I'm beginning to suspect that the Pope and Gary Johnson have the same dealer. And it's the brown acid.
Chi #431: I have a pretty strong Libertarian bent, but have never called myself one. To a man, every single person I've ever met that identify as L is a whackadoodle nutjob....
I knew Johnson was no libertarian. But I haven't paid him much attention, and so didn't realize what a complete lunatic he was... until I saw this tonight.
So, not to get into politix or anything, but the Libertarians reluctantly picked Johnson on the second ballot.
So, you're so disgusted with the GOPe and the Democommies, you're thinking about voting Libertarian, eh?
Guy Mohawk: Its too bad the Libertarian party is full of pot smoking conspiracy theorists instead of people who actual want freedom and liberty.
Gillespie: If you squares would just hit the bong a few times you'd mellow out man.
Gremlins in the cell with me this morning.
used to identify as libertarian - having never met a "conservative" who understood liberty as I did. But then, I never met a "libertarian" who did either.
Subjects: bears, Hugo Chavez, Impeach Obama, Iraq, Libertarians, Mitt Romney, New Mexico, prohibition, Trifecta
no the party of the big L on the forehead is useless. The Repubs are ruined as a brand. Face it, you need to hit re-boot. Move the playing field. New country, emerging from the states.
"Reagan's 11th Commandment should be followed."
I have to concur with this.
Exception for Rove. And all who break the 11th.
Subjects: alcohol, Benghazi, Big Nanny, cats, China, Christianity, Colorado, devil, Dianne Feinstein, Election 2016, energy, evil, fail, family, film, Frank Zappa, Greg Gutfeld, gun rights, Hillary Clinton, Israel, Janet Reno, Libertarians, Mitt Romney, school, Susan Rice, Tea Party, Texas, Trifecta, tyranny, US military, US President, Victoria Jackson
Subjects: Barack Obama, Canada, foreign policy, freedom, Impeach Obama, Islam, Israel, jihad, Libertarians, Middle East, Newt Gingrich, North Korea, rage, Russia, Sharia, Stevie Wonder, tyranny, withdrawal
All-seasons political cartoon
Subjects: Republicans and Democrats, politics, government, political parties, Libertarians, libertarianism