Offsite Comments

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Wed 2012 Oct 3

Wed 2012 Oct 3, 10:38pm
On Ace of Spades

O left the stage before Mitt. Made it look like Mitt OWNED the stage (which he did!) . Lots of cheers for Mitt at the end!

Ann looks radiant!

Argh. Must track down vid now...

Wed 2012 Oct 3, 10:32pm
On Ace of Spades

YouTube live feed just ended in the middle of Romney's closing remarks. Hmmmm.

Wed 2012 Oct 3, 2:57pm
On PoliNation

Why do you suppose the Obama campaign has subscribed to the twitter feed for I Like, um, upper-torso lady parts Daily?

Wed 2012 Oct 3, 2:16pm
On PoliNation

Meet Mitt Romney: Garbage Collector
Another slapdash little mindless production. Speed-reading skills may be helpful. This is not a bug; it's a feature designed to increase views. ;)

Wed 2012 Oct 3, 2:01pm
On PoliNation

Local morning radio guys were saying, meeting Ann in person, she looks even skinnier. You want to just say, let me fix you a sandwich!

I actually watched the whole thing. This rude screaming match is all I ever see on "talk" shows like this. Ann is no Miss Manners, but that other guy is… [sad face] I'm speechless.

Wed 2012 Oct 3, 1:39pm
On PoliNation

Under some of Obama's friends, lady parts are treated rather badly. Here's my variation on their e-card. Do you think the message is too obscure? :/

Wed 2012 Oct 3, 1:14pm
On Ace of Spades

Rushed into production and onto YouTube, warts and all.
Meet Mitt Romney, Garbage Collector
h/t Maet, + comment from 'not Michael' quoted.
("Autobiographies are a bitch....")
[Reposting from ONT. Thanks, GnuBreed, for the kudos last night. The vids be pointless if not seen!]

Wed 2012 Oct 3, 10:55am
On PoliNation

"What that means is it’s OK to go ahead and have sex with men, just as long as you ‘get with the program’ and marry a woman, somebody no straight guy would want to marry."

Of course, there might be certain tells.

Wed 2012 Oct 3, 10:40am
On PoliNation

Pistol Pete: In the words of Davy Crockett:be sure you’re right,then go ahead,’(I remember the Disney series from the 50′s.Yeah,I’m that old!)

Watched the show. Had the hat. And the pistol, Pete! Can still sing the theme. Somewhat. Let's see, it starts, um… oh, here's the lyrics. and the YouTube. Ah, the Infrawebz!

Wed 2012 Oct 3, 10:22am
On PoliNation

That is strange. They seem to be going for the "cloud" market for data storage. Cloud, a/k/a out-of-your-control. And why eliminate the public aspect which would seem to be a good way to tie into the powerful social media market? And breaking thousands of links just for you, multiplied by everybody else, seems particularly nefarious.

American Greetings -- the greeting card industry must be doing really well these days, like all print media. Hallmark just announced they're closing one of their plants and reducing their work force in Kansas. Buggy whip factories after the automobile. Kodak … Kodak!!, has not only quit making cameras or film, they just quit making inkjet printers. Pounding their buggy whips into car radio antennas didn't work. They're selling off their patents, or trying to. It used to be one of the Big stocks. You know, like GM. Oh….

Psst, hey buddy! Make you good deal on patent on Kodachrome! Cheap! Hey, come back!

Wed 2012 Oct 3, 10:15am
On PoliNation

That's a bunch of great shots you've captured.

There's a lot of potential for misinterpretation of expression, a lot of places someone could say, the camera just caught him at a poor moment. Sure, it looks like a sneer when you put that other picture next to it and label it a sneer. That kind of argument is valid; even without p'shopping, it's easy to catch someone looking bad.

It would be no less arguable in video, but vids would illustrate the greater context. Someone (please, not me) could collect the full-speed vid of his reaction to a challenging question, followed by a slow-mo and zoom-in with identifying focus labels (like in your shots), then run the full-speed again once the viewer knows what to look for. Repeat ad nauseum; it's not like there's just one or two instances, right? Every time he shows his face it's a psychoanalyst's field day.

Wed 2012 Oct 3, 12:51am
On Ace of Spades

Rushed into production and onto YouTube, warts and all.
Meet Mitt Romney, Garbage Collector
h/t Maet, comment from not Michael quoted.
("Autobiographies are a bitch....")

