Did you miss 3/14 1:59? Talk like a Pi day?
I really only dropped in to see who gets the evil number.
I hereby dedicate this comment to cthulu,
long may he wave.
For Pi Day, Milady, the reader of the house, ran across something in Joy of Cooking. (Possibly should've gone in the food thread, but, hey, cookbooks are books, right?)
Potato chips?
But Milady did make a strawberry pi. Currently still cooling....
Enjoying the pix you have for the countdown posts, cth!
I see, as on Ace, someone here objected to the countdown number of days left.
So here?
cthulhu -- heh -- you're plainly out of practice on nailing the number. I'm sure you'll get up to speed soon enough.
Well done, Mindful.
Dang! I got #666 and didn't even mean to. Had I but known, I would have done something more appropriate.
Like put on a Hillary sock.
I coulda been 666th, but I was busy brushing my teeth.
* does the fast-fade shuffle *
BumperStickerist: The reflection of the 'nines' is wrong on the illustration.
Sinister, isn't it?
CharlieBrown'sDildo at March 28, 2016 09:21 AM
Dang. Beat me to the infinity joke. At least I used the character, though.
If you use 8's and rotate them 90° you get...
I disqualify myself. Read this the other day on the... ONT, wasn't it? Or was it a Hat link?
Math on the blog?
Nein! Nein! Nein!
goon: A little Math Magic for a Friday night....
Oh, good. I was going to link to that. Now I don't have to. Second the recommendation. It's VSauce.
666 ... The Tasmaniam Devil population...
Seems appropriate.
I'm probably not going to make it to the morning thread...
Wow! Lizzy beat me to the same lame thought!
FenelonSpoke: What are friendly numbers?
Not "one." It's the loneliest.
Things that make you go "hmmm."
The Zipf Mystery, VSauce
Gotta quit.
Leave you with this, Trek fans:
Odd-numbered Beethoven symphonies don't suck, either.
Good night, Gracies!
We can't have a morning thread until the ONT reaches the diabolical number.
Oh, wait, there it is.
666 Boner is planning on some legislative two-steps to sideline Democrats who are opposed to Obamatrade and plans a vote today.
HEY! 42! Get it?? Universe and Everything, math quiz answer. And message #42, as well. Pretty good, eh?
kbdabear: #SCIENCE! ONT Compliance Pics
In under 100?
Now I can die sleep happy.
(h/t GGE.)