Offsite Comments

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Tue 2012 Nov 6

Tue 2012 Nov 6, 7:58pm
On Ace of Spades

The citizens of our state know how to vote. The citizens of our state overwhelmingly and enthusiastically and solidly vote Republican for President, foregone conclusion. And so it seems to be this year. So it will be.

Oh, and, hey, it looks like that state constitutional amendment that says we secede if Obama wins looks like it's passing too. Woot! ... Oh, no, no, wait. parallel universe. I'm back now.

Tue 2012 Nov 6, 7:30pm
On Ace of Spades

I don't understand. Do we have to keep commenting on all these threads? Just the latest one? Is there a live blog for election night? Ace of Spades... how does it work?

Tue 2012 Nov 6, 12:20pm
On PoliNation


Oh, man! What could go wrong? Even better, what might go right! Can't wait for the video. There has to be video.

Tue 2012 Nov 6, 12:17pm
On PoliNation

Ah! I envy you your cats' protection. I sometimes wonder whether we ought not get all our cats into the homes of indulgent little old ladies with no other pets, who will give them fluffy upholstery, copious lap time, and much longer life expectancies, except for the overfeeding. But, but, every one came to us with a story and has so endeared itself to us, part of our and each others' lives!

Tue 2012 Nov 6, 11:34am
On PoliNation

"These fools don't have a clue what we're made of." —Pistol Pete

The term "broken glass voters" seems to have a lot of play this election. My favorite, though, was the fellow who expanded it to crawl naked over broken glass and used heroin needles. Graphic, but telling. That's the spirit! :D

Tue 2012 Nov 6, 11:28am
On PoliNation
Pistol Pete November 6, 2012 at 11:43 am
Voter suppression in action

Surely the Commander in Chief will today issue a patriotic executive order that all military ballots have mercy time…

⊗Cough!⊗ ⊗Hack!⊗ Ahem. Sorry. Nearly choked merely trying to type that. The infil-traitor is just not funny.

Although, one regret about the campaigns finally being over is, I did have several funny videos in mind which I didn't get to make. :D

Tue 2012 Nov 6, 11:13am
On PoliNation

Going out of business sign: Pete, you're as great at coming up with the graphics as with the vids! Thanks.

Eagle pic: We have an avian foundation near our place, who nurture the big birds, so we get to see these overhead, now and then. Quite a jolt, when you look up thinking, oh, just another turkey vulture, and then its majesty hits you! Plus, sometimes it's 'way 'way up and going straight-line fast — wow! It's a thrill for both seeing the bird, and of course for what ol' Baldy has come to represent.

One step down on the thrill scale, some weeks back, I think the 'oversized hawk,' which I saw soar off a tall post was actually a golden eagle. Besides its unusually large size (for a hawk), its call was distinctive from a hawk's. Wish I'd been able to get a better look, but, magnificent anyway.

I like having the big birds around, but these are predators, so I worry about our little kitties sometimes. But then, my kitties cause me to worry about the little birds! Nature! It's too confusing! I can't take it! I'm moving back to an apartment in Chicago!

(Pardon my babbling. Anything to not think about the election....)

Tue 2012 Nov 6, 10:51am
On PoliNation

Kind of a skewed poll, but early commenters over on Ace (and boy is it busy there!) are pretty consistently saying that the lines at polling places began before polls opened and lines have stayed strong. Even in very Democrat areas. As someone on Ace sorta said, it's unlikely this is a giant outpouring of grateful appreciation for O's last four years. One person said, they're not saying who they're voting for, but there was lots of talk about, well, change. [heh heh heh]

Although we got in earlier than usual, it was amazing. I didn't have to wait for a booth, but some did, and they were pretty much all always filled while we were there. Never a line, exactly, but there was a constant flow. That's outstanding for our little rural precinct. The poll watchers said it was, relative to past elections, very busy. Yay!

Tue 2012 Nov 6, 9:37am
On Ace of Spades

Only read (okay, skimmed) 150 of these comments. Wow, folks. Enthuse much?

I posted the following over on PoliNation. Figured, why just link or restate when I can cut'n'paste! (Lucky y'all.)

GOOD MORNING! Didn't make it to the polling place before 7am after all, but we were in the first less-than-twenty.

