Oh NOOoes! He broke it! Whatever it was. How will this affect their love story? Whatever they are.
Offsite Comments
Mon 2018 Jun 4
Wed 2018 May 30
I think you mean “theology” there. “Exegesis”...
I suppose so. Theology may derive from exegesis, but sometimes goes off on jags of its own. ;)
[Knowing] ...homoousious ...can occasionally come in handy while doing crossword puzzles...
Heh. I'll bet my crossword-wizard Mom knows that one.
If I can ever find time in my life to read again, Eusebius is on the list. Thanks.
“Many people tell me they wish they had lived in New Testament times. Well, good news. You do!”
Yup. Our little world is still a hotspot in the War in Heaven, looks like to me.
So, had to look up Eusebius, which led to Arius, and fine points of Trinitarian doctrines, and the Council of Nicea. (At least Eusebius didn't get into fisticuffs!)
I run into phrases like "he accepted that the Homoousion ['Not to be confused with homoiousian'] referred to the Logos." When I have to look up every other word, I start to wear out easily. ;)
I'm glad the teachings of Jesus don't require me to fully wrap my feeble mind around all the finer points of exegesis.
Do they? :/
Tue 2018 May 29
With the Memorial Day weekend and other distractions, I'm a ways behind on my PoliNation reading. So you may already have seen and mentioned that one of our favorite satire sources - the Babylon Bee - has been sold. I don't have a direct link for the story, so here's where I heard it:
The Babylon Bee has been sold to a new owner. Current owner cites pressure and censorship by Facebook. He said anyone trying to get the Gospel out is being severely curtailed.
I love the Bee. I hope it can continue in the same vein, with great satire. Doesn't look promising. -grammie winger commenting on Ace of Spades.
(I'm on a tab-closing binge today. You probably know what I mean.)
Sat 2018 May 26
Donnalee asked: Was that Cab Calloway introducing him?
Pretty sure not. Can't remember the guy's name, but he mainly hosted this variety show, IIRC.
I was watching the video, and formulating my comment about it (Hey, this guy's reallly good) when he suddenly shifted into high gear. All I could say is, wow!
Thanks, BoB.
Fri 2018 May 25
Rats. THIS is the homeschooling causes shootings video. Didn't mean to imbed the playlist. Sorry.
Might as well plug my Other People's Videos blog, though, since I dood it. :D
The Barry and Mike show on Netflix is just another money-laundering scheme, like when they put out books. You know that Susan Rice (IIRC) was recently added to the Netflix board of directors, right? No connection.
The more businesses put politics and virtue-signalling above profit (as they all lose $ when they do it), the more I wonder how they could retain any investors!
And as to cth: "Wait, so NOW they’re in favor of home schooling?"
Well, sure, because home-schooling causes mass shootings, doncha know!
"I’m going to spare you any graphic images of fireworks injuriess. They’re really gruesome."
Thanks. I did watch the ISIS vid. That was enough.
Odd mix of emotions watching that. That precious little guy Pelosi would say has a divine spark. OTOH, as they used to say on SCTV, "He blowed up real good. Reeeal good."
A California judge has ruled in favor of a Christian baker…
Really? How can California allow a judge like that? It's so… so… un-Regressive! I'm sure his tenure will be "adjusted" soonly.
Los Feliz - always funny, but just a little ha-ha-grimace funny, because it's too believable.
I had to look up Okja.
As for "Laurel" and "Yanny," I read about it a lot, but never heard the actual sound until this video:
(In case you haven't seen it. For all I know, I picked up this clip from here! Can't always keep track.)
Funniest Presidential video since Nixon was on Laugh-In saying, "Sock it to me?"
Thu 2018 May 24
Some wit on another blog was listing the goals of the Left - you know, abortion on demand, no borders, etc. Included:
Merge MS-13 and Scouts.
Nowadays, you can't be sure that's a joke.
Fri 2018 May 18
Tue 2018 May 15
Here's a YouTube classic some of y'all might not have seen.
Flash mob in Moscow, Russia 26.02.1
Sun 2018 May 13
Happy day to Bluebird and all the moms and grammas here, and those who have served in such roles. A dozen virtual (and non-allergenic) roses to all'a y'all. Pink and red mix.
Today Milady and I are at my mom's breakfast table, "helping" her with the Sunday crossword.
She's the ace. I'm just occasionally helpful with, say, a Beatles song title (two in yesterday's puzzle). She usually has more familiarity with pop culture references than I do. And just about everything else.
I access web crossword sites; she's concerned that her old, well-worn, duct-tape bound Mirriam-Websters will fall apart irreparably. Different tech!
(For the record, I don't think crosswords should be allowed to conjoin words. "IFEELFINE" is not a word.)
Now she's off to nap/watch golf. Sounds good to me. It's a timeless kind of day. I'm a fortunate son. She'll be 98 next month.
Thu 2018 May 10
Given Superman's vulnerability to magic, I am surprised that he wasn't paired up with DC's mystical characters more often.
That was exactly my thought when I saw the title for this one! Not only a clever pairing on that score, but excellent choice of classic styles to blend.
Wed 2018 May 9
Should be simple enough to do a video of that first ladies cartoon. caption card, Melania, caption card, Harridan. No charge for the suggestion. I'd do it but my videothingy broke.
Tue 2018 May 8
The important part was: we actually managed to do it on my 64th. You don't get a 2nd shot at that kind of thing!
Mon 2018 May 7
With all due humility or is it humiliation, I send you this birthday greeting, youngster. Enjoy. Or suffer. Whatev. :D
Sun 2018 May 6
Thank you for posting that, chrissy. Too rarely I can listen to a modern spiritual and go, yes, yes, yes, all the way through. Allergies seem to be up this afternoon.
We should all thank this Snoopy Dogg person for doing away with the silly butt-hurtedness, the political incorrectedness indignation, over exaggerated racial portrayals, so that now we can freely do blackface and whiteface and even squinty-eyed yellowface again, knowing all races will take it in good and self-effacing humor. Das’ right, Kingfish! Thank you, Mr. Obomba.
Which is why this image I found somewhere online, in reply to Snoopy’s whitefacing Kanye, it’s also just good-humored fun and games, right? No hard feelz.