Offsite Comments

Page 715 of 760, comments 14281 - 14300 of 15193

Sun 2013 Jan 27

Sun 2013 Jan 27, 9:35am
On Ace of Spades

[JustLikeDavidHasselhoff at January 27, 2013 10:01 AM (QyMDY):
If you live in Oklahoma, please be aware that Tom Coburn
is working with Charles Schumer on universal background checks for gun sales.
(Washington Post)]

Coburn has done fully immersed in the kool-ade. Time for the old codger to head off to the RINO boneyard. Inhofe, too.

The only OK Congresscritters to vote no on suspension of debt ceiling were the two new guys. The rest have been in DC too long. Will the new guys get brainwashed or booted? Stay tuned.

This is all going to take a while to fix, methinks.

O is So Fly - 30sec vid in nic (if I got it right this time.)

Sun 2013 Jan 27, 9:35am
On Ace of Spades

Coburn has done fully immersed in the kool-ade. Time for the old codger to head off to the RINO boneyard. Inhofe, too.

The only OK Congresscritters to vote no on suspension of debt ceiling were the two new guys. The rest have been in DC too long. Will the new guys get brainwashed or booted? Stay tuned.

This is all going to take a while to fix, methinks.

O is So Fly - 30sec vid in nic (if I got it right this time.)

Sun 2013 Jan 27, 9:09am
On Ace of Spades

Churchin' up... hey, I'll probably go with Mom on Easter. I'm grateful dear old Father Rogers was there with some good answers when I was young and questioning, but most churches... um... never found one that fit. We've always home-churched, for the same reasons we home-schooled, necessity more than preference.

OTOH, Mrs & daughter & I just watched Blues Brothers again last week. That counts, surely. Truth. It's where you find it. Aretha still stuns. Hey, what was that link about the movie getting made? Didn't get to follow it.

But I must need something. Lately, I'm at about that stage where George was, when Clarence jumped in the river, except there is no Clarence. Actually, my relationship with the Spirit is probably more like that scene in Mysterymen when they're being trained by the Sphinx. Mr Furious says, I see why you want me to do x y z, but why do I have my feet in watermelons? The Sphinx looks down and says, I don't remember telling you to do that.

Sat 2013 Jan 26

Sat 2013 Jan 26, 11:24pm
On Ace of Spades

>>and the nic link failed too. good night.
Posted by: Mindfulguy at January 27, 2013 12:18 AM (eVurp)
The link worked.
Fly video was perfect.

Sat 2013 Jan 26, 11:18pm
On Ace of Spades

and the nic link failed too. good night.

Sat 2013 Jan 26, 11:16pm
On Ace of Spades

and, uh, 700th

Sat 2013 Jan 26, 11:15pm
On Ace of Spades

of course that's NIC not inc. Stupid stupid spell checker.

Sat 2013 Jan 26, 11:13pm
On Ace of Spades

Wish I had time & power to do more better vid. Anyway, day late, but here 'tis, TFG with a side of flies. In part inspired by comments on a certain notorious site... yeah I credited the horde.

Inc links to my site. Or

Only read up to #150. I'll bet after that was when all the girlie pics got posted.

Sat 2013 Jan 26, 12:56am
On Ace of Spades

Got to #525 and had to quit.

Pre-usb computers can be collectibles? How much for my old Shack Model 100 laptop?

Goodwood night, Heavies.

Fri 2013 Jan 25

Fri 2013 Jan 25, 10:49pm
On Ace of Spades

If the office IP gets un-banned, will all my test messages show up??

Like the one before this which I tried to send on the cell but it was... on the wireless at... the.. office... oops... duh...

Fri 2013 Jan 25, 10:48am
On Ace of Spades

Government is designed to protect me from violence. That's really about it. Everything else is optional tyranny.


Fri 2013 Jan 25, 10:35am
On Ace of Spades

more (it's like commentin' Tourette's)...

On an old car, you can pop the clutch. If you can find fuel, it's fine post-EMP. New cars, any little electronic glitch and you've got useless junk on wheels. Old mech meters, accuracy and service will continue reliably because there's so little to go wrong and to interrupt service, you have to shut a valve manually. (Those pro meter readers can confirm or correct my armchair noodling.) Will tomorrow's meters have all the reliability of Windows, as it were? Can our service be controlled or interrupted by crack or glitch? Hint: it's already being done to utility COMPANIES. IS THE TRADEOFF WORTH IT, that's always the question.

Oh, I see: dbl-tap the shift to lock caps. Perfectly intuitive. (Recently graduated to iPhonish cell, can you tell?) I'm an old futurist. I loves me the digital age! But I've also learned, they are out to get us, and they are using the tools at their disposal to do it. We don't have to make it easier for them.

Sorry for the rant. Foil hat off. Back to normal mode: Hey, I was listening to Surrealistic Pillow yesterday. Am I just nostalgic or does that album really stand up? ...

Fri 2013 Jan 25, 10:04am
On Ace of Spades

Everything is inescapably going digital and nettified. Analog broadcasts? Paper trucker logs? Autos w/o black boxes? What today merely replaces old functions (meter reading) tomorrow can and will be used against you. The early smart meters are not the later smarter meters. Camel's nose. Gradualism, like how they come for the guns, eh? Info gathered can spy on you, control you, and doesn't have to "listen in on your conversations" (strawman) - anyway your smart tv is already doing that. Programs already exist which correlate your utilities and phone and credit card and other monitorable activities to deduce your behavior. But what difference does it make, right? Thank goodness we have a benign government!

Don't listen to me. I'm the guy who tapes over my cell's cameras and believes that the mic is always open.

Fri 2013 Jan 25, 8:31am
On Ace of Spades

Just 25 messages short of the triple six? Don't stop now, folks. ignore those fresher threads. We have a duty.... helloooooo? .

Thu 2013 Jan 24

Thu 2013 Jan 24, 11:30pm
On Ace of Spades

old charges: that sux, but I gotta say, helluva first! bam!

Thu 2013 Jan 24, 9:15am
On Ace of Spades

okay, spellchecker... that wasn't "classless..."

Thu 2013 Jan 24, 8:58am
On Ace of Spades

Write your Dem rep today to demand the removal of flash suppressor on classless chaps. (Too oblique?)

Tue 2013 Jan 22

Tue 2013 Jan 22, 11:31pm
On Ace of Spades

That thing that happened a while back that blocked some commenters? Does the magic un-hammer need my actual IP or is lBpVP enough? Respectful obedience and bribes to the wardens, of course.

3rd & last time trying to say...

We need a half-hour sit-com set in pre-Revolutionary War America. That 1770s Show. Put some modern Dem words in loyalist mouths and it writes itself. Ban muskets. Higher taxes on the riche. Awards for everybody.

Tue 2013 Jan 22, 12:00am
On Ace of Spades

If I had anything worthwhile to contribute I'd unlurk and say it here, but I don't so I didn't and amn't.

Mon 2013 Jan 21

Mon 2013 Jan 21, 8:49am
On Ace of Spades

"I have a pack of 8-12 year old girls running around, I have to wear pants."

must... resist... all... the... awful... possible... replies...