1972, Nixon running for re-election. I wasn't 21, but they had given me the vote. I was living in Little Rock and voted absentee. I asked my Republican campaigning aunt for advice on the candidates and she, of course, only said vote straight Republican party. There was no third-party candidate on my ballot then, IIRC. I was not happy with Dick and how his "secret plan to end Viet Nam" had gone, among other things. I sure wasn't pro-McGovern. But in my state, certain things are sure, like a Republican win for Nixon 1972. So I voted for McGovern just to be a tiny protest against Nixon's failures.

In the ensuing decades, I voted many times like that, as frequently as I could for the Libertarian Party candidate, partly on small-L libertarian principles, partly so a viable third party could stay on the state ballot (although they lost that privilege years ago), partly to protest the two major parties, even if I favored one of them. I've probably voted "against" far more often than I've voted for. *cough* McCain *cough.* With rare exceptions, I've been able to say, don't blame me, I voted for the other guy.

Even though I once voted for the woman who said the government had planted a radio chip in her head, I do take the vote deadly seriously. Always, always, we looked at the individual candidates as closely as time permitted. I've voted for Democrats when the Republican was just too incompetent-seeming.

This year, for the first time for either of us, both the mrs and I voted straight-party. I hope Aunt Pat is looking down from Heaven and smiling that, after four decades, I've finally taken her advice.

As Wild Bill says, God bless America, again.

Mon 2012 Nov 5

Mon 2012 Nov 5, 10:59pm
On Ace of Spades

Couldn't check out without saying, thanks, Peaches's Mom!

Mon 2012 Nov 5, 10:43pm
On Ace of Spades

Hey, I can't stay up and play tonight.

Did y'all know there's an election tomorrow?

Now I have to go to bed, dream sweet dreams of sixteen years of Presidents Romney and Ryan, get up, drink coffee, feed cats and dog, have eggs and bacon, and get me to the church on time.

I'm voting Romney in the mawninnn.
Ding dong the ballot box will chiiimme.
Rom nee is Mormon. Riots are formin'.
But get me to the church,
yes get me to the church,

About that Mormon thing, I really like Wild Bill:

A big thankew to Ace and all the morons for helping keep our American spirits up and what's left of our minds sharply focused in this insane campaign. The most important election since 1860, at least. God bless America. Again.

SARAH PALIN! (hhaahhaaaa Just trying to rouse rabble on my way out)

Mon 2012 Nov 5, 10:17pm
On Ace of Spades

It's not the end of the world
if David Axelrod shaves his mustache!!!

It's just...

Mon 2012 Nov 5, 9:44pm
On Ace of Spades

Begone, yesternight's worn footgear!

Mon 2012 Nov 5, 9:42pm
On Ace of Spades

This is no time to panic!




Mon 2012 Nov 5, 12:28pm
On YouTube

Bla bla bla richie rich is baddy bad. Brilliantly argued, russianladyhare

At worst, you're right, this devoted husband and father really doesn't care about us, people. Romney's a big stinking RINO faker, the guy Newsday endorsed to "keep the Tea Party in line." Four years from now, though, we won't be saying what a disaster he made of everything, because he's SO wily, he'll do a good job and we'll re-elect him. What cunning!

Not like there's an alternative this election. It's Mitt. Period.

Sun 2012 Nov 4

Sun 2012 Nov 4, 10:17pm
On Ace of Spades

...Mormons don't "approve" of gambling... Baptists don't... Presbyterians don't... As for those godless Roman Catholics, who knows what they believe in.

I could tell you

Sun 2012 Nov 4, 10:04pm
On Ace of Spades

Ack. Sorry. Romeo13

Sun 2012 Nov 4, 10:03pm
On Ace of Spades

Obama is to public speaking... what Modern Art is to painting... -Ombudsman

That was excellent.

Sun 2012 Nov 4, 9:24pm
On Ace of Spades

I hate Daylight Savings Time. I'd vote for Obama if he said he'd repeal DST. Okay, I wouldn't. But I'd tell him I would.

It's good to be back on Real Time, finally. The cattle and the cats, for some reason, take no notice of the clock changes.

Sun 2012 Nov 4, 5:29pm
On BlessGodforever, YouTube

Say, I believe I spotted a technical error in this video. The symbol for life-giving fire-enabling Oxygen is O. The actual symbol for Obamcronium is 0 (zero). Obviously, a quite understandable mistake.
