Offsite Comments

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Mon 2013 Jan 21

Mon 2013 Jan 21, 8:36am
On Ace of Spades

"You realize that, with few exceptions, the only difference between the ONT crowd and the morning crowd is that the morning crowd paused long enough to bathe and put on pants, yes? They're really the same people, mostly."

But you'd never know it to look at them us. The secret ingredient is coffee.

Mon 2013 Jan 21, 8:23am
On Ace of Spades

Laurie David's Cervix at January 21, 2013 08:34 AM - gay marching band... you... you weren't making any of that up, where you?

Mon 2013 Jan 21, 8:15am
On Ace of Spades

M/Sgt. Oresko - and best of all, he went on to live to be 96! Thanks for posting about him.

Mon 2013 Jan 21, 7:51am
On Ace of Spades

ok. yay. Morning crowd will prob appreciate the political pic better than the pantsless inebriants of the ONT anyways. The only boob in the pic is TFG.

Mon 2013 Jan 21, 7:46am
On Ace of Spades

Tried twice to post on the ONT. Hope the prob was my connection, and that my cell hasn't joined my desktop on the $#!+list.

Good morning and may God grant you all a good week. Doom notwithstanding.

My per-version of the recent Newsweek "cover", linked in my nic IF it works this time.

Sat 2013 Jan 19

Sat 2013 Jan 19, 10:12am
On Ace of Spades

Some folk have gluten intolerance, like apparently the Mrs.

Tyrants (letting no "crisis" go to waste) decide we need moar gummint.

Free people instead start selling great-tasting gf baked goods and selling them to not gf people. Some great moments, though, like the mother of the teen with severe gi, buying one of our pizzas, saying when her son was first diagnosed, she would've paid $100 for a pizza. Think we were undercharging.

The naturopath says she's not gluten intol anymore, but we'll keep enjoying great alternatives because now, most wheat products taste like paste to me. What? I only tried it once and that was kindergarten...

Sat 2013 Jan 19, 9:21am
On Ace of Spades

"If I could, and my husband wouldn't leave me, I'd have every stray and every rescue shelter emptied out."

Tami, our local shelter does a great job getting critters adopted. We just take the ones that come to us. That's always been more than enough!

Sat 2013 Jan 19, 8:20am
On Ace of Spades

Since we moved back to the country almost 20 years ago, we've had dozens of cats. Started off after the first year when two barn cats gave us seven kittens. We've had many just wander up (we live where folks in town think is far enough out to dump unwanted pets). We stopped to pick up two really tiny abandoned kittens by the side of the back road to town; they're still with us. So you're how we are. Every pet is a big part of our family; every cat had a story. This Caturday, the most unusual story of how we got a cat.

We were on our way back from Chicago with our twin boys. Stopped at the rest area near Pontiac. When I came out of the men's room, I saw a big yellow long-tailed tom winding around my sons' legs and the boys begging to take him home with us.

First, this is no kitten; full-grown, even already snipped. I said, no, this belongs to somebody, maybe a nearby farm. I didn't really think so, but, second but not least, we had about 700 miles to go and riding with a stange cat that far did not seem to me to be the greatest of ideas, right? Much 'discussion' in which Dad was unyielding. When I said my final absolute no, it was as if the cat understood, and he began to walk away from us. He walked toward the parking lot, and my thought was, oh great, now I get to see him run down. He walked directly to an empty angled parking space, and sat down, looking at me. It looked to me like he was sitting on something, so, curiosity aroused, I walked over to see what. Two pieces of paper, a fiver, and a ten spot.

That's why we call him Buck.

When Fate is smacking you in the face, it's a good idea to pay attention. I'm pretty dull; takes a lot of smacking, but eventually I get the hint.

We stayed that night at the old HJ at Rolla, leaving the cat, with much trepidation, in the car. (He threw up on the ride. But he throws up on every ride to the vet, still.) In the morning, we opened the car door and he bolted out. Like a scene from a Carl Barks comic, the cat goes racing up the length of the parking lot, chased by our twins, chased by me, Mrs running behind. We got to the far edge of the parking lot. The cat races up the hill and under the barbed wire, where he stops, looking back from the edge of the woods. I command the boys to stop there, and walk back to me. That was a scary moment. If the cat ran off, we were responsible for transplanting him from maybe where he was somebody's pet to true abandonment. I told the boys, either he will come back or he won't, but we had to lead him. We all began walking back to the car, and he came right up alongside of us. He was ours! (Not to sound all animal-rightish, but really, we are each other's.)

