Offsite Comments

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Wed 2012 Oct 17

Wed 2012 Oct 17, 6:03pm
On PoliNation

My 2c worth (not adjusted for Obamaflation), just a general assessment of the debates and Romney's performance. Sorry for using up 10c worth of blog space. IOU 8.

Lots of gripes in comments everywhere about these debates. I mean the valid complaints about why Republicans put up with the slanted format, stacked audience, hostile "undecided voter" questions, and immoderate moderator? Well, this Romney feller, like when he went before the NAACP, just marches into the lion's den and does his thing, let the wolves howl. In the debates, deep in the hog wallow of obfuscation, he stands there cleanly talking sense. Into the darkest den of the demons of deceit he knowingly, consciously, willingly, even enthusiastically walked, with the angels of truth and righteousness: a successful governor and an experienced businessman's businessman who knows what he's talking about and, as he says, has already done these things he says he'll do! Can any thoughtful people be missing that?

Some gripe that Romney got tangled in that three-way shouting match at times. Heh — I think it was somebody on Ace said, guys, at least, like to see 'em mix it up a little. Obama Tag-Team were trying twice as hard as last time to run over him. He gave as good as or better than he got. Mitt is not dear old laid-back GWB, and certainly is not the honorable but inadequate Mr. McCain. He got excited, but never got ugly. Contrast that with President Not-so-cool!

Finally, I thought Romney got a little too testy, like too concernedly complaining about the time available at one point. He missed many opportunities to make many significant points, as so many have noted. Yet, imagine yourself in that scenario; no matter how much opposition you anticipated, would you be keeping your cool half as well as Romney?* He seemed most flummoxed when faced by the twin spin doctors about Benghazi-as-terrorism. Turns out Mitt is one of us flawed, fallible humans after all. Who knew? :) He sure seems to do well at adjusting on the fly, though, doesn't he?

(* From reading his posts here, I expect Pistol Pete would be cooler than Romney. :roll: I don't think I would be!)

When you're about to step into a job unlike any other in the world, with so many fires going on, so many unknowns, and so much against you, so much inertia and opposition to all you hope to achieve, courage, seems valuable to have qualities of discipline, poise, savvy intelligence, honesty, forthrightness, and surety from experience.

Wed 2012 Oct 17, 2:36pm
On Ace of Spades

[The only Mindful comment that made it into the "live blog":]

by Mindful
Only high wage high tech high end jobs. No janitors. No waiters! Yes!

Wed 2012 Oct 17, 12:35am
On Ace of Spades

Vot is mit all deze noombers, Mr Ace? Is looking like ze maths, so harrrd.

Wed 2012 Oct 17, 12:18am
On Ace of Spades

Nobody's ROFLing at my comments or lobbing bon mots my way. I feel so ostracized. So unappreciated. It's... it's like I'm not reeeal. I may apply for a government loan to sooth my misery. Now I'm going to log off and pout. No, no, don't try to answer me. It's too late. I won't not be back to look for any replies. We is throon.

Just take your guilt to my website and make a suitable donation. (No actual interest in content thereat required.)

Goooooood night gracies. May visions of Eric Holder, college age, in afro, in a tutu, never enter your thoughts.

Tue 2012 Oct 16

Tue 2012 Oct 16, 11:58pm
On Ace of Spades

Chemists will tell you biology is derivative of chemistry and physicists will snicker.

Posted by: eman at October 16, 2012 11:25 PM

"biology" is not an "emergent property". that statement doesn't even make sense.

no, biology is no different than anything else. everything is all physics at the fundamental level...
Posted by: jimi ray at October 16, 2012 11:27 PM (read accidentally -- I swear again it would be great if nics preceded posts!!)

Instant proof! Except the snickering is more smarming.

Tue 2012 Oct 16, 11:43pm
On Ace of Spades

Wife just read me this:
"I'm so old, I can remember when liberals were liberal." -Thomas Sowell

Tue 2012 Oct 16, 11:42pm
On Ace of Spades

218 ...Best quote of the night belongs to Obama. "I don't look at mine. It's not as big as yours."
--no good deed at October 16, 2012 11:14 PM

I.... hadn't thought of it like that.

