Been putting tape and post-its over the cameras for ever. Used to get teased about it by my neffuse. Laughed a little less when I told them last year that Comey recommended it.
Cactus of Liberty: My phone is at 1% battery so please somebody fact check that for me.
Save Us Chuck Woolery gripes about folks using the Speakerphone function in public places.
2nd morning in a row I've received a call from Virginia area code CVS pharmacy calling about a prescription for "Jennifer." Didn't answer; they left a message. Weird.
Me: ...And to be further clear, do not then cook and consume the toilet-water-moistened rice.
Vic: I tried that with a Sony MP3 player I spilled beer on. It did not work.
Bandersnatch: ...dropped an iPhone in a toilet once and rescued it by putting it in a ziploc bag with rice for a few days.
As I've mentioned before...
Think about folks using their cells while sitting on the toilet.
That front-facing camera that the NSA can access?
Been flipping bk&frth between here & pages of cells to which I may be permitted to upgrade - my current cell having no screen to speak of.
Several major websites including Instagram, Pinterest, Netflix and Amazon crashed at midnight UK time, with many offline for around 40 minutes.
Don Featherstone - We will never see the like of his genius again.
Holy mackerel! I'm caught up on comments and have nothing to contribute. Mightz well go back to bed.
My old cell's screen failed.
"Mini usb to usb"
Well, sure, if you want to do it the easy way...
I took a cell cam pic of the sunrise, trying to capture the layers of rising fog, trees on the horizon, layers of red and purple in the sky.
AT LAST! Rebooted the cell and finally got some 4GLTE instead of smoke signals. Got the ONT reloaded to read the Vic/Gran/MP4 network news. Now, how do I put all this hair I pulled out back in?
Doggone it. Once again I'm having trouble getting a good cell connection. Usually, I can wander around the house and pick up 3 or 4G somewhere, but lately not.
Having a heckuva problem maintaining a connection this morning. I may not be able to read every single word of the thousand comments in the morning threads.
Those people who stumble around, oblivious to their surroundings, staring at their cell phones… Now, there's help! The C
Hmmm. My cell's screen appeared to be dead, but I found if I slap it, the screen comes back on. So, good for a couple more terabytes, right?
Waiter, running after group:
Hey, folks!
You forgot your cell phones!
And somebody needs to pick up the tab!
Art! My last ramble got big so I wanted to dump it in my writings file, instead of posting it, but SOMEhow Cut got turned into Post.
Wife's me cell just got the Amber Alert for the 2nd & 3rd time. No. Thank! You!!
I had just refreshed my coffee and was heading back to the desk when I was waylaid by a mob of furry alarm clocks reminding me it was their chow time.
Sigh. Just now caught up to my own first comment. Where is everybody now, I wonders.
Morning Glories! I sure had a great comment composed that got wiped out by a phone call. Cells suck. Mine does, anyway.
FCF>> Mindful, once you highlight a link press ctrl ctv and new window with that link pops up. Hope this helps!
Heh. It's easy on the desktop.
Thinking of changing several things on our family cell plan, and dumping AT&T its on the possibilities list.
So, if not AT&T... Who?
»» Again, Glenn Reynolds has long been calling for
"Off" switches on cameras and microphones
Thanks for the feedback on Windows Phones. May go that way.
Won't do Apple, Google R evil, MS seems the least of the big 3 weevils.
»» Google is removing advertisements from its site for "crisis pregnancy centers" that discourage people from having abortions.
android pens?