Stan Lee
Another Christmas video. Would've been more suitable yesterday, I suppose, but for the comic book geeks, who cares? Nuff said! (Um, I haven't actually watched this, so, you're on your own.
Seems like this belongs here.
Jim Henson vs Stan Lee. Epic Rap Battles of History
seems to end nicely before it takes an unexpected turn
Next victim of the intrawebz lynch mobs: Stan the Man
I see Jim Treacher made my point about Stan Lee... in one concise sentence.
Must be time for webworker to go weblurker.
I know Stan Lee is 92 years old and one of the most successful men in the world, but if he really is that full of himself, it kind of spoils fot me anything he has to say.
For some reason, when I saw this, I thought:
"Don't use green on the cover." -that apocryphal Stan Lee remark.
Subjects: Stan Lee, superheroes and supervillains, The Art of
I'm reading along, then suddenly realize the elevator bar is still practically at the top floor. Seven hundred comments???
I was just gonna say,
Posted by: webworker at January 15, 2014 08:58 AM (jNNPU)
Wish I could take credit for the Stan Lee line, but I'm not nearly that clever. It's a Simpsons line.
...a twist so cliched even Stan Lee would blush....
Mary Poppins' Practically Perfect Piercing
"Kids? This is Mr Stan Lee!" A proud Geek Dad moment.
When Mrs Candycanes and I met, we had in common a great appreciation for the Beatles. Still do.
Subjects: Beatles, Jack Kirby, John Lennon, murder, Stan Lee
Subjects: Bartlesville, birds, cats, Disney, Father Guido Sarducci, flying squid, heroes, humor, Spider-Man, squirrel, Stan Lee, Star Wars
He's melllltttiiiiing...
Subjects: Sand President, Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, Spider-Man, Steve Ditko, Stan Lee, Election 2012, Sandman