Offsite Comments

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Thu 2012 Jul 12

Thu 2012 Jul 12, 11:25pm
On Ace of Spades

$#!+ Ain't even got that.

Thu 2012 Jul 12, 5:45pm
On PoliNation

I thought maybe I could say, here's a non-political laugh for folks, but then I thought...

Is this the future of transportation under Ray LaHood?
(Link from commenter kbdabear at Ace)

Wow. Ray is fourteenth in the Presidential line of succession, FYI, per Wikipedia. 8O

Wed 2012 Jul 11

Wed 2012 Jul 11, 7:10pm
On Ace of Spades

Best case, treaties would be tied up in courts for ages. Legally absurd they could trump the Constitution, of course.

BUT... worst case is in office, so, Constitution be damned, Big O will implement whatever he pleases, as a long chain of abuses and usurpations has shown. Or as was said above, "anyone citing law and saying 'this will never happen' must not have been paying attention. Obama will do anything.. ANYTHING."

I know they said there would be no math, but this is just simple addition, folks... This was mentioned over at where I lifted the list of Republicans who might consider selling out America, used below. (My comment on MB didn't post, but anyway Ace's place has more boobehs.)

I can be reasonably sure Tom and Jim won't vote for these. Problem with living in such a bastion of conservatism is, I can't vote out the folks from elsewhere.

So, let's take inventory. We need 2/3rds of the Senators, or (counting on fingers & toes) 66.

51 Democrat Senators who won't give a damn

Senators we can count on to sell America out
52 Lindsey Graham (SC)
53 John McCain (AZ)
54 Dick Lugar (IN)
55 Olympia Snowe (ME)
56 Lamar Alexander (TN)
57 Bernie Sanders (VT)

Senators I'm not sure but don't have a good feeling about
58 Kay Bailey Hutchison (TX)
59 Scott Brown (MA)
60 Lisa Murkowski (AK)
61 How would ol' Joe Lieberman vote, d'ya think? (CT)

Ten little RINOs I don't know much about, but you only need 50% of them to pound the nails into the coffin.
Mike Enzi (WY)
Mike Johanns (NE)
Kelly Ayotte (NH)
Mark Kirk (IL)
Susan Collins (ME)
Johnny Isakson (GA)
Chuck Grassley (IA)
Rob Portman (OH)
Bob Corker (TN)
Thad Cochran (MS)

Corrections/changes to the list? By my count, America's screwed again.

Wed 2012 Jul 11, 12:09pm
On Lost Issues

Egad! The potential team-ups of Trek and Lantern alone could take over Lost Issues! Good thing you just lumped them all together in this one.

Well, maybe you could just do Worf and Kilowog. That sounds cool. (How it begins....)

Embarrassed to say I had to have my son point out the yellow power ring!

[Ross replies] The ring was a last-minute addition, but I think it makes the cover. I am glad to hear you share the site with your son!

[Mindful replies:] Oh, sure, Ross. My wife and I, our daughter, and both our sons, all allegedly grown-ups, are all old comics fans, raised right on original Ditko and Kirby. Therefore we all enjoy your work. When you get a hit from us, it counts as five (like they used to say about Mad's pass-around readership).

Wed 2012 Jul 11, 11:57am
On Arlo and Janis

The figure I remember was nineteen minutes. Time it takes an ICBM to get from USSR to USA.

"We thought we'd be blown away any day." Yeah. Good times, good times. :/

Tue 2012 Jul 10

Tue 2012 Jul 10, 8:49pm
On Ace of Spades

They must be convinced to cover them in sand. Preserved for a generation that cares.

Wait... Sharia in Oklahoma... what?

Tue 2012 Jul 10, 7:00pm
On PoliNation

Communist News Network
All-Barack Channel
Nothing But Crap
Controlled By Socialists
Propaganda By Sorors
Know your acronyms and you won't be surprised by their output.

Weirdest thing is to be listening to the local talk radio station, local or the Big Names, then they cut in every half-hour with ABC radio "news." And you know, when they changed from Fox to ABC, I didn't even notice.

Fake Nationalistic Nonsense?

Tue 2012 Jul 10, 2:22pm
On PoliNation

I struggled for much longer than the 13 second video deserved, but I could not get it to work. Maybe later. Meanwhile, here's the audio, much less impressive. Siiigh. Webworking is haaard!

Obama Tried (MP3)

In a page at my place not worth going to.

Mon 2012 Jul 9

Mon 2012 Jul 9, 8:01pm
On PoliNation

A graphic I thought folks here might appreciate (if you haven't seen this already):

The proper way to remove a bloodsucker

c/o SR at Moonbattery

Sun 2012 Jul 8

Sun 2012 Jul 8, 5:47pm
On Ace of Spades

Oh, I see #170 took care of that already.

Sun 2012 Jul 8, 5:43pm
On Ace of Spades

166 So first Andy Griffith. Now Ernest Borgnine.Who's next?
Posted by: The Number Three at July 08, 2012 05:16 PM (Yf1mR)

Nope, he's still alive.

