Offsite Comments

Page 736 of 760, comments 14701 - 14720 of 15193

Sun 2012 Jul 1

Sun 2012 Jul 1, 12:20pm
On The Sussman Show

Y’gotta wonder: are the mechanical parrots really that duped, or just happily participating in the lie? Either way, pathetically sad.

They play the race card like good mechanical parrots. ALAN WEST FOR PRESIDENT! He’s blacker! Oh, I mean “Africaner.” (That’s the first one I noticed — as many have pointed out, nobody used “African” as a race in 1961, but I’m willing to examine any proof to the contrary. Comparison with other contemporary Hawaii BCs would be useful.)

The mechanical parrot keeps picking out the weakest, lamest points, ones I also found weak and lame, from the Smoking Gun article. Some of these are possibly nothing, like the small-font M being pre-printed on the form: good possible explanation (we need a comparison form, again, of course). Oh, but the photoshopping artifacts, what about those, parrot? What about why hide it, let a soldier get jailed, divide the nation, all so he can laugh at “birthers”? What about, if he had released this mess at the first, probably nobody would have taken so hard a look. Bracko has even more Machiavelli than Marx about him. They release a bizarrely obvious forgery which (1) they know the Constitutionalists will quickly see right through, but (2) will make all the blind mechanical parrots dance and laugh at how right the Big 0 was that even this (propaganda ploy) wouldn’t satisfy the Constitutionalists. The President isn’t just unqualifed. He is unfit in every regard.

Sat 2012 Jun 30

Sat 2012 Jun 30, 11:17pm
On Out of Order

Hi. New to your blog. Got here by way of the Breitbart pic posted at Looking Glass. I liked this pic so much, I've added it prominently (linked to here) to my political album Radical Incline. Hope that's okay

Sat 2012 Jun 30, 9:34pm
On Urantia Student

Thanks for the link, Mike. I've linked back to this page. :Don at Mindful Webworks.

I hear you on the moral battle. It's just something we have to keep working on, overcoming moral confusion in our programming. And accepting forgiveness as we forgive others.

Sat 2012 Jun 30, 2:14pm
On PoliNation

Aw! I don't see a Saturday Grudge to attach this to, so this looks like as good a place as any. Sort-of related topic. Hope that's okay.

Cuz BD posted this video of a colleague of his, under the heading "My Colleague Mr. Small Has Had About All the Hope and Change He Can Stand"

Sat 2012 Jun 30, 1:28pm
On Weird Universe

Hey, I have this on my right ear. Maybe. I have more of a notch than a bump, but I can see it being the same thing. Never gave it a thought, just aware of it when washing my ears, etc., right? Then one day, I'm sitting there, holding my hours-old firstborn, in awe while admiring the little miracle, checking her over, and before my mind actually registers the reaction, I see a little notch in her little ear, and realize my finger is already up to my own ear's familiar notch. Hard to explain the feeling. Dad bonding. :D

Sat 2012 Jun 30, 12:42pm
On PoliNation

Er, ah, well, not that I'd admit, after spending 16 hours a day on our eight websites. I know *our* tech. Sort-of. :D Got a specific question?

Here's a vital document everyone with tech problems (which is everyone, right?) should print out and post by the computer.

Sat 2012 Jun 30, 12:32pm
On PoliNation

Speaking of keeping it classy, the late Sonny Bono's loving, tasteful, prejudice-free ex-spouse twitted this yesterday:
"I Feel if he doesn't get all his DUCKS IN A ROW we'll b forced 2 listen 2Uncaring Richy Rich! The whitest man in MAGIC UNDERWEAR in the WH"

Now, usually when airheads bleat, I ignore it, but the "Richy Rich" part got me wondering about net worth. So I asked Professor Google, "cher's net worth"? I found out it's only a paltry, poverty-level six hundred million dollars. (But she's so worth every cent. And the beat goes on. And the beat goes on. Drums keep poundin' rhythm to the bra-a-ain. Lawdy dawdy dee. Lawdy dawdy die.)

