chrissythebeautiful, you know Milady & I keep you in our prayers. And… what Ting said!
Harry Paratestes: ...isn't it kind of cool to see states giving the fedgov the middle finger on an issue that clearly should be a state issue?
Evening, overnightlies!
How the Muskogee County, OK Police Department Tried to Steal $53,000 From a Christian Band
[Whoops! Just posted this in the previous thread by mistake. Well.. pro'ly won't get banned for that.]
Let's see... Disney, Cuomo, PayPal, Springsteen... I think there's more I'm forgetting? ... and no boys in the girls' room.
The Great White Scotsman: It really isn't about the law, it is about choices.
rickb223: You restrict my right to self defense, you assume the liability.
While I'm amused by the proposed Tennessee law, I have a problem with this.
Nineteen and in a bar?
Four and a half decades ago, I was in college in a town that straddled the state line. College side, 18, South side, 21.
Re-run, since the last thread was stomped immediately.
Man, the horde flood in. *waves cheerily to all*
V the K: What can I say, I love 'Archer.'
FYI: Since even before the latest Commandments monument ruling, there has been a serious movement afoot to remove members of the Supreme Court of Oklahoma who are deemed to be, oh, just a tad out o
(jump to middle of the morning)
Morning, Glories!
Just finished reading the stale tail-end of the ONT, so of course now there's a morning thread. Well, okay.
What used to be shocking and deviant is now commonly accepted.
...In a 7-2 opinion the Supreme Court found the placement of the monument on the grounds of the state Capitol violate Article 2, Section 5, of the Oklahoma Constitution which prohibits the use o
Me: Supreme Court rules that Hooters must hire fat, ugly, transgender men dressed in sackcloth. Effectively.
SH: The supreme court ruled in no such way.
Didn't see Vic or Ben cover this one. I think the potential future impact is greater than it might seem at first.
Okay, relevant comment. Vic's link to Wash Times article on Marijuana church? "Take survey to finish article." No, and also FU, WT.
The Untied States of America hilarity continues
More deepest darkest flyover bitter clinger territory news.
Two Oklahoma State lawmakers have proposed four laws that for some reason are causing some controversy.
PoliNation lives! Thanks, Pete, for all the goodies. I've got about a dozen things piled up over the weekend. Wanna see?
I am deeply offended at this whole movement of being deeply offended. I demand reparations for this violation of my Constitutional right to never feel insulted.
Morning, Glories. Cold one, too.
"Books can be written (and have been) about the legality of involuntary confinement in the face of a public health crisis, but this blog post may serve as highly generalized primer for the curious.
Wood, 55, argued he has a First Amendment right to details about the state's lethal injection method, the qualifications of the executioner and who makes the drugs.
Drudge headline in full, my emphasis added:
'Refugee' status would force USA to grant asylum...
Subjects: border security, Impeach Obama, law, United States of America
"No other first lady gets their traditional charitable emphasis pushed like its enacted law."
Posted by: ---
According to CNN, she does enact law.
I am offended at all the people who confuse the impact of words with sticks and stones. Who do I sue?
Here's a good one Pete would probably run across by tomorrow, so hope this isn't stepping on his toes.
Court presses atheist group to explain why artifact is 'offensive'