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Apropos of nothing in particular, fave headline of the week:
Big Helicopter To Replace AC Unit On Tulsa Office Building
polynikes at January 02, 2014 11:11 AM
1997 illustration (quick crude sketch when my drawing hand was injured I think) for that joke:
Controlled by the pilot shifting his body weight. (What could go wrong?)
Coming soon to the skies above you.
Video by Others added on 2012 Apr 24
Subjects: helicopter, future flight, military, weapons, machine gun, nano-copter
Subjects: helicopter, future flight, military, weapons, machine gun, nano-copter
Getting from here to there by traveling through the air
USAToday.DriveOn • Mon 2010 Oct 4, 10:33pm
So the manned helicopter crashes but the driverless Audi went through its paces just fine and wasn't involved in the mishap? Hmm. So maybe robots really are taking over the world. They certainly seem to work better sometimes....