Offsite Comments

Page 714 of 760, comments 14261 - 14280 of 15193

Sat 2013 Feb 2

Sat 2013 Feb 2, 1:24am
On Ace of Spades

tl;dr ... lalalalala.

Seriously, outstanding gloom accumulation. Soon this be a major motion picture.

Fri 2013 Feb 1

Fri 2013 Feb 1, 11:33am
On Ace of Spades

Koch made non-New Hawkers heart NY.

If Jumbo Shrimp can do it, there may be hope a lowly mindful webworker can someday become un-banned on the office IP. Hope! ONTs notwithstanding.

Fri 2013 Feb 1, 8:35am
On Ace of Spades
A playlist of some Hagel hearing highlights.
Link in nic in case

Thu 2013 Jan 31

Thu 2013 Jan 31, 11:56pm
On Ace of Spades

Hopelessness? Yawn. Lived there for years. Let me know when you get to Despair. That's when it really gets interesting.

Thu 2013 Jan 31, 12:21am
On Ace of Spades

If tonight is a rerun of last night, do we just re-post the same comments? Or, like the old joke about the comedians convention. we just comment by number.

(It's all on the delivery.)

Wed 2013 Jan 30

Wed 2013 Jan 30, 11:52am
On Ace of Spades

"I'm sick of being lied to."


And we're just getting warmed up!

Wed 2013 Jan 30, 9:48am
On Ace of Spades

"are his new arms from a dead guy?"

Obamacare decisions like that are not yet fully implemented. Soon.

Wed 2013 Jan 30, 8:29am
On Ace of Spades

"Actor Jim Nabors marries his longtime male partner"

In case no one said it yet...

Will, gaw- aww- lee!

Wed 2013 Jan 30, 8:18am
On Ace of Spades

Dunham's sad Your First Time vid and many parodies - vid playlist in nic link

Culture? Culture? We don' need no.... Seriously, I have heard of Girls and Honey VooDoo and Jersey Shore and Friends... like I know of Piers Morgan and other LaughingStock Media celebs, by unavoidable references, since I have no TV sources -- mostly by complaints and links on websites like this. That wastes enough of my brainpower.

Voodoo? ha! the wisdom of auto-correct!

Wed 2013 Jan 30, 12:11am
On Ace of Spades

Hopelessness is...
having one's desktop IP banned on AoS.

Hyar are some, uh, lines that rhyme, for tonight's downlifting theme, from my website's Best of Spirits barrel, ironically-ish. More the personal doomy though.

Murphy Slaw

My life is in such awful shape!
The reason is because
My life is based on Murphy's Law:
Whatever can go wrong does!

Not only does it all go wrong,
it goes wronger every day!
And it doesn't all just go wrong, it goes wrong
in the very worst possible way!

Each choice invokes catastrophe!
Doesn't matter what I do!
On the left path lies disaster!
Disaster lies on the right path, too!

Some people just have a talent, a gift,
that sets them above the throng.
My God-given gift is ability to be
perpetually, totally wrong!

Tue 2013 Jan 29

Tue 2013 Jan 29, 7:41pm
On Clark Kent on YouTube

Can't believe I watched the whole thing, but had to see if you picked the right #1. You did. The "finally!" satisfaction derived is like that watching Hulk v Loki in the Avengers movie, y'know?

Tue 2013 Jan 29, 5:04pm
On Wild Bill for America on YouTube

Bill, I was worried about you for a while there, looking kind of scruffy, but now that the goatee has grown out, I guess it looks okay on you. Carry on! :)

Tue 2013 Jan 29, 12:25am
On Ace of Spades

I sat down with our daughter to watch Mr Rogers, flicked on the tube, and there was a serious-looking Dan Rather, with a model of the rocket on his desk. I immediately feared the worst. And it was.

Tue 2013 Jan 29, 12:02am
On Ace of Spades

Caesar: Great quote. Tyranny never changes, nor its useful idiots.

And IIRC, our moonships had for computing power about the equivalent of a Shack Model I, that half-an-8086 chip. But of course all they needed was just basic trig, and that was power aplenty.

