polar bears
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Happy New Year!
"Does polar bear taste like brown bear?"
Color me confused.
Bureau of Fabricated Statistics study shows huge positive climate impact from government shutdown, starting with all those bureaucrats not traveling to work. Save the polar bears!
I heard incandescent bulbs killed polar bears, but the curly flourescents had all that mercury that's a bad thing in dental fillings and vaccines.
Sources: HISHEdotcom, JennaMarbles, danisnotonfire, itsjustsomerandomguy, JewishNewsOne, collegehumor, Whateverhappentocomm, MinutePhysics, JPLnews, SciShow
Video, Video by Others added on 2012 Dec 21
Subjects: bears, Christmas, climate, golden eagle, Hanukkah, humor, ice cream, Jerusalem, knock knock, madness, Mars, polar bears, providence, Superman, traffic cop, yoga
Subjects: bears, Christmas, climate, golden eagle, Hanukkah, humor, ice cream, Jerusalem, knock knock, madness, Mars, polar bears, providence, Superman, traffic cop, yoga
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It's not the end of the world
if David Axelrod shaves his mustache!!!