Some critics are lacking compunction
They come at you wielding a truncheon
Not to take you to task
But I just had to ask
Just what in the heck is an "untion"?
"Daily Wire editor-in-chief and podcast sensation, Ben Shapiro"
BoB: English majors take so much flak from people who major in practical subjects...
I before E…
This is THE GREATEST EXCEPTIONS list I have ever seen.
Word of the Day:
Tuesday Prude: …Will you lose all respect for me if I confess I hadn’t heard of a chiasmus?…
I must admit, it was new to me, too. Yet obvious by context.
It's taken me days to get to a reply on this, but I've thought of it every day since you posted it.
Trudeau Corrects Woman: Say ‘Peoplekind’ Instead of ‘Mankind’ It’s ‘More Inclusive’
Manterrupts woman to mansplain femspeak. Eau du irony!
Milady Webworker notes that one could substitute the Shatner comma for the Walken comma without change.
Rather than start with reading the news (real and #fake) as usual, I started my online day here with Bluebird. As befits the first warm morning in several days.
One random thought intersecting another.
There's some gems here.
The kiss goodnight apparently involved some serious contortions. Whoo!
Donald Trump calls Chelsea Manning ‘he’
"Remember... when your GPS & fish locator we're rolled in to one trusty unit called Grandpa?"
Remember when "were" (past tense of is/are) didn't have an apostrophe?
What I've retained from reading the morning threads:
the Bible teaches us to confess our sins to one another and then son no more.
Should Lorne Grabher win his case to renew the personalized last-name license plate he's had for decades...
Alberta Oil Peon: ...There is a weak rhyme between the two words in each line, and a stronger rhyme between corresponding words in the two lines.
Vocab Upgrade! The Horde be so schmardt!
Callipygic (Kodos #77)
Misanthropic Humanitarian: I will make sure your refund is sent directly
Maybe it will cover the stomach churning meds you need
The ONT is not trying to discuss politics per say.
Latin: learn it or don't
Every once in a while, I encounter words that I have to stop and think, do I really know what that means? Of course, it just takes a few clicks to look up a word now That's cool.
"They work tongue-in-cheek together"?? Heh. Probably not the first commenter to note that this is the wrong use of the phrase, but I kinda like it.
Puddleglum: ...Politics is there religion.
* sound of fingernails on blackboard *
1,500 ISIS Jihadists have quite Middle East to attack Europe.
You misspeellled "quiet." Um... wait... hmmmmm
Cato: ..know-nothing drivel-spigot...
* jots phrase down for future re-use *
Getting caught up, again, on a few days' posts. I know the day, as a whole, is still the same 24hrs, but why does it seem like they're getting shorter for real?
Hookay, I have read the comments up to my own (#259) so before I refresh and find 259 more....
Apropos of nothing in particular, fave headline of the week:
Big Helicopter To Replace AC Unit On Tulsa Office Building
Galveston Jim, I tried the other night but don't know if you saw - thanks for the article to which you sent me a link.
I was just thinking, earlier today, not for the firs time, that there are some songs which could be said to have stood up pretty well, except they employed the anachronism "groovy."