Then I asked Prof. Google, "romney's net worth"? Why, would you believe that stinking filthy richy-rich is worth two hundred million dollars! With that kind of outrageous wealth, he just can't identify with the common working man the way Chaz Bono's mommy can. (And of course it's all ill-gotten Bain gains, defrauded from the workingman.)

I'd vote for Romney's underwear
before I'd listen to übercher!

Fri 2012 Jun 29

Fri 2012 Jun 29, 1:22pm
On PoliNation

Just as an experiment, I've created a playlist of the videos posted here today. Maybe PoliNation should have its own YouTube channel? One MORE thing to maintain, right? Don't know if I could do this regularly. Hence, experiment.

PoliNation Posts 2012-06-29
Videos posted on PoliNation 2012 June 29, usually by Pistol Pete
(On my site:

Fri 2012 Jun 29, 1:22pm
On PoliNation

Copied for posterity (and possible mining for gaffes & laffes usable in video mockery), but… couldn't watch it.

Fri 2012 Jun 29, 12:29pm
On PoliNation

Hah! Mafia Rose, I read Pete's post, went & read the article, highlighted some paragraphs I thought would be worth highlighting here, and... scrolled down to see you had copied the exact same paragraphs!

The inmates have truly taken over the asylum.

Thu 2012 Jun 28

Thu 2012 Jun 28, 4:35pm
On The Looking Spoon


When our first was born, this is just what we did. Of course, we had a weekly diaper service that came to our door, took a bag of smelly away, and left us a bag of clean. Wouldn't've wanted to be that truck driver in a summer heat wave like now, but it was great!

My only trepidation with the plan was fasteners, knowing dutiful Dad would surely be poking my babies with the saftety pins. Modren Science to the Rescue! Velcro-closer diaper covers! Had to wash those, occasionally, when there was an over-the-top problem, but mostly it was far easier than lugging home a box of huggies. Plus, when the kid learns to stand there, unfasten the closers, let the diaper drop, and pee on it, it's a sign it's potty-training time!

Disposables are probably more biodegradable now, but initially they were not real enviro-friendly. Having an even-better alternative (and as a gift from Gramma as well), we had good little green glows inside about it.

Then we had twins. We tried the diaper service thing at first, but pretty soon we decided, parents of multiples get a pass on the whole green thing. Disposables all the rest of the way!

Thu 2012 Jun 28, 4:10pm
On PoliNation

Here's a couple of images I found.

Obama vs Romney, the college years — surely, Chrissy has already posted this?

Got Peace through Strength? — a surprising physique!


No ID to vote is a right? Then...

Cut and paste from the local forecast: 103.2 °F. Feels Like 107 °F, In three days, maybe some storms and a chilly dip into the 90s. Then back up in the hundred-ands, with more humidity, 'cause of the storms, I'm sure. I'm thinking it's going to be a long, hot summer. In a lot of ways.

Thu 2012 Jun 28, 3:14pm
On PoliNation

No one can replace Pete, but while he's off getting Supremely drunk, I offer a few tidbits which maybe weren't posted here already. (Or, for all I can keep track, I got them from here!)

Vietnam Veterans Outraged Over Navy Christening Of USS Jane Fonda
Ms. Fonda made a statement prior to the launch, saying, “I dedicate this ship to the brave men who fought and died in Vietnam, especially those in the 66th Viet Cong Regiment.”


Thu 2012 Jun 28, 3:09pm
On PoliNation

Now, now. Don’t worry, folks. We just have to have a majority in the Senate and the house House of Constitution-respecting representatives, replace the oaf in the Oval Office likewise, and all this nonsense can be purged away. Then, in five, ten, maybe fifteen years, we’ll have rebuilt our industrial and energy base, restored our clobbered medical and insurance systems, repealed out-of-bounds regulatory agencies, and repaired (some of) the budgetary damage. See? Simple! Let’s get to work!

