Offsite Comments

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Sat 2012 Oct 13

Sat 2012 Oct 13, 12:02am
On Ace of Spades

I finished last night's ONT comments and read through the Proverbs thread. And part of some other one I think. Then it got blurry. Then I noticed how many posts there were today. And realized it was already late at night. Tell me I didn't miss anything vital, 'cause I have to go find something else to do.

I was gonna say,
Joe Biden made a deal with his dentist to show off the dental work all night for undisclosed reimbursement,
then I saw Nevergiveup apologize for the dentists. So I didn't say that.

Spent way too much time manipulating photos today for VP Showdown 2012 -- what I saw going on between the candidates. Maybe grinworthy.

All those who think Hillary's going under the bus, stand up and cheer.

After running into his important SCOAMF reminder at the end of so many threads, I want to say, steevy is my heero.

All my comments for the night rolled into one.

Goooood night, Gracies.

Thu 2012 Oct 11

Thu 2012 Oct 11, 11:48pm
On Ace of Spades

BTW, is already pumping out the videos.

Thu 2012 Oct 11, 11:43pm
On Ace of Spades

WTF. Short link fail. (Operator error.) Embarrassing enough doing self-promo, without doing it rawng! Try #2.

My latest 1-minute video entry in the clog-the-nets contest [working link]

Thu 2012 Oct 11, 11:38pm
On Ace of Spades

I'm going to go home and go to bed and NOT think about the debate. What a mess. What a disaster. Enjoyed the live-blogging. Even if they moderated me into non-entityhood.

However, what a RICH VEIN TO MINE for videos, though! Joe B, the gift that keeps on giving.

Videos... such as my latest 1-minute video entry in the clog-the-nets contest,

Thu 2012 Oct 11, 11:00pm
On Ace of Spades

Under 200th!

Well, it would've been if I hadn't accidentally stopped to actually read the post up top.

Thu 2012 Oct 11, 10:48pm
On Ace of Spades

Good news, everybody!

There won't be another VP debate!

Thu 2012 Oct 11, 10:36pm
On Ace of Spades

That was horrible.

None of my comments showed up. (Obviously my platinum AoS membership has lapsed.)

Which shows the AoS moderators were doing a MUCH better job than that woman.

Thanks to the local moderators & common taters. Folks watching here enjoyed it!

Wed 2012 Oct 10

Wed 2012 Oct 10, 11:58am
On PoliNation

Shaving with Occam's Razor:

Theory #1: Both parties involved in scandal and therefore had their licenses threatened, would be entirely in-character and, as Chrissy details, there is substantial known cause, and who-knows-what unknown for them to have been threatened with losing their licenses.

Theory #2: They were too lazy (incompetent, disinterested, bone-headed) to bother doing the work to keep up the license. Also in-character, needs no other substantiation or cause known or unknown. By his own admission, his biggest fault is laziness.

Occam favors #2, but there's no saying it wasn't a combination of "uh-oh!" and "why bother?"

Tue 2012 Oct 9

Tue 2012 Oct 9, 5:59pm
On PoliNation

Ol' Kev says it's simply that "the two of them would never practice law again and they both knew it so it was easier and so much less work to just surrender the licenses." But, that would be lazy!

Tue 2012 Oct 9, 4:27pm
On PoliNation

"When neither [facts nor law] is on your side, pound the table."

That's Joe Biden's defense strategy, I expect.

Tue 2012 Oct 9, 4:23pm
On PoliNation

"Just 28 days;four short weeks until the liberation of the land we love!"

Would that it were so. I didn't let out a huge sigh of relief until the day GWB actually was sworn in and the philandering Arkie and his merry band were no longer sullying the Oval Office. It's too long from Nov 6 to Jan 21!

Mon 2012 Oct 8

Mon 2012 Oct 8, 7:12pm
On HillBuzz

Thanks for the tip to check out the SNL opener. What I saw was a few weak, glancing blows at Romney, and then pretty much left him alone in favor of mocking O and ol' Jim. Some of what faux Romney said even hinted at Romney's true intentions!

It's still hard to ignore my Inner Alex Jones Conspiracy-o-Meter alarm that the almost totally universal and world-wide acknowledgment of Obama's thrashing must be some kind of double-play sneak-attack something-something. It's just too amazing, really.

Here's an image so obvious, I figure half-a-dozen photoshoppers must've already done it, but since I haven't seen theirs, here's mine. Obama and Romney, post-debate

Mon 2012 Oct 8, 6:39pm
On PoliNation

SNL takes a couple of jabs at Romney, but they save the main ammunition for Mr Sleepyhead. When O has lost SNL, we're gonna need wider hatbrims, 'cause the pigs be a-flyin'!

Mon 2012 Oct 8, 3:16pm
On Moonbattery

Obama and Romney, post-debate
Surely I'm not the first to think of this, but I haven't seen it, so here it is.

Mon 2012 Oct 8, 3:10pm
On PoliNation

This is an obvious graphic, and surely not the first entry in this meme, but I haven't seen it yet, late to the starting gate as this is in the fast-pace political-mockery world. If I can't be first, at least I can be next. :D

Post-debate, Obama and Romney

Mon 2012 Oct 8, 2:03pm
On PoliNation

Perhaps you’ve seen this photo of Obama, preparing for the next debate?

Now Obama is ready for next debate! on Twitpic

Mon 2012 Oct 8, 12:57pm
On PoliNation

Happy Columbus Day

Wait... that's the 12th, isn't it? Next thing you know, they'll try to tell me Lincoln and Washington have the same birthday...

In Fourteen Hundred and Ninety-Two,
the AmerInds discovered Columbus, lost at sea.

It is not the history I was taught, and it is revisionist P.C., yet the truth of it is what makes it funny. The children's version was, the world was flat until Columbus proved it was round, or something. The adult version is, nobody had tried to do what he did, because everyone knew the world was round, and mariners and other scientists of the day knew just about exactly how far it would be from Europe sailing west to Asia. That's why nobody tried it. Ol' Chris C. was bad at math, his sponsors were no better, or else they just wanted to get rid of him, and he and his crew would have been dead at sea had it not been for one of history's most consequential accidents, there just happened to be an entire other hemisphere that he bumped into.

Columbus died without ever knowing he hadn't made it to Asia.

Mon 2012 Oct 8, 12:20pm
On PoliNation

Well, Pete, you're going to have to find a new reference to Dave, because he had his teeth gaposis remedied, doncha know. I Google image-searched it and found this.

Mon 2012 Oct 8, 11:50am
On PoliNation

Our vet had a poster up listing all the things found in pets’ bellies (sometimes alive, sometimes not). I can imagine the rubber could cause problems, but apparently not. In any case, it’s hilarious to envision Nellie hiding the gloves, then bringing them out to play with when you’re gone. Envision Mrs & me LOL’ing as I read this to her, with new kitty in my lap.

As for cats with thumbs, have you seen YouTube: Cravendale – Cats with Thumbs?

Sat 2012 Oct 6

Sat 2012 Oct 6, 2:01pm
On PoliNation

For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.

Thanks for the reminder. “…with groanings which cannot be uttered.” So well said.

And, Amen!
