Offsite Comments

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Mon 2013 Feb 4

Mon 2013 Feb 4, 8:50pm
On Ace of Spades

Most gentlemanly FU:

There you go again...

Mon 2013 Feb 4, 11:02am
On Ace of Spades

I like the way the kittehs and puppies swing along to the video.

Shindig... No, I don't feel old.

Mon 2013 Feb 4, 9:34am
On PoliNation

It was discussed here, wasn’t it, that Hillary Clinton, at the Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe, standing there looking at it, asked who was the painter? Still jaw-dropping. (Ah, I can still write a shorter comment!)

chrissythehyphenated February 4, 2013 at 9:54 pm

TRULY jaw dropping. And then she went outside and told the peasants waiting to view Her Specialness, “You’ve got a nice virgin.” ::facepalm::

Mon 2013 Feb 4, 7:20am
On PoliNation

“generally all natural phenomena, but the timing was supernatural.”

Grunt: Practically every “miracle” I’ve ever experienced or heard of has been perfectly explainable as “fortuitous coincidence” or “ordinary circumstances” (even if the explanation did require a bit of a stretch sometimes.) One “just happened” to meet that certain person, find that book, take that detour. Almost seems like such things were built into the system from the beginning of time…! (Which is why I always say, appreciate the detours and delays.)

God isn’t blaring with trumpets saying, “I did this!”

When Jesus healed, he always emphasized “your faith,” not his power. It even happened without his conscious assent. He didn’t do it to show off or impress; we can understand, so I know he did, how wonders may make temporary believers out of the weak and gullible, but they don’t inspire true faith. And let’s face it, the most astonishing physics-defying miracle can be explained away if skeptics want to. Jesus wasn’t really dead on the cross, you know, ’cause, usually, it took about three days to die on a cross, so the guys that took his body took him away for healing, and that’s why the tomb was empty… (etc).

That said, two examples come to mind of Jesus’ wonder-working that were intentional and for “show” and how that worked out:

One, feeding 5000. That amazing work caused the masses to call for him to be king, and when he refused, you can bet at least four thousand forgot about him, because he wouldn’t be what they wanted him to be. So much for the holding power of a miraculously filled belly.

The other, healing the blind man. Unasked for, out of the blue, and not in response to faith. Again, though, not to show off or to “make believers out of people.” The blind man had a purpose, bringing Jesus’ final offer of mercy to the Jewish leaders. He is for me one of the most inspiring people in the Bible. “I told you already and you didn’t listen. Why do you want to hear it again? Do you want to become his disciples too? … If this man were not from God, he could do nothing.” The meerest mearest of the mere testifying before the learned and powerful.

Eek! I’ve run off at the keyboard again. Sorry And I really started out to answer Chrissy’s post. Guess I’ll take another slot. Charge my account.

A Mindful Webworker February 4, 2013 at 8:14 pm

See if I can keep this shorter. (Turns out, nope.)

It was not Passover. It was just supper the day before, as your calculations correctly demonstrate. Very nice work! A special supper, to be sure, but not Passover. Jesus understood he was going to be busy the next day and wouldn’t be partaking of Passover with his friends. The clueless eleven didn’t know it was their last supper with their Master, though; but they wouldn’t've thought a thing about it being meatless.

Those who need to reconcile scripture with scripture because they believe it’s all perfect, just look away now. Gone? Okay. Please understand, I mean no disrespect here. I revere and appreciate the Gospels which taught me to love and follow Jesus all my life, but I have no problem seeing the bugs in the Bible (and I don’t mean the locusts).

The synoptics have a problem which those of us who use computers can appreciate. If you cut-and-paste what’s right, you get a perfect copy. If you cut-and-paste what’s erroneous, you get a perfect copy… of the error. The authors of Matthew 26:17-18 and Luke 22:7-13 presumably copied directly from copies of the earlier Mark 14:12-16. Copied quite well, and I’m not questioning the sincerity of any of those scribes involved. By the time John’s Gospel was written, John’s authors surely had copies of the earlier Gospels, and John 13:1 sets the record straight. A further fat clue, to which you alluded, is John 19:42, the crucifixion “was the Jewish day of Preparation,” which is why the menfolk did a hasty job on the burial, which caused the women to try to go out to the tomb to do the job right the next day.

