Offsite Comments

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Wed 2012 Sep 26

Wed 2012 Sep 26, 11:53am
On PoliNation

Bah! This is eeyoring, really. "He can, in fact, still win." "The public… perceive him unwilling or unable to fight for victory." "He needs to hone his message. He needs to focus on the failings of this administration. But there is time and he can win." What's the basis of all these statements? Oh, worrah, worrah, worrah! We're going to lose if Romney doesn't this, that, or t'other.

What is Erick Erickson looking at? The polls which, as Chrissy illustrates so well, are full-out Dem machine propaganda? Surely not the 18,000 ghosts crammed into Obama's 5000-seat arena versus the thousands upon thousands cheering all the Romney and Ryan appearances? The ground reports on HillBuzz comport with the random reports I've seen posted from folks on Ace of Spades. Maybe I just spend too much time inside the echo chamber and don't have a grasp on the real "public perception," but I smell landslide of Reaganesque proportions.

My concerns lie outside the popularity contest. Election stealing, last-minute sweeping Executive Orders, the Homeland Security military brought into play under martial law. That tired old wreck and her worse-off husband may be ready to retire to Hawaii, yet the tyrant and his ilk won't leave without a fight. We'll look back nostalgically for the simpler days when the departing Clintonites took all the W's off the White House keyboards. And, as I recall, a good deal of the furniture.

Wed 2012 Sep 26, 11:13am
On PoliNation

I really like the way Cain stops the whole group, stares right into the camera and says, boldly, "There are no implications." Great lines. Great delivery. Even his 'I'm not angry,' and a little laugh were perfect. I'm glad he's out there!

Wed 2012 Sep 26, 11:08am
On PoliNation

I had actually thought to mix those vids (Jimi/Barry -- I may be unpersueded by the theory, but it's a hoot, and, of course, as good a guess as any). Hold not breath, as my way of getting to such things is kind-of random.

I want to do some quick short vids of the Pres, VP, Pelosi, DWS, and others' stupidest statements, each followed by... well, if I get it done, you'll see. The field is so fertile! Suggestions for stupidest remark to start with welcomed.

Looking at the last 30 days, I see my goofy "Great American Song" video has had two views each in Germany, France, and Saudi Arabia, and once each in the Czech Republic, Australia, Egypt, Italy, and Poland. What do you figure those folks were searching for, to come upon my vid? What do you suppose they expected when they ran it? OTOH, one websurfer in Taiwan watched the shorter, funnier "Obama's Gay Marriage Flip-Flops" video. Speaks to the cultural differences, I might imagine. :D

Wed 2012 Sep 26, 1:00am
On Ace of Spades

I had a really great thought about a super-hidden computer virus piggybacking, like on StuxNet, that could do some serious world-changing damage by... but then I thought, wow, I wonder if somebody did that, and if so, I probably don't want to talk about it. But it was a really great thought.

Now I must away so I can awaken in a future time, to coffee. And seven hungry critters. My little 20-sec video "[TFG] admits: Yes We Can't" in the nic.

Good night, Gracies.

Tue 2012 Sep 25

Tue 2012 Sep 25, 10:52pm
On HillBuzz

Howdy. Been away a good while. Been cycling back a little more lately. So much info, so little time, but dig we must. Good to see you in the thick of the fray, Mr DuJan. Best to you.

The Amazon map was interesting. I clicked on my state to see the top-selling books.

Call me a windmill-tilter, but I just don't like Right/Republican/Commie flag color, so I'm going to just use Right and Left, 'kay? Ours is a deep R state, and the books were about 70R/30L. Except, I noticed, the #1 seller was Dreams from Daddy. Now, that made me think, just because a book is deemed "L" by Amazon doesn't necessarily mean it's being ordered and read by L's. Lot's o' R's might be interested in O's fictional biography, doing their own research. I just saw a comment somewhere today mentioning how the L tends to read only their own while R's tend to read more widely.

So, another poll skewed L. Sorta-maybe. That's my 2c for the day. I made a silly 20-sec video called Yes We Can't. Click nic.

<Mr Rogers>Can you say "landslide," kids? I know you can.</Mr Rogers>

Tue 2012 Sep 25, 7:16pm
On Ace of Spades

[A]mericans need to learn that the rest of the world—and not just Muslims—see no sense in the First Amendment. Even other Western nations take a more circumspect position on freedom of expression than we do, realizing that often free speech must yield to other values and the need for order.

THE NEED FOR ORDER!!!11!! Order as set by the Greater Village Society. As set by because we say so. As set by mullahs and oligarchs and Big Brothers and Big Sisters and Big Nannys. ORDER! OUR ORDER! ON OUR TERMS! AND IF YOU OBJECT TO ANY ASPECT OF THIS, YOU ARE PART OF THE DISORDER!

"I won, John!"

Tue 2012 Sep 25, 1:54pm
On Ace of Spades

Romney walks out on stage wearing a suit of armor, smacks Obama over the head with a rubber chicken, and then walks off.


Junior high school, I think I'll run for some council position. My dad was a Republican Nat'l Committeeman. I've got pictures of him with Nixon, of Dad and Mom with Ike and Mamie, of me with Goldwater. Later, Dad would get a whole chapter of praise and gratitude in the autobiography of the state's first Republican governor. So I think he knows his stuff, so I ask dad what I should do for my speech. He just says something like, be sincere, be yourself.