Tue 2012 Oct 16, 11:34pm
On Ace of Spades

"nice-sounding excuse to hang their hat on when their gut has already switched."

Well put, A process applicable in a lot of mind-changing situations, really.

Tue 2012 Oct 16, 11:31pm
On Ace of Spades

"trash can, bailing wire, firewood, a drill and a hammer!"

No duct tape required?

Tue 2012 Oct 16, 11:16pm
On Ace of Spades

Hey, CharlieSays at October 16, 2012 10:57 PM, last debate all my comments got moderated away.

This time, they accidentally let one of mine through. Either it was a mercy post or the mods' judgment was affected by candicrowlitis.


Tue 2012 Oct 16, 10:53pm
On Ace of Spades

Under 100? Where's the REAL ONT? I'm never

Just flew in from the debate thread and boy are my fingers tired. [rimshot]

Obama showed up. Stayed awake. WINS! [rimshot]

I'll be here all night. No I won't. [crickets]

Try the poi on the buffet?

Tue 2012 Oct 16, 10:49pm
On Ace of Spades

Um... 2400+ comments??? I'm still not here.

Tue 2012 Oct 16, 10:17pm
On PoliNation

Hey, CharlieSays at October 16, 2012 10:57 PM, last debate all my comments got moderated away.

This time, they accidentally let one of mine through. Either it was a mercy post or the mods' judgment was affected by candicrowlitis.


Tue 2012 Oct 16, 9:55pm
On Ace of Spades

Since my liveblog comments aren't uh showing up uh cough, I gotta say down here,


O's talking if you can't tell.

Tue 2012 Oct 16, 9:17pm
On Ace of Spades

I'm not here. I'm watching the live blog.

Tue 2012 Oct 16, 7:14pm
On PoliNation

Ahhh, good. I don't have to pass you the link to Crowder's latest & greatest!

So, here's something else. I can't keep track, but I don't think I got here: From after the empty chair's first election, but still quite timely!
Obama Supporters Realize How Empty their Lives Are

Tue 2012 Oct 16, 6:54pm
On PoliNation

Wow, good idea. Now I can quit using the pickaxe for that job!

Just heard Rick Santorum on Levin. If we use Obama's [Alaska oil plan], it will result in such low oil production, there won't be enough to keep the pipeline going (it freezes up if not in continuous flow).

"All part of the plan!"

Tue 2012 Oct 16, 6:49pm
On PoliNation

GP: "He has no manly sex appeal."

Apparently, a liberal symptom. Have you met the Doctor of Common Sense? Here he is raging on manliness.

Tue 2012 Oct 16, 6:19pm
On PoliNation

Son texted me this...

Trending on twitter: #ObamaDebateTips

• @KentAtwater Follow a writer's advice. Talk about what you know. I can't help you with the other 59 minutes.
• @JDNelson_68W Borrow Hillary's balls.
♥ @janie_austin If it gets really bad just stick an empty chair in your spot. No one will notice anyway.
♥ @adaywithcoffee Blame the guy in charge these last four years for getting us into this mess.
• @jimotep Try not to wink at Candy Crowley every time she helps you out of a tough question.
• @mastadonarmy Bring up 7.8% unemployment. Romney probably won't counter with any fancy numbers or anything.

P.S. I erred. Son didn't text me. We're chatting by Instant Message. So old-school!

Speaking of texting (random topic drift), I've been without a phone for a little while now. One does get habituated to their convenience. We looked at all the 1¢-to-$1 upgrades but they were so... much like my last phone! I lusted after the fabulous-looking Samsung Galaxy phones, but this latest-hottest Samsung, for some reason, is not in the cheap-upgrades offers. THEN, wife & son found a couple of "refurbished" Galaxies. Watching the mailbox anxiously. 4G, too. My life is about to get... I was going to say better, but probably just more complicated.

Tue 2012 Oct 16, 6:03pm
On PoliNation

[Pete posted Paul Ryan Girl.]
This out of all the latest mass of wonderful videos is my favorite. Wife & I just watched it again a little while ago with son & daughter, while sending the link to other son online elsewhere. Really liked the special guest star!
