War in the Middle East
Folks elsewhere have noted that the Propagandists are not above staging pix like this "drowned baby." Not saying the baby didn't die, just the circumstances as reported can't be trusted.
Joshing Earnestly says Yemen still represents Obama success story.
Even "Baghdad Bob" wasn't that dumb.
Pete: "We are aiding Iranian militia who are every bit as bad as the ISIS savages.What the hell are we doing??"
Great as it is to think of the King riding into battle at the head of his troops, consensus among the folks who sound like they know what they're talking about over at Ace was that although the Kin
NBC news c/o Drudge:
Subsequent to the assassination attempt on, and wounding of, Rabbi Yehuda Glick:
Afghanistan. Taliban. Now, where have I heard those terms before?
— the short-term memory generation
These headlines from War News Updates read like a story. A bad story.
Best-selling new forged document under the Islamofascist Tyranny?
Well, here's something I blurted out on a previous thread. Might'z well reblurt it here.
Sorry for the jumping-in-suddenly thing. I just read that and had to vent.
Only seventy-one Republican congresscritters voted against the amendment authorizing President Obama to arm moderate Syrian rebels a/k/a the ISIS JV.
A range of suggested approaches for dealing with Jihadis, from Barry Do-Nothing, to Jimmy Make-Nice, to somewhat harsher strategies.
Subjects: Impeach Obama, Jimmy Carter, Islam, War in the Middle East
All we are saaaaayyyyiiinnnng
is give bombs a channnnnce
good evening, commontaters.
I just wandered over to see what Drudge thought was news on this Sunday morning, and found this:
" Dozens of Israelis defy police to protest... "
Subjects: Israel, Progressives Playbook, War in the Middle East
Folks have said, TFG could murder a baby on live TV and his followers would excuse it.
"ISIS now controls basically all the territory my unit and I stomped around during two deployments. All gone. Thanks for your time.
The boys and their goat - yes, as someone said, had to watch.
Russian Bombers Are Testing U.S. Air Defenses
ISIS Takes Hundreds of Yazidi Women Captive in Iraq
whew. caught up. prob time for new post?
Subjects: Charlie (cat), fail, Gimli, War in the Middle East
Bullets shooting bullets out of the sky picture. And they said it couldn't be done. Those they them!
suddenly needed to say hi.
and discard old sock
mostly the sock
um since I'm here...
Crude, disgusting, the US had nothing to do with it. Nothing!
Subjects: Impeach Obama, Iraq, parody, Benghazi, War in the Middle East, Hillary Clinton
Subjects: border security, education, Iran, Israel, Mitt Romney, numbers, US Civil War, War in the Middle East
Subjects: Benghazi, Bill Whittle Afterburner, Hillary Clinton, IRS, Jay Carney, kidnapping, Michelle Malkin, War in the Middle East
Subjects: gun rights, humor, Islam, medical marijuana, news, terrorism, Terry McAuliffe, War in the Middle East
Subjects: 2001-9-11, abortion, Benghazi, Big Nanny, democracy, gun rights, Impeach Obama, Jay Carney, Progressives Playbook, news, patriotism, rage, self-defense, terrorism, Trifecta, US Civil War, War in the Middle East
Subjects: Allen West, Bill Whittle Afterburner, Boston Marathon 2013, economics, George W Bush, gun rights, parenting, South Korea, War in the Middle East