Offsite Comments

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Sat 2012 Nov 3

Sat 2012 Nov 3, 10:33pm
On Ace of Spades

but if you choose not to heed these warnings, and i know that you won't, here is the link -Jeremiah

Boy. What a dilemma! I've avoided it so far...

The 'in the barrel' phrase harkens back to Canadian lumberjacks apparently. -Anna

Ummm.. the extended version I heard as a kid involved sailors...

I will not reload the page.
I will not go looking for the overnight thread.
I will spend some time with the Mrs now.

I will also go vote Tuesday with great relish, with jalapenos, first in line at the polling place if I can, no matter that my vote is just one more in the tsunami of Romney votes that will be our totally not battleground state's! It's a Romney Tsunamni!

Say g'nite, Gracies. Don't get here much lately. Glad to've been here for this one.

Sat 2012 Nov 3, 10:03pm
On Ace of Spades

A few Ace standards:

Great Heavens! Bookmark this thread! More Ace Guidebook packed into one place than I've seen spread across many an ONT.

Even though there's so much more to know.
Like, about the Mystery Santa shopping list,
besides the banana slicer,
and the assless chaps,
I know I'm forgetting a few things...

Sat 2012 Nov 3, 9:54pm
On Ace of Spades

reference to 2 girls one cup. Satisfied? -jeremiah

Wait, what? Now I'm confused. What to believe? What to believe? 8O

2G1C: I tried one day but never could find the original of that, only the ten thousand parodies and commentaries. I quit looking kinda quickly.

Sat 2012 Nov 3, 9:51pm
On Ace of Spades

It started off as Ace promising to dip his balls in pudding if Scott Brown won "The Kennedy Seat"

Ah, thanks, Al. I did see and follow the link. Just didn't realize that was the origin.

It's not asking if you say you don't know but you're not asking, right? :/

Sat 2012 Nov 3, 9:12pm
On Ace of Spades

Needless to say, she's firmly conservative now - embarrassingly so. -Clutch Cargo at November 03, 2012 08:28 PM

No passion like a convert! Mrs was raised Chicago Dem in Daley's heyday (the real one, not sonny boy). Nowadays, I fear her monitor screen will warp from her cursing at the daily atrocities of the insane left. It's a little scary.

Sat 2012 Nov 3, 9:04pm
On Ace of Spades

Surrre. New guy asks about socks and gets answers. Even the long-form history of the term sockpuppet. New guy gets the rulebook. But since I missed the start of the pudding thing, and I learned the hard way not to violate the rule about if you don't know something, I keep waiting for New to get the major update. And I keep waiting. It just keeps sounding nastier and nastier when you don't know. Or maybe even if you do.

Sat 2012 Nov 3, 9:00pm
On Ace of Spades

It's believed that he was probably comatose before dark, and the last couple votes? Who knows?

HA! Great answer. I thought my question was facetious, figuring he died later that night from the wine and exposure, or sumpin. They did things right in those days. Nowadays, the dead don't even show up, they just vote.

Sat 2012 Nov 3, 8:56pm
On Ace of Spades

Ace has been looking all over for that. Now give it back!! -Peaches at November 03, 2012 08:23 PM

Hi, Peaches. Ace can have it! Too small for my bananas anyway.

I mean, uh... um... yeah.

Sat 2012 Nov 3, 8:22pm
On Ace of Spades

For the New-to-Ace guy

Hey! I never got the new-to-Ace pamphlet!

Or a welcome to the neighborhood basket!

All I got was this broken banana slicer, and that came later.

Sat 2012 Nov 3, 8:20pm
On Ace of Spades

Anecdotally, the day that Edgar Allen Poe died, he was carted from precinct to precinct in Baltimore, and given wine each time he voted. This was not all that unusual. -Dianna at November 03, 2012 07:38 PM

This carting and voting and wine... was it before or after Poe died?

Sat 2012 Nov 3, 1:07pm
On PoliNation

GP, your concerns regarding the consequences of re-election and impeachment seem not just probable but all too likely. In the same vein as this:

Ulsterman: What happens right after the election? If Obama loses?
White House Insider: Riots.
UM: And if Obama wins?
WHI: Riots.

Take maybe some comforting hope from the title of the article, White House Insider: Governor Romney Is Gonna Win This Thing

Sat 2012 Nov 3, 12:59pm
On PoliNation

Thank you for this from Allen West!

West links Ham to Benghazi 9/11/12, pretty overtly. Obviously, any informed person might speculate that, but West is not just any of us. His on-the-inside "speculation" is particularly damning, and (I pray) he is in a position to get hard answers. (Siigh! As if we ever get hard answers when gummint is involved.)

