Offsite Comments

Page 717 of 760, comments 14321 - 14340 of 15193

Tue 2013 Jan 1

Tue 2013 Jan 1, 1:32am
On Ace of Spades

Survived 2012. Any year thou can walk away from, right?

Happy New Year Twenty-Thirteen.
Looks okay so far.
But it's still pretty green!

Mon 2012 Dec 31

Mon 2012 Dec 31, 12:52am
On Ace of Spades

Approach me with awe and wonder, mortals, for I am your future!

Fri 2012 Dec 28

Fri 2012 Dec 28, 11:46pm
On Ace of Spades

that spidy chick in body paint? -Moron #3 at December 28, 2012 09:46 PM (jfSqj)

Well! That cause anyone else to hurry back up for a second look at her?

Evening's all. Happy four calling birds day. Tasty, delicious fried calling birds....

Wed 2012 Dec 26

Wed 2012 Dec 26, 9:24am
On Ace of Spades

"percussive maintenance" - Blanco Basura at December 26, 2012 10:00 AM

Heh. I'll try to remember that one.

Mrs says: That's what you put on the invoice.

Wed 2012 Dec 26, 8:57am
On Ace of Spades

: Whatev at December 26, 2012 09:28 AM
Microwave - its all in knowing where and how hard to punch. More than once in thirty-five years of working with computers, of all the delicate little things, a smack on the box has cleared things up. I call it the good old American way to fix anything! Keep the 5# rubber mallet handy!

Wed 2012 Dec 26, 8:27am
On Ace of Spades

Am I think late to say Good Morning? I live in a barn and I'm cold but is good to be alive. I didn't get drunk for Christmas but I managed to eat too much which recurred at 3am anyway. Saturnalia tradition!

Just had a. quiet Christmas hanging out with the two of three grown kids who are in town. Avoided travelling to see Mom because of the four to six inch blizzard we are supposed to but didn't get. Thanks, inAccu-weather! Fortunately, we celebrate for twelve days, so we can still see her for Christmas. When for most people the holiday is already over, we play it right through Epiphany. But then, we don't put up a tree and start celebrating until Christmas Eve....

Happy Two Turtle Doves Day!

Tue 2012 Dec 25

Tue 2012 Dec 25, 12:53am
On Ace of Spades

Jingly balls y'alls! May your day be merry and bright. Sweet dreams of sugar plums and whatever tickles your fancy. God bless morons and ettes, Capt. Ace and all the little cob loggers. And remember, Santa leaves coal in your stocking because he loves you.

Personally, I'm glad Jesus was born!

Sun 2012 Dec 23

Sun 2012 Dec 23, 1:28pm
On UBtheNEWS on YouTube

Thanks, UBtheNews. In the sidebar on YouTube I see (naturally) a LOT of Shroud videos. I should explore them. Someday. Back in 1984, I compared the UB's description of the end of Jesus' mortal form with what was known about the Shroud. Since then, research continues to affirm that description. 'Cept for that part where the burial clothes get thrown away over a cliff! The revelators are such teases! :D

Sun 2012 Dec 23, 7:51am
On Ace of Spades

Good morning, sunshines!

Last night I wrote a fine bit of doggerel, only to have it end up in the ban bucket. I presume it's not personal, since my cell comments are getting through. What's the procedure? Do I need to send the Acemeisters my IP, or look up my desktop hash tag or what? The bribe will be in the mail just as soon as I can fit the pennies into the envelope. The virgin fleshlight has already been sacrificed.

Sat 2012 Dec 22

Sat 2012 Dec 22, 12:27am
On Ace of Spades

Once again made it to comment 100 before my brain said "bed!" It turned cold, the house is drafty, but bed is warm. Mrs! Git in here with me! 'Night, y'all!

Fri 2012 Dec 21

Fri 2012 Dec 21, 1:39am
On Ace of Spades

Drive by commenting again. Scanned the first 100 comments but it's past my bedtime. Tebow, Andrews Sisters, and I had to search on Deontologically. got my quality education and culture for the night.

When they were threatening nuke war in 85, my wife and I said we believe in life, let's have another kid. God gave us twins. We can't do that now. But we still believe. happy Aztec commemorative plate day.

