modern police tactics
Protecting us from those dangerous Imperial warriors.
Oklahoma Governor stops cops from using their cash-card confiscation technology... for now.
richard mcenroe #322: Stay out of Oklahoma.
Somebody has to stay here and keep trying to get these stupid laws repealed. Besides, it's where my lawn is.
qdpsteve #319 "How police took $53,000 from a Christian band, an orphanage and a church"
Israeli stinky crowd control (click nick)
aforementioned police incident illustrated in 2013 July 7 comic, part of Bill of Rights series
How does any normal person even keep rushing after being shot once?
re #120 "The real militarization of police started with the "war on drugs". That has been the longest running war the US has ever had. And we have lost it long ago Get out of the war."
cth> why a 4 year old has subtraction homework
That is really great. Thanks for posting it!
Going sheerly on this video clip, I dare to opine thusly…
grammie, atc, any I missed, thank you! Means a lot.
c/o traye in the morning-er thread:
The cops asked the guy for his ID and he refused and ran back inside the house. So legally they had every right to follow him into the house. -Vic
Legal, maybe. (So? Most law sux.) (Vic)
(My cell won't c'n'p from DC.)
Good morning. Slept a little late. Actually felt great.
I ain't no Vic (who could be!) but I have some links. Not so much news as Sec B.
What the h3!! are you gonna do
When the Officer goes up your wazoo?
They'll probe and they'll poke
And they'll leave you a mess.
Did you read about the nation that rolled through a stop sign and ended up with a forced colonoscopy? :/
I think circumstances dictate things. Pulled over on the shoulder is dangerous; let the nice person in uniform come to you.
"Anyone who has ever been pulled over by the cops for
a traffic stop knows the last thing you ever do is get out of the car."
"Initially they were saying that she had exited her car when she was shot."
Instead of admitting the mistake, they go ahead and charge the man with disorderly conduct/causing alarm with a gun.
159 Posted by: mindful webworker, partner in plodding at August 01, 2013 08:32 AM (KmZtw)
Clicked on your nic. Nice site, which is almost as popular as Allan G's.
What business is it of his? (ABC video)
"We're not quartering. We're fortifying. Besides, we are at war. A war on crime!"
Subjects: Third Amendment, US Constitution, human right, modern police tactics
" them the benefit of the doubt that they actually thought she'd bought beer."
Subjects: accident, Benghazi, breakfast, communication, conspiracy, Disney, Dr. Benjamin Carson, education, Egypt, heroes, Hillary Clinton, Iran, Islam, modern police tactics, terrorism, Texas, unions, violence, water, welfare
We ALREADY live in a police state
Officer "10 bullets in your ass" Harless has "earned several commendations," but 16 complaints.
Can't say for sure whether things have really changed that much in the last 50 years, but it sure seems like Peace Officers have become Crime Warriors.
Subjects: modern police tactics, self-defense, power, responsibility, video