Sun 2012 Jul 8, 4:40pm
On Ace of Spades

Well, crud. Tried to correct a word with an s in brackets and munged the rest of the post. Still readable, though, right? Okay. :/

Sun 2012 Jul 8, 4:39pm
On Ace of Spades

Folks, as long as I'm hanging around, may I use the book thread, just this once, to plug a couple of books I'm related to? (At least, I don't remember plugging them before.) Specifically, they are the words of my late mother-in-law, as told to or compiled by Mrs Webworker's older brother. I'm going to cut'n'paste from Amazon about them. (from-Ace Amazon search)
On the Home Front: My Mother's Story of Everyday American Life from Prohibition Through WW II by Mary Jo Clark as told to Jack Clark

"Jack Clark's wondrous celebration of his working-class mother and her natural gifts as a storyteller has touched me deeply.
"Hooray for Mary Jo Ryan Clark and her boy Jack." --Studs Terkel

"The book itself is a marvel of writerly restraint... Some are private moments--being 4 years old, getting shiny new shoes and remembering looking down at them as she toed circles in the sawdust on a butcher shop floor.
"Other brushes against history--news of Pearl Harbor, or the Dorchester, a World War II troop ship sunk off the coast of Greenland. It was famous for the four chaplains who gave up their life vests to other sailors, but Bill, who was dating Mary Jo's younger sister, wasn't one of the lucky survivors...
"The books strength is that it doesn't stoop to Greatest Generation mythologizing. The Clarks are real people, and Mary Jo doesn't try to make them heroes."
--Chicago Sun-Times

And we just a couple of days ago got our copy of this one. (Ace-linked Amazon search)
Private Path: The Desk Calendars of Mary Jo Ryan 1937--1943 by Jack Clark, Mary Jo Ryan and Mary Jo Clark
When Mary Jo Clark died at age 90, she left behind a library that nobody knew existed. In the back of a desk drawer, and in a sealed carton, her children found seven desk calendars, chronicling the years 1937 to 1943. On thousands of three by four inch pages, Mary Jo tells the story of her young adulthood. But it's also the story of her generation, which has been dubbed 'The Greatest Generation.' Raised in the Great Depression, they came of age just in time for World War II. It's a story of faith and family, of hard work and of a hunger for education and advancement; a story of wartime separations and tragedy, and a love story too.

Thought some here might be interested. I hope those Ace-Amazon links work. If not, return to Go, do not collect $200, and roll again.

Sun 2012 Jul 8, 4:23pm
On PoliNation

The web cartoonist getting sued by some litigious lawyer raised many times the amount asked (none went to the lawyer; he photographed the money and sent that, then gave the money to charity). The lady on the bus bullied by the kids got oodles of boodlesin days, to send her on a vacation... I think it was $200K last I heard; nice vacation. They keep raising Zimmerman's bail and he keeps meeting it. Think this believer's going to have to raise the money all by himself? The wonders of the Intertubz! Not long ago, none of these people could have found that kind of support. Now, "the principle of the thing" can matter more.

Sun 2012 Jul 8, 4:19pm
On Ace of Spades

I finally read a book.

Sat out on the front porch in the relative cool of the early morning with my faithful pooch, cup of coffee, and the last chapters of Angel's Rest by Charles Davis, passed along to me by Mrs Webworker.

Charlie grew up in a dying West Virginia coal town, in rustic idyll, until his father's death turned the town against his mother. Written from Charlie's point of view. Good feel for the time and place and the language. Some good characters. The wise old ethnic fellow is a stereotype (black man in this case), but he's well written. I'm glad I figured out whodunnit before the big reveal; I'm not good at mysteries, but it was pretty obvious by the time I got there. And it didn't have the horrific turn in the end that I thought it might've.

I thought I was reading a grown-up book until I got to the "discussion guide questions" at the end. Wonder how an author feels about that. You think you're writing a serious novel, and then your work is reduced to a classroom exercise students will deplore because it's forced upon them. Then again, if it means you sell more books, I guess you cry all the way to the bank.
If I did it right, this link should take you to the search page for the book at Amazon, using Ace's code.

Sun 2012 Jul 8, 3:34pm
On Ace of Spades

"On this day in 1776 the first pubic reading of the Declaration of Independence occurred."

Say, I attempted to collect the "reading" of the Declaration on the Jul 3 ONT, posted at my place, if anyone is interested. It wasn't completed. but I thought it was kinda cool, as far as it went.

Sun 2012 Jul 8, 1:37pm
On War News Updates

Linked at my place

Bring back the draft? Um, no, thanks. Well, only if it's (a) universal with (b) no deferments and (c) we start with relatives of Congresscritters.

Sun 2012 Jul 8, 12:39pm
On Weird Universe

My how time flies. I wasn't here right at the start, but soon after. Happy birthday, Weird Universe, you old weirdo you!

Patty, the guys look just like I expected, but you look nothing like I imagined. Except maybe the smile. :D

Sun 2012 Jul 8, 12:30pm
On Comics Curmudgeon

Not to get all theology nazi on your curmudgeonliness, but just in case nobody else mentioned it already, Deity knowledge of Crankshaft's innermost cesspools probably ought not be "omnipotence" but "omniscience." "Omnipotence" is when the Almighty squashes Crank like a bug.

Sun 2012 Jul 8, 12:13pm
On PoliNation

[graphic by chrissythehyphenated]

Ooo, I gotta linky from chrissy! Almost makes me feel real. :? Just to be clear, as with videos, feel free to repost any of my little mindlessful photo remixes & other graphic type efforts.

'The feds bought two, but might lend one to the GOP nominee'? That's not only hilariously demeaning, I can just imagine how many bugs they'd put in that bus! (Listening devices, if not bedbugs.)
