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MP4: ...hawt girls in scanty attire playing basketball...
"Looks like the DPRK team beat Dennis Rodman's ex-NBA team."
When the Globetrotters played against my high school's coaches (late 1960s), the Globetrotters won by just one basket, IIRC
Sources: crazyrussianhacker, JennaMarbles, TheSlowMoGuys, josephashbyonline, nijo40, AnnaAkana
Video by Others added on 2013 Dec 5
Subjects: basketball, boys, coffee, education, emergency, food, girl, humor, Life
Subjects: basketball, boys, coffee, education, emergency, food, girl, humor, Life
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Sources: danisnotonfire, collegehumor, theonion, JennaMarbles, AnnaAkana, itsjustsomerandomguy, JPLnews, Vsauce2, MinutePhysics, SciShow, Vsauce
Video, Video by Others added on 2013 Jan 4
Subjects: basketball, cosmology, dark humor, food, irony, Mars, moon, pizza, science, solar system, Superman
Subjects: basketball, cosmology, dark humor, food, irony, Mars, moon, pizza, science, solar system, Superman
Comments open
Really, he's just warming up.