Offsite Comments

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Fri 2012 Oct 5

Fri 2012 Oct 5, 4:19pm
On PoliNation

Seeing that the right sidebar “Fresh Pollen” list is nothing but me & Bob at the moment, and noting how cute Bob’s bird is (scowl and all), compared to that weird avatar with which I stuck myself… I thought I’d post a link to the long-ago cartoon from which my avatar is taken. Apolitical, apropos of absolutely nothing relevant, nonsensical, and philosophically confusing.
It’s All in Your Mind — a thoughtful meditation on that organ you use so inefficiently (certain Republican Presidential candidates possibly excepted).

Fri 2012 Oct 5, 4:08pm
On PoliNation

OMgggggggg! Everybody's re-employed! Obama's plan WORKED! Romney Lied! Republicans are doomed! Might as well not even hold the election! It's already over! Barry's already re-elected!

Or not. You can fool all of the people some of the time. You can fool 33% of the people all the time. You can cry wolf twice.

Fri 2012 Oct 5, 3:44pm
On PoliNation

Pistol Pete's Pix 2012 Oct 4
20 videos, a little over 37 minutes run time.
You know, I could embed the playlist itself here, rather than just a link, but that would be just one more video on the page and repetitive, right? Right.

Just realized I can create the playlist, then just tell YouTube Downloader to download the whole list. I've been dl'ing them singly, cut-paste-enter, cut-paste-enter. Live 'n' larn. As Pete's Granny would say, [something catchy and appropriate here].

Fri 2012 Oct 5, 3:38pm
On PoliNation

Thank goodness! I was going to do it, but I didn't look forward to the task. Funny, though, I was sure the stuttering and mumbling accounted for that five minutes more that Obama had. Well, they probably missed a few.

Fri 2012 Oct 5, 3:34pm
On PoliNation

Slip once, you get a pass. Maybe. Slip twice, it's pretty obvious your slip is showing!

[Self-plugola and re-run time: My take on the first time he said it.]

Fri 2012 Oct 5, 3:19pm
On PoliNation


Two days before the election: That's like trying to move the asteroid when it's closer than the moon. Not gon' happ'n. :)

Fri 2012 Oct 5, 3:15pm
On PoliNation

The coal stocks wouldn't've jumped if they thought Romney was going to lose, I would think. Some LSM news, Mrs W tells me, actually reported the Dow Jones bump post-debate was because of the debate! Howzabout that!

Fri 2012 Oct 5, 3:08pm
On PoliNation

This was Drudged up: Apparently Romney, that dirty cheater, had all the answers written on a handkderchief!
Otherwise, Barry would have mopped the floor with him. Dirty cheater!

Fri 2012 Oct 5, 3:03pm
On PoliNation

As someone on Ace said, sorry AARP: You own Obamacare.

Not Ace. Legal Insurrection.
Sorry AARP, you own Obamacare

Fri 2012 Oct 5, 2:59pm
On PoliNation

Meaning no direspect to the office of the Presidency, nor wishing any harm to come to the Presidential residence, and not to promote a movie I've never even watched, but your photo of storm clouds over the White House made me think this picture might even be more appropriate.

Thu 2012 Oct 4

Thu 2012 Oct 4, 10:42pm
On Ace of Spades

The new kitty is black with white gloves and I was going to call him Mitt as in Mittens. I can't call him Barry, because that would be racist, but the vet did just Romney him today.

And I yam... gone. Good night, Gracies.

Thu 2012 Oct 4, 10:24pm
On Ace of Spades

Hoookay, another secret revealed, spaces at start of line are eliminated.

My wife just said to me, "More people watched the debate last night than voted for Obama in 2008??" I said, where are you getting that? She says, "Ace of Spades."


Thu 2012 Oct 4, 10:22pm
On Ace of Spades

I quit using noses long time ago. Does this mean I'm not really 60? :/

But I remember when people still tried to
. .

Your font spacing may vary.

Thu 2012 Oct 4, 8:58pm
On Ace of Spades

It's not a morning thread. It's not an overnight thread. It's just open. That's so confusing. I think it's a plot to kill that other thread! Hello? Hello?

Thu 2012 Oct 4, 7:52pm
On Ace of Spades

He made Barky come to him...for the handshake at the beginning.
He made Barky walk across to him...for the handshake at the end.

Heh -- I read the above shortly after watching vid of the end of the debate, and noting to my daughter how Romney delayed a few moments extra, as if fiddling with stuff at the podium. Just to achieve this effect.

Thu 2012 Oct 4, 5:45pm
On HillBuzz

Great idea! Let me cancel... wait, the cable is just for Internet. Okay, I'll take down my antenna... no, I don't have one. Cut the satellite dish? Did that many years ago. Cancel the newspaper? Never subscribed. Newsmagazines? Nope. Doggone it! Every time someone comes up with a good boycott, I'd have to start getting the thing in order to drop it! :(


Kevin DuJan replied:

Boycotts never work. This isn’t a boycott.

It’s a life change in terms of where you put your money…if you are giving your money to the Left via these (literal in this case) channels.

Good for you for not having any of those things. Encourage others you know to cut their cables too.

It is an adjustment…but after a while it just feels so good to not have these things in your life and to not be sending money each month to Minitrue.

Thu 2012 Oct 4, 1:43pm
On HillBuzz

I never laughed so hard watching a debate, ever, as I did watching Mr. Weasle Face on the split screen while the Principal schooled him. Betsey Ross is really right, I deem, about his (attempted) game face. There were <sarc>subtle little tells,</sarc> though, like that twitching jaw muscle.

Concern time: "Oh, Obama lost so bad" as a universal reaction in the media makes my (and others) suspicions about the long-term game plan. BO as a comeback kid in the later debates. Not that I think he can pull it off, just that one might suspect that was the journolists' planned and intended meme. Which would mean of course that O "threw" this round.

Unconcern time: But then, if boobs like me can think of these things, I don't think Mr. Romney will be surprised. For now, I can continue chortling!

Thu 2012 Oct 4, 12:17am
On Ace of Spades

Oh, yeah... material already being posted...
I can't remember. When, exactly, did the GOP become funny *and* fast on the draw??

Thu 2012 Oct 4, 12:12am
On Ace of Spades

Goood night. I mean it was a good night. Sat here and read through some of the ONT with the womenfolk looking over my shoulder, hilariating at all the remarks about the debate. But we have to take a kitty in to the vet in the early morning to have his wanderlusts removed. Sort of like the debate, really. Missing brains in my nic link. Think I got new material tonight. Goood night!

Wed 2012 Oct 3

Wed 2012 Oct 3, 11:17pm
On Ace of Spades

Sommmmebody, was out of his comfort zone this evening.

Just watched the cspan vid of Romney's closer and got to watch TFG just sit there with uncontrolled wincing, sneering, masking. A whole study in facial expressions in just a couple of minutes. Remarkable.
