Displaying 1 - 30 of 36
Sources: TheSlowMoGuys, JennaMarbles, Vsauce2, UltraRecords, theonion, Vsauce, ThePetCollective, ignoramusky, willz75, HDBeatles
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Sources: danisnotonfire, AnnaAkana, Funnycatsandnicefish, scottdw, Aldbourne1944, collegehumor, theonion
Video, Video by Others added on 2013 Mar 23
Subjects: cats, Disney, dogs, humor, organized religion, snow, work
Subjects: cats, Disney, dogs, humor, organized religion, snow, work
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Sources: ERB, JennaMarbles, danisnotonfire, AnnaAkana, HenriLeChatNoir, JewishNewsOne, MentalFlossVideo, HeadsqueezeTV, thealexjoneschannel, T0PV, vlogbrothers, 0lXKikkg9kd97wijfg05Jg, killerotter918, collegehumor, theonion
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Sources: theonion, NRAVideos, youtube, thealexjoneschannel, dailyrushbo, ctbadboy23, mrcolionnoir
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Sources: mindfulwebworker, cregets, JennaMarbles, TheSlowMoGuys, AnnaAkana, rVPTzQfIOFir9NDewb7n_Q, rasmusab, SoFetchSketch, collegehumor, theonion
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Sources: danisnotonfire, JennaMarbles, HerBunk, BadLipReading, thefinebros, smosh, ronisneat, jebdogrpm, kuettel51, 95marinos, ololo123kiss, theonion
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Sources: BadLipReading, itsjustsomerandomguy, AnnaAkana, theonion, collegehumor
Video, Video by Others added on 2013 Feb 26
Subjects: addiction, anxiety, Batman, Captain America, humor, Oscars, Spirit, superheroes and supervillains, Superman, television, wonder
Subjects: addiction, anxiety, Batman, Captain America, humor, Oscars, Spirit, superheroes and supervillains, Superman, television, wonder
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Sources: JennaMarbles, TheSlowMoGuys, collegehumor, theonion, laylasgm, sokcz, mrebos
Video, Video by Others added on 2013 Feb 22
Subjects: dogs, food, humor, irony, nonsense, puns, relationships
Subjects: dogs, food, humor, irony, nonsense, puns, relationships
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Video, Video by Others added on 2013 Feb 17
Subjects: accident, Bartlesville, Batman, Chicago, fire, gangs, hope, humor, irony, music video, solar system
Subjects: accident, Bartlesville, Batman, Chicago, fire, gangs, hope, humor, irony, music video, solar system
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Sources: SciShow, cmarieleonard, theonion, destinws2, SpaceRip, JewishNewsOne, JPLnews, chrispbaconpig, THEWIERDNEWSCHANNEL, TornadoVideosdotnet, heyuitslauren
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Sources: JennaMarbles, collegehumor, theonion, Whateverhappentocomm, Vsauce2, SpaceRip, Numberphile, thealexjoneschannel, ucbcomedy
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Sources: palivizumab, AnnaAkana, messi19azzurtina, collegehumor, theonion, HISHEdotcom, BBCEarth, kjrhtv, acoisacoisada1, ABCNews, nhknewsupdate, DisneyPixar, prymertyme, Vsauce, SciShow, Numberphile, TEDtalksDirector
Video, Video by Others added on 2013 Feb 11
Subjects: Bartlesville, birds, cats, Disney, Father Guido Sarducci, flying squid, heroes, humor, Spider-Man, squirrel, Stan Lee, Star Wars
Subjects: Bartlesville, birds, cats, Disney, Father Guido Sarducci, flying squid, heroes, humor, Spider-Man, squirrel, Stan Lee, Star Wars
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Sources: limpnjen, wh1pst1ckag0st0p, mindfulwebworker, theonion, Vsauce2, cyriak, oxfOf-mMUiRIFM5A7BWY6Q, jetmanofficial, SciShow, JewishNewsOne
Video, Video by Others added on 2013 Feb 8
Subjects: asteroid, brain, breakfast, broken heart, Fifth Element, horses, humor, lion, Mars, music video
Subjects: asteroid, brain, breakfast, broken heart, Fifth Element, horses, humor, lion, Mars, music video
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Sources: theonion, JennaMarbles, collegehumor, exmorediting, movieclipsTRAILERS, argidrak, JPLnews, SpaceRip, SciShow, Numberphile, MinutePhysics, JewishNewsOne
Video, Video by Others added on 2013 Feb 6
Subjects: asteroid, banana, breakfast, cheetah, comics, cosmology, Ella Fitzgerald, first contact, food, gun rights, history, Holocaust, humor, Jewish, Memorial Day, moon, mutation, numbers, Second Amendment, snakes, sports, Star Trek, terror, threat, WW2, XKCD
Subjects: asteroid, banana, breakfast, cheetah, comics, cosmology, Ella Fitzgerald, first contact, food, gun rights, history, Holocaust, humor, Jewish, Memorial Day, moon, mutation, numbers, Second Amendment, snakes, sports, Star Trek, terror, threat, WW2, XKCD
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Video, Video by Others added on 2013 Feb 4
Subjects: alcohol, asteroid, Cleopatra, education, family, Forever Alone, fruit, healing, irony, moon, perception, William Shakespeare
