Displaying 1 - 26 of 26
I don't give a flying hoot (apologies to Hoot) about the UN, and most "heritage" or "historic" designations just make it hard for property owners to modify their own property; therefore,
107 A new theory about how the pyramids were built:
Ripples and Drips.
Video by Others added on 2013 Jul 26
Subjects: animals, anthropology, architecture, bees, blogs, brain, Chicago, education, extraterrestrial, face on Mars, first contact, future, health, history, Mars, moon, nuclear, pregnancy, restoration, space travel, Titan, tornadoes
Subjects: animals, anthropology, architecture, bees, blogs, brain, Chicago, education, extraterrestrial, face on Mars, first contact, future, health, history, Mars, moon, nuclear, pregnancy, restoration, space travel, Titan, tornadoes
Comments open
Sources: milldogrescue, JennaMarbles, HenriLeChatNoir, AnnaAkana, p1ranaz, Vihart, gloveandboots, franciscopaco55, 1991nataliedavey, BuzzFeedYellow, sifuscott88, MrTop10Videos, yetipc1, Vsauce2, Numberphile
Video by Others added on 2013 Apr 17
Subjects: airplane, architecture, beavers, cats, dogs, numbers, sleep, solar system
Subjects: airplane, architecture, beavers, cats, dogs, numbers, sleep, solar system
Comments open
A mesmerizing refrain.
An artless attempt to portray art being portrayed.
Cozy and warm and comfortable.
It's a perspective illusion, really.
All this from a few acorns!
On one of those New Mexico days.
Illustration added on 1997 Dec 12
Subjects: New Mexico, adobe, housing, veranda, architecture, rainbows
Subjects: New Mexico, adobe, housing, veranda, architecture, rainbows
All this from a few acorns!
On one of those New Mexico days.
Illustration added on 1997 Sep 8
Subjects: New Mexico, adobe, housing, veranda, architecture, rainbows
Subjects: New Mexico, adobe, housing, veranda, architecture, rainbows
People who shouldn't throw parties.
From the safety of the castle.
Columnar thinking.
Planned by committee, in any case.
What is his mysterious mission?
Stamp out architecture!
The rest was around the corner.