(If I seem to err in my understanding or scripture reading, beside the inerrancy thing I mean, someone let this hasty-speaking armchair bloviator know, all right?)

The values of the Last Supper are undiminished because MM&L have a technical glitch; John’s clarifying bug fix causes me no stress. Just as, if there is confusion over whether there were one, three, or no angels or shiny-clothed men at the empty tomb, it changes nothing about the eternally-enduring value of Mary’s testimony of speaking with the risen Master. I can’t read or even think of him saying her name without weeping.

Dear Fundamentalists, for expressing my heathen attitude, I shall go lash myself twenty times with a wet noodle. Thanks, Chrissy, for driving me into the Gospels. Sometimes I get busy and forget to take the time to refresh.

Mon 2013 Feb 4, 1:46am
On PoliNation

My 1-min vid Barry Learns Gun Control. Page (on my site) has links to other photoshops of the mad rifleman.

Bruise not just on shoulder. Also on cheek. Assuming that gun actually fired with any force… or fired at all.

chrissythehyphenated February 4, 2013 at 1:49 am

I saw one guy opining the smoke was pshopped in. Funny to think the photo they tut-tutted “Do Not Photoshop” this may have been pshopped by them. LOL

chrissythehyphenated February 4, 2013 at 1:53 am

That’s really well done, Mindful!

A Mindful Webworker February 4, 2013 at 1:58 am

hey, thanks. So this is when you hang out? Too late for me. Up tonight ’cause… it was not an easy day. Mercy, Lord!

Sweet Dreams!

chrissythehyphenated February 4, 2013 at 2:03 am

I have PTSD, so I sleep when I can and when I can’t, I do other stuff.

A Mindful Webworker February 4, 2013 at 2:46 am

Just got out of bed to chase a vomiting dog around the house. Thanks, Lord, for a fitting end to this day.

PTSD… hope I live to reach the P part.

chrissythehyphenated February 4, 2013 at 7:09 pm

The nightmares are a bitch, but I agree … preferable to the trauma itself.

Mon 2013 Feb 4, 12:30am
On Ace of Spades

Slow ONT? Obviously needs moar Hopelessness.

BTW, homeopathic Natrum sulphuricum - guiding mental symptom : hopelessness about the future.

For those who might need it.

Barry Learns Gun Control - my 1-min vid - - last time I'll plug that here. Honest!

Sun 2013 Feb 3

Sun 2013 Feb 3, 9:24pm
On Ace of Spades

Late, but short, my BO v the rifle vid.

Good eveni... aha dinner's on. Later.

Sun 2013 Feb 3, 5:08pm
On Ace of Spades

PS I dood a mocky vid.

Sun 2013 Feb 3, 4:55pm
On Ace of Spades

Granny Jan's link to article questioning if the unphotoshoppable was itself 'shopped had this:

"A photo taken at this stage of the firing process would also reveal the forces of recoil upon the shooter."

I think the lack of recoil effects has bothered me since I first saw the photo, but the weird smoke and level aim were distracting me.

But then, heh, I haven't shot skeet since I was a kid. (Wow. I really miss my Dad.)

Sun 2013 Feb 3, 11:58am
On Ace of Spades

I miss Tony Hillerman. We need zombie Tony Hillerman mysteries.

Moorcock wrote that "time-travel to see Jesus" story, right? That sucked so bad I never read anything by him again.

Sun 2013 Feb 3, 9:33am
On Ace of Spades

I'm thinking, Darwinianly, contraception and abortion (any trimester including "4th") might be the one plan we would want to fund and promote, as long as Democrats and other tyrant types choose to not reproduce themselves. Everyone else should have large families. Self-fixing problem.

Um... I denounce myself.

Sun 2013 Feb 3, 9:19am
On Ace of Spades


Heh. That was pathetic! I usually don't get to see the real time trolling/griefing. How exciting.