Subjects: alcohol, asteroid, Cleopatra, education, family, Forever Alone, fruit, healing, irony, moon, perception, William Shakespeare
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Sources: theonion, collegehumor, JPLnews, Vsauce, Numberphile, 1OneMinuteNews, SciShow
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Sources: disneyanimation, JennaMarbles, theonion, SpaceRip, SciShow, Vsauce2, newsbefunny, theverballaundry, mikeyacestudios, kfor4news, jimbovids, frustratedartistry, 1OneMinuteNews
Video, Video by Others added on 2013 Jan 31
Subjects: animation, Disney, FBI, fire, fruit, Jesus, marriage, Michelle Obama, music video, Oklahoma, pear, pizza, police, pulsars, The Art of
Subjects: animation, Disney, FBI, fire, fruit, Jesus, marriage, Michelle Obama, music video, Oklahoma, pear, pizza, police, pulsars, The Art of
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Sources: dhspriory, AboveAverageNetwork, theonion, MagicofRahat, soulpancake, Saberspark, klaatu42, Numberphile, SciShow, MrCharliesView, ViralMedia2013, n24our, rsa008, N0b0dyEl5e, gabberbaby69, spillcom
Video, Video by Others added on 2013 Jan 29
Subjects: achievement, Betty Boop, bronies, cats, computers, Disney, dogs, dolphins, extraterrestrial, humor, Mars, moon, moon landing, NASA, New World, ocean, pandas, prank, Santa Claus, time-space
Subjects: achievement, Betty Boop, bronies, cats, computers, Disney, dogs, dolphins, extraterrestrial, humor, Mars, moon, moon landing, NASA, New World, ocean, pandas, prank, Santa Claus, time-space
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Sources: AnnaAkana, theonion, collegehumor, sobymefx, TheSlowMoGuys, Vsauce2, sixtysymbols, PeriodicVideos, jersagfast, Vsauce, shukhrat12
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Sources: collegehumor, theonion, BadLipReading, thebobjohnson1984, JewishNewsOne, MinutePhysics, vsauce3, SciShow, Numberphile, dkoska
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Sources: mindfulwebworker, JennaMarbles, fastfuriousandfunny, theonion, destinws2, Vsauce2, SciShow, JPLnews, JewishNewsOne, 0jeffmyers0
Video, Video by Others added on 2013 Jan 23
Subjects: Bartlesville, bears, Boy Scouts, butterfly, carbon dioxide, friendship, hair, humor, ice cream, Jesus, Mars, moon, risk, robot, solar system
Subjects: Bartlesville, bears, Boy Scouts, butterfly, carbon dioxide, friendship, hair, humor, ice cream, Jesus, Mars, moon, risk, robot, solar system
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Sources: AnnaAkana, danisnotonfire, collegehumor, theonion, Vsauce, _towuGZ81GL7I_QU7nqdVw, SciShow, RobscoRC, TheAmazel, NewScientistVideo, DiagonalUK
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Sources: JennaMarbles, Vsauce2, theonion, HISHEdotcom, SciShow, SpaceRip, collegehumor, msmedic2582, dianagomesdasilva1, JPLnews
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Sources: collegehumor, BadLipReading, theonion, JewishNewsOne, SpaceRip, SciShow
Video by Others added on 2013 Jan 16
Subjects: Barack Obama, Batman, caffeine, carbon dioxide, coffee, earthquake, elves, humor, moon, origins, pulsars, relationships, science, sex, SNL, solar system, sports, superheroes and supervillains, tigers, US President, Venus (planet), volcanoes
Subjects: Barack Obama, Batman, caffeine, carbon dioxide, coffee, earthquake, elves, humor, moon, origins, pulsars, relationships, science, sex, SNL, solar system, sports, superheroes and supervillains, tigers, US President, Venus (planet), volcanoes
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Sources: Whateverhappentocomm, TheSlowMoGuys, danisnotonfire, AnnaAkana, collegehumor, theonion, JewishNewsOne, Numberphile, SciShow
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Sources: theonion, collegehumor, JennaMarbles, JPLnews, Vsauce, Numberphile, SciShow, Vsauce2, SpaceRip
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Sources: danisnotonfire, collegehumor, theonion, JennaMarbles, AnnaAkana, itsjustsomerandomguy, JPLnews, Vsauce2, MinutePhysics, SciShow, Vsauce
Video, Video by Others added on 2013 Jan 4
Subjects: basketball, cosmology, dark humor, food, irony, Mars, moon, pizza, science, solar system, Superman
Subjects: basketball, cosmology, dark humor, food, irony, Mars, moon, pizza, science, solar system, Superman
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Sources: itsjustsomerandomguy, theonion, JennaMarbles, HenriLeChatNoir, JewishNewsOne, DaveyCourtCrew, Vsauce2, MinutePhysics, SciShow
Video, Video by Others added on 2012 Dec 29
Subjects: Batman, beer, Captain America, cats, Christmas, dark matter, earth, Gerry Anderson, humor, Iron Man, marionation, New World, science, superheroes and supervillains, Superman, universe
Subjects: Batman, beer, Captain America, cats, Christmas, dark matter, earth, Gerry Anderson, humor, Iron Man, marionation, New World, science, superheroes and supervillains, Superman, universe
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