Offsite Comments

Page 735 of 760, comments 14681 - 14700 of 15193

Sat 2012 Jul 7

Sat 2012 Jul 7, 7:45pm
On Weasel Zippers

Beware the drones and a whiff of Tiennaman Square indeed. Copied this classic picture to my own little site, below a photo remix of my own of Darth Vadermobile.

Obama Bus Tour Didn't Gamble on American-Made

Sat 2012 Jul 7, 7:17pm
On PoliNation

Not new news, but since he's on the road again and someone mentioned it, and since I happened to do this photo remix thingy today....
Obama Bus Tour Didn't Gamble on American-Made

Sat 2012 Jul 7, 6:04pm
On Weird Universe

"The flip open communicators were very like modern cell phones are."

The flip-style was based on Trek. But...

Modern teen: Hey, dood, Nice retro cell! You got 4g?

Captain Kirk: Huh?

Teen: What's the bitrate on video downloads?

Kirk: Um, I don't get video.

Teen: What? Well, what do you have? You can at least Google, right?

Kirk: Um... phone service and, uh, GPS. Oh, and I can talk to the operator at the computer on the ship.

Teen: !!!!!!

Absolutely no one imagined what the cell would do. Nor even now imagine what its descendents will do.

I am so glad I live in the future.

Fri 2012 Jul 6

Fri 2012 Jul 6, 12:06am
On Ace of Spades

You don't have to be anti-vaccination to oppose the government's insistence on its methods. Government mandates one rule, one size fits all. How is that right? We did not follow the gummint's timetable. We worked with our doctor on what we did when to minimize the impact of the vaccinations. Of course, we didn't have them in school, either. Outside government's narrow range of proper purpose, there's just nothing good that government involvement can't make worse.

But that Schneider guy sounds like an idiot. I hate it when bedfellows are that strange. So to speak.

Thu 2012 Jul 5

Thu 2012 Jul 5, 6:46pm
On PoliNation

Several websites are private, eg for tech discussioTaking up most of my time has been a site for our old family music and food business, which was long dormant, and which we've been struggling to revive and bring into the age of YouTube. We have a mountain of great video to edit, lots of old, some new, but we don't quite havTaking up most of my time has been a site for our old family music and food business, which was long dormant, and which we've been struggling to revive and bring into the age of YouTube. We have a mountain of great video to edit, lots of old, some new, but we don't quite have the computer power to do what we're trying to do. 'Twas ever thus, as I push to the limits every creaky old piece of equipment I've ever had. And then there's that pesky little matter of revenue....

Some of the old rock is pretty raunchy. Mrs & I as the grown-ups used to say we were glad we couldn't make out many of the punk bands' lyrics. Not so easy to ignore when you're editing them with headphones years later! (We haven't got to our bluegrass night tapes yet.) I post a nice safe jazzy piece for your entertainment.

Thu 2012 Jul 5, 6:07pm
On Ace of Spades

A somewhat related follow up to those who kept abreast [ahem] of a previous ONT

Let the debate continue...

Thu 2012 Jul 5, 4:33pm
On PoliNation

“When I look at the Republicans, I am tempted to dismiss them as the Treason Party. Seriously, were a band of traitors to concoct a series of positions deliberately designed to weaken America, they would be hard pressed to beat the current GOP dogma — hobble education, starve the government by slashing taxes to the rich, kneecap attempts to jumpstart the economy by fixating on debt, invite corporations to dominate political discourse, balkanize the population by demonizing minorities and immigrants and let favored religions dictate social policy.”
—Neil Steinberg, in a Chicago-Sun Times column called “Happy Fourth of July to the Treason Party”
c/o Left of the Mark quotes

The liberal playbook Rules for Radicals in play. Blame your opponent for what you're doing. What's amazing is, there's two varieties, the ones who know they're lying and the ones who believe the lies; trying to imagine the cognitive dissonance of the latter is harder than the former because the greed of the liars is something we can all understand, but the credulity of the inculcated believers is incomprehensibly pathetic.

Let me reverse these to reveal the real party of treason: "Were a band of traitors to concoct a series of positions deliberately designed to weaken America, they would be hard pressed to beat the current GOP Progressive dogma — hobble take over and corrupt education, starve bloat the government by slashing taxes to the rich raising taxes on everybody, kneecap attempts to jumpstart the economy by fixating on catastrophically increasing debt... and so on.

Thu 2012 Jul 5, 3:09pm
On Weird Universe

This device was quite ahead of its time. This is the original auric field perambulator, but its modern counterpart, the Bovinescat-CRP, has now been found to be so reliable a method of transactional obfuscation, it will be the centerpiece of diagnosis and treatment under the new government medical laws.

Auric Perambulator>a?

Wed 2012 Jul 4

Wed 2012 Jul 4, 11:09pm
On PoliNation

Hope y'all had yourselves a liberty-lovin' little Independence Day! We all gathered at Mom's for her 92nd Independence Day. Baked beans, swimming, and friends and relations. God grant future generations will know what we know.

Here's a two-fer for the 4th. Andy Griffith + American History. (h/t Cuz BD)

Wed 2012 Jul 4, 9:19pm
On Ace of Spades

[Did the Declaration continue on another thread, or...?]

