Radical Incline Posts

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Radical Incline

Who Does Kerry the Cyclist Look Like?

Boy howdy, is he ready for doody!

So, I was going to make this joke.

Inspired by a picture of Kerry at the top of the Drudge Report. Sec of State John "I Served in Viet Nam" Kerry broke his leg bicycling. The picture had him in flaming orange bike helmet.

I was going to say…

"Hm. Who does Kerry remind me of here? Maybe Firestorm, the DC Comics superhero?"

Kerry and Firestorm

"but no," I would joke, "Definitely not a super-hero!"

"Then, maybe," I was going to continue, "that super-villain from Scott McCloud's groundbreaking Zot! comics, the insane Art Dekko?"

Kerry and Dekko

"No, no," I would exclaim. "Closer, but still not quite right."

Then, for the punchline, "Ah! I know!"

And I went searching for an image of who I had in mind.

Buddy Pine, Syndrome, from The Incredibles.

Great thinks like a mind. And it was pretty obvious.

Afterthought: The Michelle's Mirror image was from two months ago. As I've been a subscriber for much longer than that, it's entirely possible I had a deep memory of having seen this poster already.

Radical Incline

Ha Ha Hillarity

Bill's passions explained

Ha Ha Hillary

Radical Incline

Ironic Juxtaposition

A comment on the current conflict

Radical Incline

Ted Cruz Announces for Presidency 2016

The race is on, and Ted is in the lead.

Cruz, West, Bring It! 2016

I don't really have anything original to add to this conversation. I just wanted an excuse to run the picture above. [Source: Texas Tea Party Patriots]

Video and Transcript of Cruz's Announcement Speech c/o Dianny, Patriot Retort.

Now That Ted Cruz has Declared His Candidacy- You Ever Seen the Guy's Resume? (It's impressive.)
—Reaganite Republican

The Date Ted Cruz Announced His Presidential Campaign Is Significant And Here's Why
by Miss CJ, Chicks on the Right

Liberty University Crowd Goes Wild as Ted Cruz Says: Imagine A President Who Stands with Israel
Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit [Videos]

Nice Cruz poster by Big Fur Hat over at I Own the World Report

DrewM is a downer at Ace of Spades; but there's always the comments: "But let's be honest, the odds of him winning the nomination are pretty low and he'd probably be a disaster in the general (though not much worse than Jeb will be)."

Barack Obama AND Ted Cruz are natural-born citizens
chrissythehyphenated on PoliNation
"…Their mothers were American citizens; their fathers (of record*) were foreigners.…"
