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Radical Incline

You will be compelled to obey!

Lord Heavyhand
“This is how its gonna be…
we will shut you down…
we will cite you…
we will arrest you”

h/t Splunge on A♠: The Mayor of Chicago is doing… what you'd expect the Mayor of Chicago to do
Femme Fatale @RealBasedMAGA
“This is how its gonna be......we will shut you down....we will cite you....we will arrest you”
Chicago’s Major has laid it out...
Had enough yet? @realDonaldTrump @Barnes_Law
Updated with better vid
Cross-posted at Mindful Webworks'
Other People's Videos blog

Radical Incline

It's not so much about Whitmer as it is all her ilk

The Chief Inquisitor

Gov Delores Whitmer - portrait

Social Distancing


Sports Cancelled

Sports Cancelled

Extracurriculars Curtailed

Extracurriculars Curtailed

Restricted Access

Restricted Access

Inquisitorial Squad

Inquisitorial Squad

Inspirational h/t:
Truck Monkey on A♠: Gretchen halfWhittmer and Delored Umbridge. Compare and contrast. Go...

UPDATE #2: Breaking Quarantine

Radical Incline

Because everything about New York says good government

As Old Joe sputters and crashes,
to whom will Democrats turn?

Biden/Lemon 2020

Radical Incline

You don't want to know where that thing has been

LASue at April 13, 2020 12:49 PM on A♠
Biden should pick Don Le Mon as his running mate.
Black, gay, woman-ly, creepy.
Biden/LeMon 2020 : Smell Our Fingers!
Biden/Lemon 2020

Bonus pic repeat - Joe Bitin'
Biden 2020
