Second Amendment
Several lawmakers and the family of a 22-year-old unarmed black man who was fatally shot by police…
Always great to re-visit the classics.
The Gun Knuts on o'Spades's forum suggest that Glocks are not the safest pistols, but it's a muchos satisfying little ad.
Gee, I hate to be on-topic this late in an open thread, but in case it wasn't mentioned, the guys at Right Angle covered a similar topic last month:
Ben Had: "I had a friend, that is a retired Sherriff, tell me that I needed to carry a cheap baseball glove to go along with the baseball bat I carry behind the front seat of my truck."
Feelthe Bern on Face the Nation: Gun control is a job for federal office-holders rather than state governments
Regressives continue plugging away on gun grabbing...
Remember how they kept failing on socialized health care? (Like, Hillary?) Then, suddenly, here we are.
"...I thought this week we could address..."
"...It might also be helpful for us to discuss..."
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear
Principal: Students Can ‘Hurl’ Cans Of Corn at Gunmen As ‘Last Resort’
Finally, this should be in every establishment, don't you think?
Catholic Nuns Release 2014 Election Guide Urging Voters to Support Amnesty, Gun Control, Climate Change
I stopped to read the post again. When will I learn to prioritize?
Ah, yes, gun-law protected Chicago:
Vic: "Huge rats attack NYC subway riders. Don't tell me they can not do anything about this???"
Why don't riders just pull out their sidearms and shoot the varmits? I don't Goetz it.
I have also been surprised at Famous Gun Rights Author's emotionalism in debates the past few days, fwiw, and concur that Tant (with the hoot of a nic tag) mostly wins on appearances of civil and r
Isn't the in your face actions question separate from guns per se? What if it was people discussing scripture with each other in a restaurant full of atheists who are offended by it?
Restaurant manager: Sir and Madam, I understand you would not want to leave your valuables out front or in your car, but you may leave your chainsaw and sledgehammer behind the counter.
>> ...resident hoplophobic bovine... -sven10077@sven10077
Without websearching, I wonder 'aloud,' does that word derive from my childhood hero Hopalong Cassidy?
#133 niece not Brice
>> I don't understand the open carry advocates mindset other than small dick syndrome. I don't see why the push for open carry if concealed carry is an option.
I remember once in the 1970s, sitting in the then-new Pizza Hut in the old home town. Nice-looking business-suited black man and similarly-tastefully-attired woman walk in.
A broadaxe-weilding fur-draped Viking
an AmerIndian with power bow and quiver full of arrows
a Cowboy with dual six-guns and bandoleros
a uniformed Soldier, battle-ready
I drove my tank to the Sonic, but the manager said I had to leave. The turret ripping through the overhangs was making other customers nervous.
Anyone else connecting the discussion about citizens v military with the sheriff outgunned by the drug gangs?
Things that make you go hmmmm.
VIA: Actually, that's Holder & co. working with the NSA, trying to prevent ammo sales posts. What's amazing is, Pixy defeated then and you got through!
Dice "documented .... young Americans ... signing a fake petition to imprison all legal gun owners in concentration camps and even to have them executed."
Posted by: Vic
will be on Piers Morgan's show tonight at 8CST.
Nice -Niedermeyer's Dead Horse
Checked online to confirm tonight.
Sorry for off-topic, maybe this is known & covered, but I just heard it on the radio, wanted to pass it along.
Late but FTR