Sat 2012 Nov 3, 12:09pm
On PoliNation

"I am hoping that the psychologist who assessed Terry will read [Larkin's biography]. If he does, he will no longer ask why Lt. Col. Lakin did what he did, but rather why others who had sworn to defend the Constitution — Congress included — did not do the same."

Cashill nails it, doesn't he? The real tragedy isn't the one man who took his oath seriously and stood by the Constitution. Larkin is a hero, not a tragic figure, because he did the right thing and kept his honor, regardless of what he suffered for doing so.

Now, I won't deeply fault others who just didn't see the issue his way, much less didn't see it as related to their oath, but there must have been plenty of people who did have his questions, who did see the Constitutional and honorable issues at stake, who did take their oaths seriously, yet not seriously enough to stand up as he did. I hesitate to call cowardice on anyone, having no surfeit of courage myself, but you'd think, out of all the military personnel, more than just one man would do this, even after seeing what happened to him, and maybe even especially after what happened to him.

To the unthinking world, all alone, you're just one nut. Where were his brothers in arms and spirit? Where was the First Follower, who gave courage to the next and the next, as movements must build? Every person who knew better but did not join him, even unto ruin of career and prison, is complicit in doing him such injustice. He was the one who stood up first, with whom others should have quickly joined in, until the very idea of stripping rank from and imprisoning all of them was unthinkable. Even without a movement, I expected at least a couple more. Nothing!

To be fair, I have to admit, giving up your service to your country (much less your freedom) in the service of your country is a tough choice the like of which I hope I never have to face.

Never forgetting, these are just symptoms, the larger matter is, of course, the soon-to-be-ex-Commander-in-Chief's invisible life itself -- his still-hidden past.

Fri 2012 Nov 2

Fri 2012 Nov 2, 2:52pm
On PoliNation

Some webworks, nothing to write home about, but I thought some might enjoy. Nothing political about 'em!

Deer Grazing is just what it sounds like. A little over a minute and a half.

I did a little graphic that's supposed to look like a Waterfall, and then I did a little video, Sketching a Waterfall, that purports to demonstrate the process of the graphic's creation. About half a minute.

Volume warning — there may be overhearty audio volume on both these videos. Waterfall starts off silent, so the loud might creep up on you.

Thu 2012 Nov 1

Thu 2012 Nov 1, 8:27pm
On PoliNation

Been meaning to ask for a couple of days, did this get mentioned on here? From Sarah Palin's facebook page, 2012 Presidential election pre-announced briefly on Arizona television station — 99% reporting, Obama over Romney 43% to 40%.

Just a random glitch, any sensible person would assume. But my inner Alex Jones makes me wonder if the final numbers will come out to this…

Thu 2012 Nov 1, 8:12pm
On PoliNation

So one thing lead to another. Looking for the above vid, I found a few others. In fact, here's my playlist of thirty-nine videos, about thirty or so being parodies of the Lena Dunham video, the rest more-or-less critiques. I stacked what I thought were the best and funniest ones at the start of the playlist, including ones posted here. So you probably won't want to watch the whole hour and a half!

Thu 2012 Nov 1, 5:29pm
On PoliNation

May I suggest a video that I don't think you've posted? The Steven Crowder parody of My First Time was great, but as a guy, he couldn't do this....

Thu 2012 Nov 1, 4:38pm
On PoliNation

Pete's question: "Does anyone believe that when Barack Obama loses on November 6, he will go quietly?"
Pete answers himself with his next headline: "LOOTERS TAKE ADVANTAGE, STEAL EVERYTHING IN SIGHT"

Mindful daughter, recalling the Clinton gang's stealing the W's off keyboards, just said that at least with everything stripped out of the White House, Ann and Mitt will get a chance to redecorate in more tasteful fashion!

Thu 2012 Nov 1, 4:32pm
On PoliNation

The image of Pistol Pete hacking at Axelrod's mustache with a hay scythe is one I will treasure for a long time.

Thu 2012 Nov 1, 4:28pm
On PoliNation

ID (not photo) is now required here in the R'est of the R states. Last time we voted was the first time we were asked for ID. I'm glad for that much, at least. Still, much as I value that, it's moot for us. When Mrs Mindful and I or our kids walk in, those nice, noble, dutiful poll-watching folks always say they've been watching for us. Makes democracy all warm and fuzzy like!

Tuesday, I want to be at our polling place when they open. I'll beat the poll watchers to drop my ballot in, if I can! We're not a battleground state, where they need their cheating machines, so us'n's here in gun-lovin' religion-clingin' flyover-country still use old-fashioned tree-based ballots. It's some comfort. But that electronic ballot box looks 'way too much like a paper shredder to me!
