Emmie #494: Thathalfrican, I suspect you may never change the mind of the person you are debating, but if you have an audience, there may be someone in it who will realize you made a good point
Regarding changing minds (again)--
You can't reason with unreasoning, as TMI suggested, but you can do an end-run around their filters.
= 1 x 1
Speed-reading through the morning comments, so many replies come to mind, but they're all piled up like cop cars in the Blues Brothers movie.
This one emerges.
Gillespie: If you squares would just hit the bong a few times you'd mellow out man.
TangoNine: "hah... let's begin by discussing your expectations."
The real reason I wrote the program to clean up text for this crippled commentaria?
The world is made up of those who think and those who think they think.
their self-esteem greatly outpaced their level of competency.... -Ace
Subjects: civilization, Golden Rule, government, reason, religion, tolerance, tyranny
Why TF would anyone cripple safety features on a giant mechanical potentially-deadly-anyway amusement park ride? (Rhetorical - there's always some 'reason' idiots do what they do.)
Aside from study of aberrant psychology, the 'how' of rationalization is irrelevant. "Because it's Wednesday" is enough. Even on other days.
Also, why is it that pubic schools can line their halls with the 5 pillars of Islam but the ACLU has a heart attack if someone posts the 10 commandments?
That we are and we ask makes us the revelation of the I Am That I Am