Evening, folks.

Mon 2013 Jan 28

Mon 2013 Jan 28, 11:05am
On Ace of Spades

A Mindful Webworker on January 28, 2013 at 10:03 am said:

Hey, am I banned here, too? Or just on the main site, where THE GREAT EQUALIZER OF TECHNOLOGICAL FAILURE has now banned everybody? Gooood morning.

A Mindful Webworker on January 28, 2013 at 10:10 am said:

Where are the comment numbers? How can we argue without comment numbers? Where AM I?

I have this fantasy that when comments return to the main blog, commenting will be improved and updated, blocked IPs will be restored, and my goofy icon will show. Also, links will work, normal html code will be implemented, and we’ll all wear tuxedos and sip martinis. Except, of course, in real life there are no tuxedo pants, and the martinis are made with Val-u-rite. And Pixy will be the same.

Dedicated Tenther (@Dedicated10ther) on January 28, 2013 at 10:10 am said:

“I have this fantasy that when comments return to the main blog”

I have a fantasy that comments will return to the main blog.

A Mindful Webworker on January 28, 2013 at 10:12 am said:

Ace of Spades Working Comments: The Final Fantasy

Tobacco Road on January 28, 2013 at 10:12 am said:

>>>I have this fantasy that when comments return to the main blog, commenting will be improved and updated, blocked IPs will be restored, and my goofy icon will show. Also, links will work, normal html code will be implemented, and we’ll all wear tuxedos and sip martinis.


Right. Whatever.

Mama AJ on January 28, 2013 at 10:13 am said:

>>Where are the comment numbers?

Mouse over the date link in a comment, #1585.

If you’re on a phone, I’ll wait for you to find the “mouse over” button.

LDC on January 28, 2013 at 10:13 am said:

A Mindful Webworker on January 28, 2013 at 10:10 am said:
How can we argue without comment numbers? Where AM I?

Well, you can have an avatar here, so that’s something. Pixy won’t have that short of Jubilation Day….

A Mindful Webworker on January 28, 2013 at 10:16 am said:


No, no. Palin.

[Ducking as Palin food fight begins]

Boy, it sure is all too easy to post comments on here. I sneer at your square-bracketed italians! Behold &&& The Power of WordPress!! :)

GnuBreed on January 28, 2013 at 10:19 am said:


And TFG will finally admit that he was cloned from one of George Soro’s turds.

PS This would also explain all the flies attracted to him.

A Mindful Webworker on January 28, 2013 at 10:21 am said:

The first computer repair I ever did, a friend deduced that my TRS-80′s power supply had failed, due (it turned out) to the soldered-inline fuse inside the glued-shut tranformer box. Imagine my amusement when, to break open the box, my friend called out, “Ma? Where’s the five-pound rubber mallet?” Yes, I can forever say that the tool used in my very first computer repair was a five-pound rubber mallet. He wielded it well, too. There was just one little chip where the box did not break along the glue line.

Later, when he started cutting traces on the circuit board to install the upper-lower case switch (Model I’s had no active lower case), we used finer tools. :)

A Mindful Webworker on January 28, 2013 at 10:36 am said:

I bring news from the main blog: No change yet. “The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request…. Powered by CherryPy 3.1.2″ I think that says it all.

Mmmm. Cherry pie.

Brandon In Baton Rouge on January 28, 2013 at 10:37 am said:

“Mmmm. Cherry pie.”

I want Christina Hendricks to put a smile on my face, ten miles wide.

Citizen Anachronda on January 28, 2013 at 10:38 am said:

>>>>>>>>>Later, when he started cutting traces on the circuit board to install the upper-lower case switch (Model I’s had no active lower case), we used finer tools.

They didn’t have enough video memory. RS saved a couple bucks on each one by only providing 7 (maybe 6, memory is rusty) bits of video memory.

A Mindful Webworker on January 28, 2013 at 10:55 am said:

“They didn’t have enough video memory. RS saved a couple bucks on each one by only providing 7 (maybe 6, memory is rusty) bits of video memory.”

