Displaying 1 - 6 of 6
Sources: cnn, mygenopportunity, markdice, nmaworldedition, merkin, 68Truthseeker, GOPICYMI, iFvdWgho9fMcWCVcA3DJ2A, WildBillForAmerica, springlakeart, fttwr, ReaganFoundation
Video by Others added on 2013 Oct 28
Subjects: Benghazi, Halloween, Impeach Obama, John McCain, Obamacare, Ronald Reagan, threat, US Marines
Subjects: Benghazi, Halloween, Impeach Obama, John McCain, Obamacare, Ronald Reagan, threat, US Marines
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Sources: jackohoft, PajamasMedia, otMuEE-YfoZXrirONE6p9w, BarackInTime, mittromney, joegerarden, BarackObamadotcom, GOPrapidresponse, cnn, meredithdake, RomneyComms, CharlieDanielsVideos, secureamericanow, johnnydollar01, AmericanFutureFund, GOPICYMI
Video by Others added on 2012 Oct 24
Subjects: cancer, China, foreign policy, George McGovern, Harry Reid, Impeach Obama, John Kerry, Marco Rubio, Mitt Romney, Obamacare
Subjects: cancer, China, foreign policy, George McGovern, Harry Reid, Impeach Obama, John Kerry, Marco Rubio, Mitt Romney, Obamacare
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Sources: charliespiering, cnn, GOPrapidresponse, jackohoft, concernedwomen, meredithdake, rnc, mittromney
Video by Others added on 2012 Oct 19
Subjects: Bill Clinton, education, Election 2012, food, Harry Reid, humor, Impeach Obama, Iran, Iraq, Joe Biden, Michelle Obama, Mitt Romney, Republicans and Democrats
Subjects: Bill Clinton, education, Election 2012, food, Harry Reid, humor, Impeach Obama, Iran, Iraq, Joe Biden, Michelle Obama, Mitt Romney, Republicans and Democrats
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Sources: cnn, GOPICYMI, Whateverhappentocomm, PajamasMedia, RomneyComms, mittromney, rnc, NewsBusted
Video by Others added on 2012 Oct 19
Subjects: afterlife, airport, Benghazi, Bill Clinton, blogs, climate, economics, education, Election 2012, family, food, humor, Impeach Obama, Joe Biden, Michelle Obama, Mitt Romney, Nancy Pelosi, Paul Ryan, Republicans and Democrats, science, Trifecta
Subjects: afterlife, airport, Benghazi, Bill Clinton, blogs, climate, economics, education, Election 2012, family, food, humor, Impeach Obama, Joe Biden, Michelle Obama, Mitt Romney, Nancy Pelosi, Paul Ryan, Republicans and Democrats, science, Trifecta
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Sources: jackohoft, newspoliticsnow2, ESactionfund, thomaspaine3, cnn, GOPICYMI, dentonexable, mastadonarmy, theobamadoctrine, RightChange, polititick, 8gxWfcyLNIlyt8BD7p2BUg, allpatriotsmedia, StevenCrowder
Video by Others added on 2012 Oct 16
Subjects: Charles Krauthammer, education, Election 2012, foreign policy, heroes, Islam, Joe Biden, Michelle Malkin, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Ronald Reagan, Tea Party
Subjects: Charles Krauthammer, education, Election 2012, foreign policy, heroes, Islam, Joe Biden, Michelle Malkin, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Ronald Reagan, Tea Party
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Sources: AmericanCrossroads, usactionnewsdotcom, officialaclj, jackohoft, afscme, cnn, aimaccuracy, moelaneiii, markmatsontv, jobcreatorssolutions, letfreedomringusa, mittromney, PajamasMedia, GOPICYMI, rightvideos03, reptimgriffin
Video by Others added on 2012 Oct 2
Subjects: Communism, LaughingStock Media, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, proper province of government
Subjects: Communism, LaughingStock Media, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, proper province of government
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