He has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of Representation in the Legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only.
He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their public Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures.
He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people.


threw away 5.2 Trillion to no effect;
wouldn't even allow people to put out deterrents in the water to stave off oil from reaching the shore after the big spill in the Gulf;
terminated the U.S. Space Program;
sent U.S. troops into Libya without Congressional approval;
helped arm the Muslim Brotherhood in Libya;
gave almost a billion, probably more to the Palestinians/A.K.A. Hamas;
didn't do a thing when the Iranian people rose up against their Islamic regime;
is dismantling the U.S. nuclear program and nukes;
gave Russia military secrets;
abandoned Poland;
is allowing Russian troops on American soil;
Russia/U.S. joint military exercises on land and sea;
allowing illegals the right to stay in America, despite Congress saying they can't....

(List ripped off from commenter Joanne at Gateway Pundit -- feel free to add to it)

Plus, he ate dog.

Wed 2012 Jul 4, 9:01pm
On Comics Curmudgeon

I'm with the Flagstons. Fireworks, yeah. Crowds -- lost my taste for masses of humanity living in Chicago for 14 years. I'll sit over here, thanks.

On the other hand, the fireworks are in the background and the Flagstons all seem to be looking panel-left. Guess they've got their own "fireworks" going on, IYKWIMAIDMIYD.

Wed 2012 Jul 4, 8:02pm
On Ace of Spades

Heh. Hey, GGE (as if anybody is watching the butt-end of the thread): Glenn Miller was a bit before my time, yet although I didn't follow your Glenn Miller links, I couldn't get the sound out of my head the whole time I was reading the ONT!

So now I'm listening to

438 You missed the Glenn Miller Festival earlier.
Any relation to Steve Miller?

When you say Dylan, he thinks you're talking about Dylan Thomas,
Whoever he was.
The man ain't got no culture...
-P Simon

Wed 2012 Jul 4, 12:54am
On Ace of Spades

Just a drive-by comment. Says here in my newsfeed I'm 187 Ace of Spades posts behind. It's been much longer. I miss the place. The smell of cigar smoke. The sandwich crusts in the couch.

Going to be going down tomorrow with the fam to celebrate my mom's 92nd Independence Day. Baked beans. Swimming. Drunken relatives trying to pick fights. Tradition!

Here's a couple webworks I've been doing while you were away. No, wait, I was away.

Napolitano fixes it for us

Judge Roberts - He's Your Worst Nightmare

Obamacare Tax for Dummies

Nice to visit again.
Hope I can come back to stay longer.

Tue 2012 Jul 3

Tue 2012 Jul 3, 4:26pm
On Moonbattery

Heh. Bo, there was a (cleaned-up) depiction of this in a comic book once... which began a series always held in high regard by comics fans. In retrospect, that story, February 1970, may have been the precise moment when America lost its will. Along with a certain green ring-weilder. :D

Tue 2012 Jul 3, 3:46pm
On PoliNation

Siiigh. Same problem with all such boycotts. We'd have to go out to buy Hallmark Cards first, so we can quit them.

Wonder how many cafepress-style gift cards and photo sites where you can order cards, and.. what's Chrissy's store's URL? Give a grad a hyphenated graphic. That'll teach em! Or grab any image from the web and print your own. 24# card stock is nice. Or make sure you don't have to include money, send an e-card. :D

Tue 2012 Jul 3, 1:00pm
On PoliNation

Welcome back, Pete. It was a long weekend without you. (Chrissy, I was going to respond on your open thread, but... :D )

"I get the sense [Roberts] knew what he was doing..."

Well, maybe not, according to that kook Michael Savage (as reported on that wacky World Net Daily: …after Roberts suffered a seizure, doctors were weighing whether to treat him with powerful drugs with “troubling side effects,” including mental slowing and forgetfulness. … “if you look at Roberts’ writings you can see the cognitive disassociation in what he is saying.”

Crazed justices on drugs, next on Jerry Springer.

He's your worst nightmare

Mon 2012 Jul 2

Mon 2012 Jul 2, 4:28pm
On Gateway Pundit

Had to copy Joanne's great list to my own little links list. Acknowledging that this is just the tip of the iceberg, what a great demonstraton of how easy it is to call up dozens of his crimes without half trying! [not immediately published]

Mon 2012 Jul 2, 4:08pm
On Moonbattery

Okay, class. Summer school is in session. It's going to be explosive! You could even say, it'll be a riot! So, social studies students, here's the first lesson: Why was George Zimmerman not beaten worse, possibly to death?

A. Police came quickly.
B. Neighbors ran to his aid.
C. Trayvon was just a precious, innocent little kid with no martial-arts training, no racist gangsta attitude, and no drugs in his system.
D. You know damn well why.
E. The mobs won't care.

Mon 2012 Jul 2, 2:57pm
On Weird Universe

"The spirits demand too many cows, buffaloes, and trinkets." -- Economic salvation wins again.

Min. golf: Seriously, I want to build the most outrageous miniature golf course in the world, doing everything they say we can't. (Except for the handicapped-friendly holes, of course -- I'm not agin' handicapped access, just ol' Big Nanny.)

Miss November: Image and video search provide us with more than adequate proof of these "extraordinary abilities." Praise the web!

Nellie proof: Okay, that's weird, even for Creationists. I wonder, is her existence or lack thereof the proof? I'll go read the article. Naw, y'know what, I don't wonder that much.

1 Nessie 3:17 And behold, verily, the Creators dood tooketh the snake what had beeneth in the Garden, blowedth him up real big, gave him swim fins, and plonked him in Scotland as punishment.

No, I'm NOT going to look at the 5 inch-worm link, either!

Sun 2012 Jul 1

Sun 2012 Jul 1, 3:19pm
On Weird Universe

Oy, mates! And that's why y' need Geeko Ant Insurance!