Tue 2012 Oct 2

Tue 2012 Oct 2, 12:51pm
On Ace of Spades

Ingraham the Eeyore -- yow, I just tried it again last night and it was too much immediately.

So I started dialing around and stumbled on some young man doing a late-night seemingly-conservative talk show, and heard this tidbit, which maybe has already been reported on AoS?

That woman who won the lottery but stayed on welfare until she got caught? Died over the weekend from a drug overdose.

I mean, I might have missed that if it hadn't been for the Laura Eeyoreham!

Tue 2012 Oct 2, 12:14pm
On Ace of Spades

Oh, hey! The Turing-test-passing AoS Imaginary Friends in a Box RPG has been repaired! I was so desperate, I had to resort to actually reading, um... did you know there was, like, content (sometimes) as well as comments here? There's even this whole page where there's content with no comments at all, and stuff in the sidebars. This has been most educationamal.

Seriously, whatever I did to break the comments, I'm sorry. I'm sure it was when I tried to imbed that VRML world in a square-bracketed frame tag.

Tue 2012 Oct 2, 11:02am
On PoliNation

"Sneering displeasure and/or self-pity"

Re: the long list of BHO's "tells" — I've seen commenters say they'd really like to play poker with him!

Apparently, he's a fair actor for some of the people some of the time, but brief expressions and body language say a lot. When he is caught off-guard or is challenged, he looks down, and, usually, to his left. He appears not just to be recalling the "proper" propaganda to regurgitate, but choking back impulsive urges, frequently revealed in his face just before he looks down. I've slo-mo'd and freeze-framed some instances of these moments. If I had more patience to plow through vids of the guy, I might try to do videos showcasing some of these, but... life's short! And, they're awfully subtle.

I may, however, go write some lyrics incorporating "urge," "surge," and "regurgitate."

Tue 2012 Oct 2, 10:13am
On PoliNation


Ummm. Let's see. Just off the top of my head, without reading the linked article, I'm going to guess inveterate, "Having a particular habit, activity, or interest that is long-established and unlikely to change."

Mon 2012 Oct 1

Mon 2012 Oct 1, 8:52pm
On PoliNation

This is a parody take on Leave Brittany Spears Alone, doncha know. This one is hilarious but truly painful to watch. My (over-30) daughter begged me to turn the sound down part way through. Another slightly less grating one in this meme is

Mon 2012 Oct 1, 8:34pm
On PoliNation

Wow. This thread is too busy for me to read all the comments, so I’ll just leave my own. :D

New kitty wandered up recently. How do they know? Do they mark our gatepost like hoboes (sorry, residence-impaired travelers)? Three scratches means “they serve crunchies and fish here!”

He’d been hanging nearby, off and on, even let me feed him once or twice, but we didn’t cage him until Saturday. He’s a very nice cat. We have him cooped up in the office until we can get him to the vet’s.

We weren’t sure how he and the dog would get along. As it turns out, he’s even cozier with the dog than the housecats who know the dog well. Actually saw the cat sleeping on the dog’s tail earlier today. He’s obviously been with dogs before. So, they’re cool. Except the dog is just a bit perturbed that this newcomer is so friendly. “What are you doing rubbing your head on my nose!?!” Dog also seemed especially curious at first about those boyparts, which none of our other animals have.

Long-leggedy, long-tailed black intact male with white under the chin, long white back-leg stockings and short white front-paw mittens. My daughter seems to think his name is Merlin. Usually, with such coloration, folks go for Sylvester, or Socks. Or Mittens. I’m thinking, it’s a good season to name a cat Mitt. ;)

Mon 2012 Oct 1, 12:19am
On Ace of Spades

Oh, and

axiomatic that physically isolated systems will not be penetrated by hackers using the internet

Preach it, brother!

Mon 2012 Oct 1, 12:16am
On Ace of Spades

Larned m'lesson not to joke 'bout kosher. Oy vey!

Apparently Associated Press has already declared Obama (will be) the winner of the election... this is being reported as though fact

The problem with the electronic age is there's no hardcopy Dewey Beats Truman to hold up.

And with that, I leave you to your own... devices.

Gooooooooood night, gracies.