Some cats wander and sometimes don't come back. Buck is never out of sight of the house. We've nursed him through a urinary tract infection that nearly killed him, and two bad instances of apparent brown recluse bites. He's one tough long-tailed Illinois tomcat. Loud, too, as he reminded me at 5:30 this morning; all orange cats seem to be. Buck's getting old, now, but he figured out how to get that way. Truly brilliant, and the only cat I ever knew to help pay his way.

They're telling me I'm late with the grub. Good morning!

Thu 2013 Jan 17

Thu 2013 Jan 17, 11:42pm
On Ace of Spades

I was going to be serious about spiritually and theologically enlightening works which changed my life, then I remembered...

TRS-80 Model I instruction book. Ultimately changed everything. Some days I might even think, for the better!

Wed 2013 Jan 16

Wed 2013 Jan 16, 10:10pm
On Ace of Spades

One of these days I'm going to try to figure out how to get my desktop IP unblocked. Alas my only Ace time lately is on the cell. And think little of that. Category frustrating but not urgent. Keeps me from making a fool of myself on here as much, though.

Wed 2013 Jan 16, 12:08am
On Ace of Spades

Dad was red-green color blind. There was a small town where the stoplight was hung over the intersection sideways; Dad could never remember which way it was hung. If one of us kids was with him, we could tell him. We all apparently got Mom's retinas. If he was by himself, he'd stop at the light. If drivers behind him blew their horns, he knew it was green.

Dad died in '68 when I was 15. That still sux. He would've been 96 in a few days.

That's my 2c worth. (And it cost 4c to make!)

Mon 2013 Jan 14

Mon 2013 Jan 14, 12:38am
On Ace of Spades

Dang it! I'm not here.

Sun 2013 Jan 13

Sun 2013 Jan 13, 11:08am
On Ace of Spades

...prosperity we enjoy today depends on packaging technology.... - West at January 13, 2013 11:50 AM

MindfulMrs sez, people today have no idea what a grocer's was like in the 1950s, even, much less the 1850s. Pickle barrel? Ewwww.

Fast transport is a big factor, and refrigeration also, but the sealed, airtight package can make both moot, and otherwise extends storage and preserves quality.

I could do with something easier to open with hard plastic cases sometimes.

Sun 2013 Jan 13, 10:39am
On Ace of Spades

MindfulMrs has been reading Free to Choose. I'll pick it up, read a few pages, get depressed. Milt was just... clear. Almost everybody by comparison is muddy as hell. And we are going the wrong way at hyperspeed.

My own current reads have been... Alan Moore's 10-issue Miracleman saga - as brutal as I remember it. What would really happen with two supermen duking it out in a major urb is ghastly. Took me this many decades to read it again. Magnificent, though.

Currently, I'm 6 issues into Doug Moench's Aztec Ace. A fun time travel romp. Been trying to remember if the story had any kind of conclusion before publication ended.

I dragged these out of the catacombs for the kids for Christmas - comics Dad socked away when they were too young. Guess who's been enjoying them most! Truly makes me nostalgic for the period to see all the ads for the great indy publications, remembering Eclipse, First Kitchen Sink... Print is dead and nothing like those will ever happen again.

Sun 2013 Jan 13, 10:15am
On Ace of Spades

I didn't mean to kill the thread!

yuk. This new phone sure makes it hard to get to square brackets. Special AoS barrel avoidance feature?

Sun 2013 Jan 13, 9:25am
On Ace of Spades

So I look in this morning and what do I find? TWO posts, the morning hello and gun talk. I'm so confused. in which should I lurk first?

Cold... affecting ... brain... becoming ... Shatnerian....

Thu 2013 Jan 10

Thu 2013 Jan 10, 8:28am
On Ace of Spades

re: kitteh by Vic at January 10, 2013 07:02 AM

I just fed and cleaned the litter box for six adult cats. I am immune. I am inured. I am fully inoculated against kitten kuteness... I... I...


Thu 2013 Jan 10, 8:17am
On Ace of Spades

What, that's it? The night is still so young! Let's party! Oh. Oh, wait... what's that awful glare behind the curtains?

Oh. Never miiiiind. Good night little dead overnight thread!

Thu 2013 Jan 10, 12:59am
On Ace of Spades


Is this the line for vilifying El SCOAMFo? I brought mal mots.

Actually... I must sleep. Just like to see the AoS ONT is not shut down by our new masters ...yet.... Helps me sleep better! Good night, Gracies!

Wed 2013 Jan 9

Wed 2013 Jan 9, 7:52am
On Ace of Spades

Warm enough that yesterday's sprinkling of rain is all pre-dawn fog. Beautiful morning. January in Oklahoma, one day you're in Louisiana, the next you're in Montana. (Actually, I've known Montanans to complain about the Okla cold!)
