Displaying 1 - 2 of 2
Sources: mittromney, newsmaxtv, jackohoft, RomneyComms, radioequalizer, GOPICYMI, reptimgriffin, r8VvfmlAleontsSJte72-w, lsudvm, letsgetfiscalsanity
Video by Others added on 2012 Oct 16
Subjects: Benghazi, community, discipline, education, Election 2012, faith, Joe Biden, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Paul Ryan Girl, religious liberty, Republicans
Subjects: Benghazi, community, discipline, education, Election 2012, faith, Joe Biden, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Paul Ryan Girl, religious liberty, Republicans
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Sources: AmericanCrossroads, usactionnewsdotcom, officialaclj, jackohoft, afscme, cnn, aimaccuracy, moelaneiii, markmatsontv, jobcreatorssolutions, letfreedomringusa, mittromney, PajamasMedia, GOPICYMI, rightvideos03, reptimgriffin
Video by Others added on 2012 Oct 2
Subjects: Communism, LaughingStock Media, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, proper province of government
Subjects: Communism, LaughingStock Media, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, proper province of government
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