stercus: There is also that element (I think) of the universal reflexive compulsion to 'excuse Islam first' - the Islam Is A Religion Of Peace Syndrome....
Let's roll!
Still one of the most amazing things about 9/11 was that, simply because of modern telephonic technology, people on board Flight 93 actually found out what was going on, and we have many big clues
Morning, Glories!
On the eve of the anniversary:
Marcy Borders, dust lady, story at Yahoo.
(Thanks for hedzup on that, Baldy.)
rickl: "I wonder what date future historians will assign as the beginning of WWIII? I'm inclined to say Sept. 11, 2001, but who knows?"
Todd Beamer (would have been 46 today - RIP)
In his honor, let us roll!
The kids in that supermom poster appear to be playing "9-11."
Thanks, Maetenloch!
Alas, read (mostly) the post, scanned (somewhat) some comments, but now ready to zzzz so ((waves at horde)) no time to interact. My loss, your gain. :\
Nine Eleven Plus Thirteen
"It all comes right back. Trembling, quaking rage." -Ann Barnhardt
"It all comes right back. Trembling, quaking rage."
"I watch this, and it all comes right back. Trembling, quaking rage. Good. It’s a consolation to know that I’m still human – at least a little.
Excellent work, Pete, right down to the Clydesdales.
It was all over by the time we heard about it.
We spent a casual morning, disconnected from the world as we were then in our country home, with our three young adult children.
MrScribbler: "They were certainly instrumental in the building of a new World Trade Center in NYC."
I was going to say, restored the classic New York City skyline...
20 years ago
Two years into the Clinton era.
CompuServe for a few. Web was unknown.
Before cells. Only recently able to own your own hardwired.
Subjects: 2001-9-11, Bill Clinton, cells, CompuServe, Oklahoma City Bombing
"When are you Morons from NYC going to GTFO?" —Vic
And when you do, and are tempted to look back, just keep saying, "pillar of salt."
IIRC, Nova did a good animation of the process whereby the fireproofing on the beams got blown away, and all the rest of the sequence that led to the towers' collapse.
I want to recommend to any who haven't seen it, 9/11 The Plane That Fought Back. This appears to be it, divided up on YouTube:
Um, no, that's the pretext.
Subjects: 2001-9-11, Benghazi, Breitbart Lives, Obamacare, Patriot Guard Riders, space exploration
The wife and I were driving in to town. Turned on the radio. Man said something about Rush being stuck in a Florida airport, wondered what that was about.
I still say 9/11 in DC could use a GLBETC parade simultaneously. i have all this popcorn.
But it's not really funny. Falling man.
Good morn, all. running late today, just catching up.
Two quotes from the 9/11 museum article.