Wed 2012 Jun 27

Wed 2012 Jun 27, 3:01pm
On PoliNation

1st contest in that Blaze article was our district. Didn't care much for our incumbent, but the more the campaign went on, the less there was to favor the challenger. The incumbent was weak, somewhat RINOish. The challenger trumpeted his tea party, religious, family values and military service credits while smearing the other guy. Couldn't tell you his own intentions, though. After all the times I voted against him when he was the Inevitable Winner, this time the incumbent got my vote, even though — or actually because — I expected the challenger to win. Which he did. Let his corruption commence! :/

Wed 2012 Jun 27, 2:49pm
On PoliNation

Cute, yes. And impressive work. I see the creator has a bunch of these with Obama. They all look to be notably devoid of a political angle. So, not as impressive as, say, I am Barack, I'm the Messiah, or, my favorite,
Taxman Obama vs Rx.

Pete, izzat you in those photos? You look just like your icon!

Wed 2012 Jun 27, 2:16pm
On PoliNation

I'm not sure your reference to GlobWarmers makes sense in this context. If we had the conditions the world was in then, it would be catastrophic for current coastal civilization the world over. That isn't going to happen suddenly, of course; that's just how the glaciers melt, the oceans rise (despite Obama), and currents change, between ice ages. I can't really relate this to the AnthroGenClimeChange theory because... well, simply because there's nothing to the AnthroGen part.

$#!+ happens. Also, climate changes. The big changes are caused by the cosmic rays from the sun and the stars, which lift the clouds and that causes cooling. Or the inverse. The sun's effect varies irregularly depending on how it's feeling this year or decade. The stars we pass by every 25,000 years or so really whip up the clouds so we get ice ages. We're slowly on the orbit back to that after a nice long interregnum from the ice.

"The science is settled." That's a nice, reliable, predictable cycle, although the actual temperature age-to-age could be temporarily affected by your random supervolcano, significant asteroid impact, or large-scale nuclear war. Little variables like that throw your nice regular patterns right off.

All this is just off the top o' me ol' faulty noggin'. Tell me I'm wrong on any of the details and I'll believe you. But I think I got the basics.

Alaskan temperatures would depend on multiple variables, like whether you're in an ice age or not, but especially important is ocean flow. These days, Europe is warmed by the Atlantic currents flowing up from the South. If that shifts just a bit, they get a lot colder, real fast. When the ice wasn't there, the warm Pacific currents breached right on through up to the Arctic Circle. So, considerably farther North has always meant colder, but only relative to the general oceanic ambiance.

But yeah, that was one impressive bit of research! Thanks for passing it along.

[Oh my. Where did all those words come from. Good grief.]

Wed 2012 Jun 27, 1:48pm
On PoliNation

"Why is [Obama] lying about this?"

Bwahahah! You shouldn't leave easy openings like that lying around. The answers were so many, they crowded up in my brain and none made it out.

Tue 2012 Jun 26

Tue 2012 Jun 26, 9:32pm
On ComicMix

My kids will attest that I've always said, the loudest, most horrifying sound effect ever in a comic was a tiny little "snap." Sometimes Marvel's hard realism sucked. "Not an imaginary story" as they said at DC (nowadays called 'alternate worlds'). We knew the hero hadn't saved the girl!

But, they got over those days and cloned her. [Had blocked it out... all ... out...]

Tue 2012 Jun 26, 6:08pm
On PoliNation

One of the reasons Reagan is the boogeyman for the homoculturals is his alleged opposition to AIDS research. I did one of my lightly-researched articles about this here. I'm sure you'll be shocked to know that the narrative doesn't fit the facts.

Whatever you think of homosexuality morally or spiritually, just think about the folks who are "only" homosexual, and not like these creeps waving their IQ numbers in front of Reagan's portrait, or the obscene paraders, or others whose perversions go far beyond mere homosexuality, saying they represent homosexuals. Must be like being a thinking black person listening to Sharpton, Jackson, and Farrahkhan!

They should be flipping off Obama. By mere association, he's surely set the cause of acceptance of homosexuality back 100 years! :D