Thu 2012 Dec 20

Thu 2012 Dec 20, 7:29am
On Ace of Spades

I woke up to Ace's still on my new little iClone. still look squinted vs my big monitor. but thanks to the comments crash, I actually scanned all the comments on an ONT for the first time in a while. Now, it's off to the vet's with the dog. Life ... it's what's for breakfast!

Thu 2012 Dec 20, 12:00am
On Ace of Spades

You all look so squinty on my new iClone! Yes I do love the low end of the learning curve. Not really. Other than that, I got nothin. miss having time to dally at Ace's place. If I don't get back before then, God bless everybody for Christmas.

This Android phone apparently didn't know 'God.' Or 'bless.' Or 'Christmas.' Google is evil.

Sun 2012 Dec 2

Sun 2012 Dec 2, 11:20am
On PoliNation

Hope the corn-speed-eating dude covered the keyboard first! I led off a weekend vid playlist with this, h/t to you, Pete, of course.

So, first I was trying to catch up on work neglected prior to the election.

Then we lost our net for a whole week. (Fortunately, it was the low-info Thanksgiving week, not election week.)

That meant, of course, at least two weeks trying to get caught up on lost work from netlessness.

So, been busy. Have missed y'all, and have hardly had time to read the posts, much less follow most of the comments. But now we are fully entering upon that greatest of annual interruptions, lasting until about Epiphany, so, I may continue to miss y'all.

Hope y'alls' Thanksgivings were good. (Use of "y'all," by the way, is my birthright.) We had twenty at my 92yo Mom's table(s) for Thanksgiving, and it was a fine feast with everything a Thanksgiving should have. Considering how many of my relatives are ignorant Obamunists, only a high respect for Mom's no-politics edict managed to keep away the demon of political discussion. Super-sufficient quantities of alcohol provided all other regular entertainments nonetheless. Family! Whose idea was that?? :)

Sat 2012 Dec 1

Sat 2012 Dec 1, 6:57pm
On Promoting Common Sense One Person At A Time on YouTube

There's an art to righteous raging, like with Pat Condell or the master Mark Levin. I don't catch all of the prolific Professor Williams's lectures, but he's pretty good at what he does. Where I may not agree, it's more quibble with details than quarrel with the gist. I usually am mad *with* him, not at him, or laughing with him. As for being offended, like Penn & Teller said, we need to have Insensitivity Training!

Thu 2012 Nov 15

Thu 2012 Nov 15, 4:08pm
On Nice Deb

Well, technically, you can't commit a crime if you are supreme dictator, right?

Thanks for mentioning the Stalin documentary video. As I was just watching Part 1, I kept thinking how many policies and themes we're seeing echoed in modern America, how one could keep the sound track and drop in current news headlines and such. Kulaks... bitter clingers... yeah.

Didn't find a playlist, so I put one together here on YouTube. (Embed at my site.).

On to part 2...

Wed 2012 Nov 14

Wed 2012 Nov 14, 2:27pm
On Ace of Spades

Israel could theoretically wipe out about half the Muslims and Arabs on earth, at one stroke. —Warren Bonesteel

Now there's something to ponder.

Tue 2012 Nov 13

Tue 2012 Nov 13, 10:34pm
On Moonbattery

[Did not publish. My comments on Moonbattery never do. For some reason.]

"There you go again!"

I've seen this new "red America is the real mooch" meme appearing in comments on several blogs now. Yeah. Sure.

Possibly certain regional statistics could be construed to make a pretense of such a case, but the grubby little handout crowd in Socialism City, whether it's Austin or San Fran, are the takers, and those flyover-country sloping-forehead bitter-clingers ask only to not be forced to pay for the mooches and the nannies and the tyranny, at any level. Just to get to the heart of matters.

Tue 2012 Nov 13, 7:19pm
On Lost Issues

"Bone/Phoney/Smiley trio worked more like the Mickey/Donald/Goofy trio..."

Yes, but maybe more like Pogo, Albert, Churchy?

Tue 2012 Nov 13, 5:13pm
On PoliNation

"I’m going to go with less of a conspiracy theory, more of the fact that we are humans" -nobody.

Applying Occam's Razor, corruption is the explanation that makes the fewest assumptions. Are there "errors" everywhere that similarly favor Republicans? Are there lots of tweets from Republicans bragging about voting multiple times? To make a presumption of incompetence, one must ignore history, past and recent, and all we know and have seen of the lying, scheming, corrupt Democratic Party. I'll "go with" the painfully obvious.
