As one of our cats came meowering around the breakfast table, I said to Milady, you really need to check out Bluebird today - Caturday.
Oh yeah, she grinned, then asked, how does she do it every week? There can't be that many cat pictures on the web. (We both laugh heartily.)
You laugh, I said, but wait until you see what she's collected for today's theme!
We're down to only 3 old cats now, fewest we've had since the original "Mercury 7" kitten deluge in 1995. Except for when there were kittens, it's hard to think of any of our cats putting up with any of those storage units, together. Hiss. Scratch. Fur flies. A pack of deplorable territorial independents.
Actress, YouTuber, and infamous cat lady Anna Akana explained how she got all her cats in one picture - by taking several pictures and 'shopping them together. We'd have to do that. I have to wonder if any of the pix above were done that way - not that they appear to be, just because, you know, cats.