Of course my standard of exciting is obviously low.

Sun 2013 Feb 3, 8:59am
On Ace of Spades

I've been italicized! I didn't do it.

Sun 2013 Feb 3, 8:54am
On Ace of Spades

Ah! Awake from the Odinsleep at last!

Sun 2013 Feb 3, 8:51am
On Ace of Spades

It is kind of psychologically intriguing to watch how rapid is the decline from attempted intellectual banter to cut-&-paste emptiness.

But... not -that- intriguing.

Sun 2013 Feb 3, 8:34am
On Ace of Spades

I've known patriotic people. I've known religious people. Some of them happened to be homosexual. None of them behaved like jerks. Nor did they one-dimensionally dwell on their sexual inclination or make it a source of annoyance. These decent, normal men and women, janitors and professors, to me represent humanity well. Also, by the way, gays. They earned my respect. For some reason, I just felt like mentioning that.

Sun 2013 Feb 3, 7:59am
On Ace of Spades

93 Technology hates me.

Merely a 1-minute vid using the unshoppable pic would've been up yester, except my 10yo XP with the cheap software choked on my overproduction. Bah! I've always pushed my digital limits.

Also, hints of dawn at 6:30, and I think a skeeter got me in the night. It's practically Summer! (Mo-squito, not BO-skeet-er.)

Also, new House of Sunny, first since Nov. Yay, Sunny!

Tried to go to YouTube to get the URL, forgetting that YouTube locks up Opera mini on my new Android cell. Lost 1st copy of this comment. tried to compose in note app & cut & paste but the formatting differs - adds spaces & line feeds. Latest comment was #9 when I started this reply. Technology hates me. The feeling's mutual.

Sun 2013 Feb 3, 7:59am
On Ace of Spades

Technology hates me.

Merely a 1-minute vid using the unshoppable pic would've been up yester, except my 10yo XP with the cheap software choked on my overproduction. Bah! I've always pushed my digital limits.

Also, hints of dawn at 6:30, and I think a skeeter got me in the night. It's practically Summer! (Mo-squito, not BO-skeet-er.)

Also, new House of Sunny, first since Nov. Yay, Sunny!

Tried to go to YouTube to get the URL, forgetting that YouTube locks up Opera mini on my new Android cell. Lost 1st copy of this comment. tried to compose in note app & cut & paste but the formatting differs - adds spaces & line feeds. Latest comment was #9 when I started this reply. Technology hates me. The feeling's mutual.

Sun 2013 Feb 3, 1:03am
On Ace of Spades

I hadn't seen the celeb anti-mass-murder PSA, but I was made aware of it via a new House of Sunny vid. Yay! Its the1st Sunny since the Nov disaster.


Sat 2013 Feb 2

Sat 2013 Feb 2, 11:12am
On Ace of Spades

Is out too late in the day for a Caturday Tail?

A couple of years after two barn cats had started us off with seven kittens, wild momma #3 showed up. She had been an occasional visitor which we hadn't seen for a while, when she showed up with her brood of five kittens, then died, when they were barely weaning age.

Three of the kits were identical, all white, except Beauty had a faint gray streak across one side of the top of her head, and Grace had its mirror, so we could tell them from Snowy.

One got stepped on early, in our houseful of kids and kits, and that was the end of Beauty.

Snowy was the only cat I ever had to go scrape off the road. We know a service truck came by while we were gone that day. We figure curious Snowy got on the truck, then jumped off just outside the gate, and, I hope, died immediately. One of our sons had 'specially taken to Snowy after a previous white cat had met an untimely end. That was hard.

Not long after that, Grace's gray streak disappeared. No longer needed, I guess.

Grace long outlived her four siblings. She developed cancer common to white cats, but lived with that several years before it got bad. She was old. She had that waddling hanging-down belly some old cats get. A really nice cat. Left white fur everywhere, of course. The price we pay.

When we buried her last year, it was the end of a long chapter which had begun with that stray dying mama bringing us her babies. The last of that brood of five, And the last of the white triplets.