It was really always Mom who helped me with my homework.

Come the speeches, I nervously stammer out some bland forgettable blather, to a response of less-than-crickets. After I sit down with face as burning as it had ever been, along comes Popular Kid, and he tells jokes and says thing like he'll run a "clean campaign" and throws little hotel bars of soap at the audience, who roar with laughter.

Very enlightening, politically. (Don't recall that I ever really got to talk to Dad about that experience. He's gone, forty-five years come January.) And that was the end of my political career. I went into the "business" of making posters for others, which I carried on doing through high school. And today (click nic).

But the point is:
1. Romney would make a suit of armor look good.
2. The rubber chicken should be wet.
3. The walk off should be slow and deliberate.
4. WIN!

Tue 2012 Sep 25, 12:16pm
On Ace of Spades

I'm so confused. Which thread is the real one and which one is the cheap imitation knockoff?

Romney in the debates: They've got to know the arena is rigged. Could it be any worse than the NAACP, though? He mostly got applause there. He's willing to meet this stuff head-on, it seems. Into the lion's den, with the Lord beside you! 60 Minutes! The View! Anything but Letterman!

By golly, I think I'm actually starting to warm up to Romney a bit.

OTOH, If Romney skipped the debates, and TFSCoaMF was forced to debate Romney's empty chair, my money would be on the empty chair for teh winz.

Tue 2012 Sep 25, 12:13pm
On PoliNation

I have only this comment on Ace to go by, no backup for it, but I thought it was interesting:

Aha - KT McFarland had the best explanation for why TFG isn't meeting with anyone at the UN - apparently if he does, then Romney will have the right to meet with them, too, and there is no way he wants those photo ops...

Posted by: George W Beagle at September 25, 2012 10:14 AM

[I'm glad normal HTML tags like links and blockquote work here. They don't at Ace and it's obnoxious. Hope this place never has to start restricting such things. BTW, is there some trick to putting an image in a message like the YouTube URLs automatically embed, or is that reserved for TPTB?]

Tue 2012 Sep 25, 11:30am
On PoliNation

Let’s give credit where credit is due! She had all the strength of an anemic three-year old, but she knew which end of the hammer to hold. Plus, she didn’t hit her thumb once! God bless her little self!

Tue 2012 Sep 25, 12:24am
On Ace of Spades

Acronym for the media?

I've been pushing for LaughingStock Media for, oh, maybe a year now. From LSM, whoever was using that for LameStream Media.

Currently, I'm thinking of something along the lines of Formerly-Mainstream Media. You know, to indicate their increasing obsolescence.

Really. Got to go.

Tue 2012 Sep 25, 12:01am
On Ace of Spades

Okay, pretty quickly deduced that wasn't the real. Kinda cool blowing-stuff-up video, though, we watched it all the way through. Figured, 6 miles away?

Brought to mind, though, had this been the real...

I'm not ready.

On which sweet thought I bid you all adieu, sayonara, arrividerci, vaya con dios, and remember to sign the English-only petition on the way out.

Mon 2012 Sep 24

Mon 2012 Sep 24, 11:57pm
On Ace of Spades

I am wondering if Doe Scent would do anything?
Posted by: not gonna do it, wouldn't be prudent at September 24, 2012 11:38 PM

Dammit! You gave away the secret! Shhh.

Mon 2012 Sep 24, 11:25pm
On Ace of Spades

USS Diversity at September 24, 2012 10:35 PM

Rip off and put in the to-be-shredded sack only the address label and any parts with your personal info. Throw the rest in the trash or burn pile. ecologically correct recycling bins, sorted according to stock weight and whether it's plain or glossy paper.

(Watch out for the junk mail that puts your name across contents.)

(We've had a little rain, but I think we're still under a burn ban. Man, that was a long, dry summer.)

Mon 2012 Sep 24, 11:12pm
On Ace of Spades

Wait how did I miss that it was no-fap September? Start over.

Mon 2012 Sep 24, 11:09pm
On Ace of Spades

"Cleaning a toilet

This one seems dreadful but it's literally a 5 minute job. I think people are just grossed out because it's a toilet. Honestly just wash your hands when you're done it's not a big deal. We're talking 5 minutes, once a week year, here. Is that so tough?"


Mon 2012 Sep 24, 11:03pm
On Ace of Spades

Did someone ask for Pamela Anderson's elbow? NSFW

Mon 2012 Sep 24, 10:53pm
On Ace of Spades

Eye candy. That's what we want in a president.

I got carried away and made this little graphic of Joy, Whoopie, and What-Me-Worry. (click the nic)

Mon 2012 Sep 24, 12:32am
On Ace of Spades

I've got "Freak Out and Run in Circles" printed out and posted up on the office wall. Looks great. Except that the printer's screwy and it came out graple instead of red. But looks great. Gracias a Merovign!

I needed that.

Sun 2012 Sep 23

Sun 2012 Sep 23, 5:43pm
On Ace of Spades

I just want to point out that
Posted by: Peggy Nooner at September 23, 2012 01:21 PM
has a hash tag of IoNBC.
This means something!