My computer guru explained it to me like this: When Shack went into production and looked for a character generation chip, Motorola said, hey, we’ve got this bunch of chips without true descenders (for non-techs: that means lower-case letters like “g” and “p”and for some reason “a” were a half-line up from how they ought to be displayed), and Shack said, sure, it’s just a hobby kit, nobody will need lower-case. After the computer’s surgery, I had to flip a switch, load a driver, and put up with not-true descenders. But it worked. Wrote my own word processing software, hooked up that incredibly expensive, thundering daisy-wheel printer, and cranked out many words on CompuServe and BBS and in print. Used that “hobby kit” until PC-AT days. “Nobody will need lower case” was like an early version of Gates saying “no one will ever need more than 640K of memory.”

George Orwell on January 28, 2013 at 11:00 am said:

“Nobody will need lower case” was like an early version of Gates saying “no one will ever need more than 640K of memory.”

Nobody will ever need to use HTML or post links in comments at AOSHQ.

A Mindful Webworker on January 28, 2013 at 11:03 am said:

You could see this on my website, but, just once, because we can, I’ve got to do it… embedded videoooo! (Assuming it works here as it does in other WordPress places…)

[embedded video here]

andycanuck on January 28, 2013 at 11:04 am said:

Shit! Shit! Embedded video!!! Noooooooo!!!!

joncelli (@joncelli) on January 28, 2013 at 11:04 am said:

Main site comments are back.

A Mindful Webworker on January 28, 2013 at 11:05 am said:

No, no, I don’t want to leave. I can’t post over there…. (just as well, I suppose)

George Orwell on January 28, 2013 at 11:05 am said:

embedded videoooo!

If Dad finds out we’ve been partying in here, he’s gonna shut us all out.

Mon 2013 Jan 28, 11:05am
On Ace of Spades HQ Blackout Blog

No, no, I don’t want to leave. I can’t post over there…. (just as well, I suppose)

Mon 2013 Jan 28, 11:03am
On Ace of Spades HQ Blackout Blog

You could see this on my website, but, just once, because we can, I’ve got to do it… embedded videoooo! (Assuming it works here as it does in other WordPress places…)

Mon 2013 Jan 28, 10:55am
On Ace of Spades HQ Blackout Blog

“They didn’t have enough video memory. RS saved a couple bucks on each one by only providing 7 (maybe 6, memory is rusty) bits of video memory.”

My computer guru explained it to me like this: When Shack went into production and looked for a character generation chip, Motorola said, hey, we’ve got this bunch of chips without true descenders (for non-techs: that means lower-case letters like “g” and “p”and for some reason “a” were a half-line up from how they ought to be displayed), and Shack said, sure, it’s just a hobby kit, nobody will need lower-case. After the computer’s surgery, I had to flip a switch, load a driver, and put up with not-true descenders. But it worked. Wrote my own word processing software, hooked up that incredibly expensive, thundering daisy-wheel printer, and cranked out many words on CompuServe and BBS and in print. Used that “hobby kit” until PC-AT days. “Nobody will need lower case” was like an early version of Gates saying “no one will ever need more than 640K of memory.”

Mon 2013 Jan 28, 12:42am
On Ace of Spades

Whatever you all are up to tonight, just cut that out. It's bad for you. I'm watching! -TFG, the anti-Ace

Sun 2013 Jan 27

Sun 2013 Jan 27, 12:44pm
On Ace of Spades

Reading on the desktop. Then... turn off WiFi on cell. Reload page via phone account. Write & post reply on cell. Turn WiFi back on. Reload desktop page. Nope, nothing wrong with this charming, quaint system. Yes, I (finally) wrote Ace. Forgot to include bribe, though.

Hey, I just remembered, I wrote-drew a thing, which I'll mention since apparently any old whiner can brag about alleged authorship here. . This is not a book, I suppose, or even maybe a monograph. More like a draft? Anyway, be warned it starts off with real sketchy comic book format, then turns into text, sure to disgrunt fans of either genre. Might work on it more some day but meanwhile, tis what tis. Science Fiction. Free and worth it, but there are donate buttons.

Invulnerable - link in nic if I get it right.
